HAARP facilities in Alaska went "online" in 1994. Building was SUPPOSEDLY completed in 2007 (however, recent photographs suggest miles of new grid has been installed SINCE 2007, although HAARP denies this). Since then, there has been an increase in bizarre weather pattern shifts and earthquake (including "Mega-Quake") activity. See the below videos and links and then ask yourself: Could it be true? Are HAARP-like ELF waves triggering earthquakes around the world? Hugo Chavez thinks so...How about you? Watch the below videos. Then YOU decide.
1) Photographic evidence of what appears to be a global-wide, multi-national coordination of HAARP-type facilities and technology. But for what purpose? And why is this all being done as part of a world-wide "Black Ops" strategy?
2) Dr. Brooks Agnew explains and demonstrates how ELF waves can cause earthquakes - THIS IS MUST SEE VIDEO IF YOU CARE AT ALL ABOUT THE GLOBAL FATE OF HUMANITY.
3) Hugo Chavez said he believed that the Haiti earthquake was caused by HAARP
4) H. R. 2977, presented to the House of Representatives in October 2001, there is specific mention of 'tectonic weapons'.
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Saturday, April 30, 2011
Do "Black Ops" (HAARP) Tectonic Weapons Really Exist? Are These Weapons Causing Severe Weather and Earthquakes Around The World? Educate Yourself - Then YOU Be The Judge! (Links and Videos)
Agenda 21,
Black Ops,
Dr. Brooks Agnew,
H.R. 2077,
Haiti Earthquake,
Hugo Chavez,
Mass Extermination,
Nasa Project Blue Beam,
HAARP Rings Observed on Intellicast BEFORE Tornados Ravaged Mississippi and Alabama - You Need To Be Informed - HAARP IS REAL!
ATTENTION READERS: Please refer to new video on post dated May 03, 2011 if you want to better understand the science behind HAARP and Project Blue Beam's "Black Ops" technology.
Now, watch the below video - This was put online BEFORE the tornados hit the Southern United States this week (over TWO HUNDRED OF THEM!!!) This guy, Dutchsinse, predicts severe weather patterns by identifying HAARP rings on the Intellicast Weather Radar system. Here is his broadcast, and his warning to the South, BEFORE the tornados ravaged several towns and killed several people. Again, this guy has had 100% accuracy this month predicting severe weather / tornados. That's 100% accuracy - All by identifying HAARP rings. He can even name the exact town the tornado will hit in some cases!
Next, watch the two Youtube links with CNN footage / reporting of the tornados as they rip through the South, which you can find near the bottom of this post. Then tell me HAARP is not real. And, if you agree that there is even a chance HAARP is behind the destructive weather patterns ravaging the United States at this time (and also around the world), then what can concerned citizens do to try and stop this horrifying and deadly "Black Ops" program? I will be addressing this very question later on this blog.
CNN Footage of Tornados ripping through the South: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jf7aTe8xtCg
Now, watch the below video - This was put online BEFORE the tornados hit the Southern United States this week (over TWO HUNDRED OF THEM!!!) This guy, Dutchsinse, predicts severe weather patterns by identifying HAARP rings on the Intellicast Weather Radar system. Here is his broadcast, and his warning to the South, BEFORE the tornados ravaged several towns and killed several people. Again, this guy has had 100% accuracy this month predicting severe weather / tornados. That's 100% accuracy - All by identifying HAARP rings. He can even name the exact town the tornado will hit in some cases!
Next, watch the two Youtube links with CNN footage / reporting of the tornados as they rip through the South, which you can find near the bottom of this post. Then tell me HAARP is not real. And, if you agree that there is even a chance HAARP is behind the destructive weather patterns ravaging the United States at this time (and also around the world), then what can concerned citizens do to try and stop this horrifying and deadly "Black Ops" program? I will be addressing this very question later on this blog.
CNN Footage of Tornados ripping through the South: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jf7aTe8xtCg
Friday, April 29, 2011
MUST-SEE VIDEOS: Evidence That HAARP - ALASKA May Have Intentionally Caused Japan Earthquake - (What They Don't Want You To Know)
For those of you who missed this:
MUST-SEE VIDEOS: Possible evidence that HAARP deliberately caused Japan earthquake - and earthquake in Chile as well (refer to second video referring to "HAARP colors"!)
Interestingly, the HAARP website has been offline for over 3 weeks.
If accurate, this video, created from documentation that was on HAARP's own web-site, may serve as irrefutable evidence that HAARP is interfering with weather and may be causing earthquake activity around the world.
Note: It appears voice modification used to disguise whoever is imparting this information. But worth listening to, and viewing.
Footage of HAARP colors in Chile before earthquake:
MUST-SEE VIDEOS: Possible evidence that HAARP deliberately caused Japan earthquake - and earthquake in Chile as well (refer to second video referring to "HAARP colors"!)
Interestingly, the HAARP website has been offline for over 3 weeks.
If accurate, this video, created from documentation that was on HAARP's own web-site, may serve as irrefutable evidence that HAARP is interfering with weather and may be causing earthquake activity around the world.
Note: It appears voice modification used to disguise whoever is imparting this information. But worth listening to, and viewing.
Footage of HAARP colors in Chile before earthquake:
So You Don't Believe HAARP Is Manipulating The Weather and Causing Earthquakes? Before You Say "It's Not Possible", Watch These FOUR VIDEOS (Includes Scientific Explanation of HAARP and Correct Severe Weather Predictions Via Identifying HAARP Rings On Intellicast)
To view the homepage of this blog, go here: http://thetruthabout1111awakeningcode.blogspot.com/
I recommend you watch all of these videos so as to more fully understand HAARP and the ELF waves it is capable of producing to manipulate the Earth (resulting in earthquakes - even Mega-Quakes), and create Severe Weather Patterns (including the creation of tornados, hurricanes, flooding, and drought), as well as to learn more about "HAARP Rings" themselves, as explained by scientists and other legitimate sources, watch the first three videos. To actually SEE HAARP Rings in action, allowing accurate severe weather and earthquake predictions (with 100% accuracy this past week), watch fourth (last) video on this post, which will show you that "HAARP Rings" are VISIBLE ON Intellicast!
First of all, the following video is created from documentation that was available on HAARP's OWN WEBSITE, before it was taken down. It provides evidence that HAARP may in fact have caused the Japan Earthquake, intentionally (past documentation shows that HAARP may have deliberately caused the earthquake in Haiti, Chile, and in other places as well).
This guy predicts tornados, mega-storms, earthquakes, looking at intellicast weather radar maps by identifying HAARP rings.
Another guy who predicts severe weather / earthquakes using Intellicast:
I recommend you watch all of these videos so as to more fully understand HAARP and the ELF waves it is capable of producing to manipulate the Earth (resulting in earthquakes - even Mega-Quakes), and create Severe Weather Patterns (including the creation of tornados, hurricanes, flooding, and drought), as well as to learn more about "HAARP Rings" themselves, as explained by scientists and other legitimate sources, watch the first three videos. To actually SEE HAARP Rings in action, allowing accurate severe weather and earthquake predictions (with 100% accuracy this past week), watch fourth (last) video on this post, which will show you that "HAARP Rings" are VISIBLE ON Intellicast!
First of all, the following video is created from documentation that was available on HAARP's OWN WEBSITE, before it was taken down. It provides evidence that HAARP may in fact have caused the Japan Earthquake, intentionally (past documentation shows that HAARP may have deliberately caused the earthquake in Haiti, Chile, and in other places as well).
This guy predicts tornados, mega-storms, earthquakes, looking at intellicast weather radar maps by identifying HAARP rings.
Another guy who predicts severe weather / earthquakes using Intellicast:
Thursday, April 28, 2011
United States Warns Russia: "Aliens On Their Way - Will Be Here In 2012" - WATCH THESE VIDEOS - Project Blue Beam Appears To Be Right On Schedule!
NOTE TO READER: Please see new video posted on May 4, 2011 for detailed accounts, as well as descriptions, of Project Blue Beam's mission to stage fake Alien Invasion using holographic imagery prior to reviewing below post.
I cannot attest to the veracity of the below report. But if true, it would help make sense of the NSA releasing just this past week formerly "top secret" reports about alien communications. Are aliens really on their way? Or, are we being fed bits and pieces of information via "leaked" reports, as well as deliberately released ones (refer to NSA space communication documents, mentioned in below article) as a means of planting the seeds that an "alien invasion" is imminent? Just think how easy it would be to establish a "New World Order" when the entire world's population believes that alien beings are threatening all life on this planet as we know it. Could it all be true? Is Project Blue Beam real? Is Humanity about to become the victim of "the greatest and most deadliest hoax" ever created so that "Shadow Government" (some say The Illuminati) can carry out its proposed agenda to bring about a "New World Order"? Answering these, and other related questions, is what this entire blog will remain devoted to.
But before you read the below report, I suggest you watch the following two videos that reveal possible Project Blue Beam tests that resulted in the famous "Phoenix Lights" (UFO) sighting in Arizona, and also an Unexplained Phenomenon in the sky seen in Russia which appears to be a (holographic projected?) image of "The Christ", respectively.
1) This first video is an example of possible UFO creation via holographic projection:
2) This next video potentially demonstrates how a religious figure, in this case an obvious cross, and/or "The Christ," can be projected onto the sky as a holographic image (this is assumed to be yet another Project Blue Beam test that occurred in Russia):
For more information on the NWO, go here: http://educate-yourself.org/nwo/
ADDITIONAL NOTE TO READERS: I recommend you go to this link and watch all the videos posted so that you can better understand the true nature of the "hoax" I refer to known as NASA's Project Blue Beam. - Robert
April 24, 2011
Vie Permission of http://whatdoesitmean.com
US Warns Russia: “Aliens On Their Way, Will Be Here In 2012”
By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers
A Kremlin report detailing the meeting held between Prime Minister Putin and US Vice President Biden this past week shockingly reveals an American plea for Russia help in establishing an “Earth Wide” missile defense plan to protect our planet from an “alien invasion” expected in late 2012 after NASA satellites revealed an “incoming” fleet of “miles-wide” UFO’s that have entered our Solar System.
According to this report, the “communication signals” being passed between the giant asteroids 2010 SO16 and 2005 YU55 currently headed towards Earth, and which we reported on in our April 21st report “Awakening” Moon Shocks Scientists As Massive Asteroids Near Earth”, are “identical” to the deep-space transmissions previously described by the United States National Security Agency (NSA) as “confirming” an intelligent extraterrestrial race of beings other than human.
Most interesting to note in this report is the NSA release this past week of one of its most top-secret documents relating to these aliens titled “Key To The Extraterrestrial Messages” where the “21 symbols” used by these aliens in their “communications” seem to show that not one, but two distinct extraterrestrial are nearing our Earth.
Equally important to note is that the NSA release of the shocking information that they have decoded the “language” of these aliens follows by mere weeks other US intelligence agencies releasing once top-secret documents revealing that UFO’s did, indeed, crash in Roswell, New Mexico and alien bodies were discovered, and shortly before he was assassinated, President John F. Kennedy (1917-1963) demanded his Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) give him all information and files related to UFO’s and aliens, but which they refused to do.
This report goes on to detail Putin’s speculation to Biden that our Earth may be nearing a scenario like that which occurred on April 4, 1561, when in the skies over Nuremberg, Germany, hundreds of UFO’s engaged in a battle witnessed by thousands, and of which we can read as reported from those times:
“What was described as a war in the heavens, with a wide variety of craft ranging from spheres to spear-like cylinders to crosses and "plates". The sky was apparently filled with the machines, clashing in battle for well over an hour. The battle was such that a winner was perceived as well. Spheroid UFOs were seen emerging from cylindrical 'motherships'. At the conclusion of the battle, it seems a magnificent, black, spear-like super-ship of some kind came upon the scene. An ancient woodcut [photo 2nd left] was created by Hans Glaser to document the event.”
To why these alien races may be coming to our Earth was revealed this past week when British Royal Astronomer, Lord Martin Rees, and Astronomer Royal for Scotland, Professor John Brown issued a joint statement warning that our human civilization has only a 50% chance of surviving to 2100 without suffering a man-made catastrophe.
This report further states that Biden told Putin that the US has stripped nearly all funding to their NASA space agency and has redirected billions-of-dollars to private space plane builders, such as the highly secretive Blue Origin rocket builder company, for the building of a massive US-fleet of laser firing manned and unmanned vehicles to patrol the outer spaces of our Earth’s atmosphere, but whose work will remain unknown to the American public because private company’s, even if government funded, are not bound under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) law. [Note: This past week the US Navy announced their first successful test of laser weapon.]
Important to note about these shocking events are that they were possibly pre-warned about during the early 1980’s, when during the administration of then President Ronald Reagan (1911-2004) [photo bottom left], the Washington Post Newspaper carried a story on their December 30,1983, front page titled “Possibly as Large as Jupiter; Mystery Heavenly Body Discovered” and which, in part, said:
“A heavenly body possibly as large as the giant planet Jupiter and possibly so close to Earth that it would be part of this solar system has been found in the direction of the constellation Orion by an orbiting telescope aboard the U.S. infrared astronomical satellite.”
Soviet Russian reports on this US discovery were even more shocking after their revealing that during a visit with General Secretary Gorbachev during the 1985 Geneva Summit, Reagan said to the Soviet leader, “I occasionally think how quickly our differences worldwide would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world. And yet, I ask is not an alien force ALREADY among us?”
In his last speech before the United Nations, in 1987, Reagan further stated “how quickly our differences would end if we were facing an alien threat,” echoing the warning given 23 years earlier by the great American World War II commander General Douglas MacArthur (1880-1964), who in a 1955 speech at West Point warned, “The nations of the world will have to unite, for the next war will be an interplanetary war. The nations of the earth must someday make a common front against attack by people from other planets.” [See video here.]
To how prevalent UFO’s have been reported over the skies of Earth the World learned this past week when the giant US data firm Infochimps launched a dataset revealing over 60,000 sightings of these crafts have been recorded so far.
To the most important of these UFO’s, however, and which on this Easter Sunday over a billion Christians await the return of, is the massive “New Jerusalem” predicted in the apocalyptic Bible Book Revelation, which it is said will “descend from the heavens,” and from its “massive walls” containing “12 gates,” and “shining like gold,” the “gods” will return to Earth, again.
© April 24, 2011 EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com.
[Ed. Note: Western governments and their intelligence services actively campaign against the information found in these reports so as not to alarm their citizens about the many catastrophic Earth changes and events to come, a stance that the Sisters of Sorcha Faal strongly disagrees with in believing that it is every human beings right to know the truth. Due to our missions conflicts with that of those governments, the responses of their ‘agents’ against us has been a longstanding misinformation/misdirection campaign designed to discredit and which is addressed in the report “Who Is Sorcha Faal?”.]
I cannot attest to the veracity of the below report. But if true, it would help make sense of the NSA releasing just this past week formerly "top secret" reports about alien communications. Are aliens really on their way? Or, are we being fed bits and pieces of information via "leaked" reports, as well as deliberately released ones (refer to NSA space communication documents, mentioned in below article) as a means of planting the seeds that an "alien invasion" is imminent? Just think how easy it would be to establish a "New World Order" when the entire world's population believes that alien beings are threatening all life on this planet as we know it. Could it all be true? Is Project Blue Beam real? Is Humanity about to become the victim of "the greatest and most deadliest hoax" ever created so that "Shadow Government" (some say The Illuminati) can carry out its proposed agenda to bring about a "New World Order"? Answering these, and other related questions, is what this entire blog will remain devoted to.
But before you read the below report, I suggest you watch the following two videos that reveal possible Project Blue Beam tests that resulted in the famous "Phoenix Lights" (UFO) sighting in Arizona, and also an Unexplained Phenomenon in the sky seen in Russia which appears to be a (holographic projected?) image of "The Christ", respectively.
1) This first video is an example of possible UFO creation via holographic projection:
2) This next video potentially demonstrates how a religious figure, in this case an obvious cross, and/or "The Christ," can be projected onto the sky as a holographic image (this is assumed to be yet another Project Blue Beam test that occurred in Russia):
For more information on the NWO, go here: http://educate-yourself.org/nwo/
ADDITIONAL NOTE TO READERS: I recommend you go to this link and watch all the videos posted so that you can better understand the true nature of the "hoax" I refer to known as NASA's Project Blue Beam. - Robert
April 24, 2011
Vie Permission of http://whatdoesitmean.com
US Warns Russia: “Aliens On Their Way, Will Be Here In 2012”
By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers
A Kremlin report detailing the meeting held between Prime Minister Putin and US Vice President Biden this past week shockingly reveals an American plea for Russia help in establishing an “Earth Wide” missile defense plan to protect our planet from an “alien invasion” expected in late 2012 after NASA satellites revealed an “incoming” fleet of “miles-wide” UFO’s that have entered our Solar System.
According to this report, the “communication signals” being passed between the giant asteroids 2010 SO16 and 2005 YU55 currently headed towards Earth, and which we reported on in our April 21st report “Awakening” Moon Shocks Scientists As Massive Asteroids Near Earth”, are “identical” to the deep-space transmissions previously described by the United States National Security Agency (NSA) as “confirming” an intelligent extraterrestrial race of beings other than human.
Most interesting to note in this report is the NSA release this past week of one of its most top-secret documents relating to these aliens titled “Key To The Extraterrestrial Messages” where the “21 symbols” used by these aliens in their “communications” seem to show that not one, but two distinct extraterrestrial are nearing our Earth.
Equally important to note is that the NSA release of the shocking information that they have decoded the “language” of these aliens follows by mere weeks other US intelligence agencies releasing once top-secret documents revealing that UFO’s did, indeed, crash in Roswell, New Mexico and alien bodies were discovered, and shortly before he was assassinated, President John F. Kennedy (1917-1963) demanded his Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) give him all information and files related to UFO’s and aliens, but which they refused to do.
This report goes on to detail Putin’s speculation to Biden that our Earth may be nearing a scenario like that which occurred on April 4, 1561, when in the skies over Nuremberg, Germany, hundreds of UFO’s engaged in a battle witnessed by thousands, and of which we can read as reported from those times:
“What was described as a war in the heavens, with a wide variety of craft ranging from spheres to spear-like cylinders to crosses and "plates". The sky was apparently filled with the machines, clashing in battle for well over an hour. The battle was such that a winner was perceived as well. Spheroid UFOs were seen emerging from cylindrical 'motherships'. At the conclusion of the battle, it seems a magnificent, black, spear-like super-ship of some kind came upon the scene. An ancient woodcut [photo 2nd left] was created by Hans Glaser to document the event.”
To why these alien races may be coming to our Earth was revealed this past week when British Royal Astronomer, Lord Martin Rees, and Astronomer Royal for Scotland, Professor John Brown issued a joint statement warning that our human civilization has only a 50% chance of surviving to 2100 without suffering a man-made catastrophe.
This report further states that Biden told Putin that the US has stripped nearly all funding to their NASA space agency and has redirected billions-of-dollars to private space plane builders, such as the highly secretive Blue Origin rocket builder company, for the building of a massive US-fleet of laser firing manned and unmanned vehicles to patrol the outer spaces of our Earth’s atmosphere, but whose work will remain unknown to the American public because private company’s, even if government funded, are not bound under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) law. [Note: This past week the US Navy announced their first successful test of laser weapon.]
Important to note about these shocking events are that they were possibly pre-warned about during the early 1980’s, when during the administration of then President Ronald Reagan (1911-2004) [photo bottom left], the Washington Post Newspaper carried a story on their December 30,1983, front page titled “Possibly as Large as Jupiter; Mystery Heavenly Body Discovered” and which, in part, said:
“A heavenly body possibly as large as the giant planet Jupiter and possibly so close to Earth that it would be part of this solar system has been found in the direction of the constellation Orion by an orbiting telescope aboard the U.S. infrared astronomical satellite.”
Soviet Russian reports on this US discovery were even more shocking after their revealing that during a visit with General Secretary Gorbachev during the 1985 Geneva Summit, Reagan said to the Soviet leader, “I occasionally think how quickly our differences worldwide would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world. And yet, I ask is not an alien force ALREADY among us?”
In his last speech before the United Nations, in 1987, Reagan further stated “how quickly our differences would end if we were facing an alien threat,” echoing the warning given 23 years earlier by the great American World War II commander General Douglas MacArthur (1880-1964), who in a 1955 speech at West Point warned, “The nations of the world will have to unite, for the next war will be an interplanetary war. The nations of the earth must someday make a common front against attack by people from other planets.” [See video here.]
To how prevalent UFO’s have been reported over the skies of Earth the World learned this past week when the giant US data firm Infochimps launched a dataset revealing over 60,000 sightings of these crafts have been recorded so far.
To the most important of these UFO’s, however, and which on this Easter Sunday over a billion Christians await the return of, is the massive “New Jerusalem” predicted in the apocalyptic Bible Book Revelation, which it is said will “descend from the heavens,” and from its “massive walls” containing “12 gates,” and “shining like gold,” the “gods” will return to Earth, again.
© April 24, 2011 EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com.
[Ed. Note: Western governments and their intelligence services actively campaign against the information found in these reports so as not to alarm their citizens about the many catastrophic Earth changes and events to come, a stance that the Sisters of Sorcha Faal strongly disagrees with in believing that it is every human beings right to know the truth. Due to our missions conflicts with that of those governments, the responses of their ‘agents’ against us has been a longstanding misinformation/misdirection campaign designed to discredit and which is addressed in the report “Who Is Sorcha Faal?”.]
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
USING FUKUSHIMA and CHEMTRAILS to PROJECT HOLOGRAMS: What The Shadow Government Doesn't Want You To Know
URGENT UPDATE: Please go to the following link and watch all three videos:
Also, to better understand the term how Chem-Trails and Fukushima relate to Project Blue Beam, watch this:
(From Phostonic Portal): SMOKING GUN: Citizen Journalists Locate Irrefutable Evidence that HAARP and Project Blue Beam Technology is REAL. Read on.
I sourced this yesterday from the Photonic Portal Wordpress Blog: My thanks to this blog's author for staying on top of this globally critical issue. Link to blog, and also the article referenced, included below. - Robert Mann
SMOKING GUN: Citizen Journalists Locate Irrefutable Evidence of HAARP Blue Beam's Use of Chemtrails for Projecting Holograms
Copyright 2011-3011 Alternative News Forum, All Rights Reserved.
I’ve been writing for four years now about UN and US DOD HAARP Project Blue Beam. The UN documents describing Project Blue Beam and how the New World Order and UN plan to use the actual projection of “indoctrinating holograms” onto the atmosphere itself to create convincing but fraudulent “second coming” imagery are located on my original Wiki and have been hidden there in plain sight for four years. This is the New World Order‘s most ludicrous, heinous and preposterous plan yet for trying to install a one world government on the unsuspecting people of the world, by employing the ultimate in faked imagery to try to achieve their goals.
Now adding to the evidence which I have detailed exhaustively for years avout all this, YT citizen journalists have uncovered government documents which explain in exhaustive detail how barium and strontium micro-particles in the atmosphere can be used to receive and hold projected holographic images. This video below clinches it for me. It’s smoking gun evidence that puts the capstone on the people’s revealing of the dirty little secrets their government is and has been up to since the early 1980s when HAARP technology was first developed.
Watch http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d40afX7vwfo&feature=player_embedded
There are being planned and tested many secret uses for HAARP technology that circumvent due process of congress, and the entire HAARP program needs to be investigated and brought under public and legal scrutiny immediately, before the runaway mad scientists operating this technology plan any more heinous uses for it.
Here is the video and below it are links to the many articles and essays I have written about HAARP technology and the ungodly plans our government has made for some very WRONG uses of it.
CK Hunter
2012 Pole Shift Witness
More Research on HAARP Project Blue Beam
Watcherfiles.com HAARP Blue Beam Report
False Christ Maitreya Calls Himself the Return of Christ
2012 Prophecy, Bible Revelations, Urantia Wisdom
I’ve been writing for four years now about UN and US DOD HAARP Project Blue Beam. The UN documents describing Project Blue Beam and how the New World Order and UN plan to use the actual projection of “indoctrinating holograms” onto the atmosphere itself to create convincing but fraudulent “second coming” imagery are located on my original Wiki and have been hidden there in plain sight for four years. This is the New World Order‘s most ludicrous, heinous and preposterous plan yet for trying to install a one world government on the unsuspecting people of the world, by employing the ultimate in faked imagery to try to achieve their goals.
See http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d40afX7vwfo
Every American and every person on earth who can understand this post needs to realize that they can’t possibly pull this off if the people of the world know what they are doing with these projected images. The documents shown in the video below ARE REAL. They literally prove, once again, that what writers and researchers like me have been mocked for trying to explain and reveal to people for years, is not just conspiracy theory, but solid Black Ops hard science and fact. They intend to try to do this and it all ties in with the advent of “Maitreya” and the so called “Day of Declaration” which has long been planned by the UN, which sponsors “Maitreya” and Share International, his online presence.Now adding to the evidence which I have detailed exhaustively for years avout all this, YT citizen journalists have uncovered government documents which explain in exhaustive detail how barium and strontium micro-particles in the atmosphere can be used to receive and hold projected holographic images. This video below clinches it for me. It’s smoking gun evidence that puts the capstone on the people’s revealing of the dirty little secrets their government is and has been up to since the early 1980s when HAARP technology was first developed.
Watch http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d40afX7vwfo&feature=player_embedded
There are being planned and tested many secret uses for HAARP technology that circumvent due process of congress, and the entire HAARP program needs to be investigated and brought under public and legal scrutiny immediately, before the runaway mad scientists operating this technology plan any more heinous uses for it.
Here is the video and below it are links to the many articles and essays I have written about HAARP technology and the ungodly plans our government has made for some very WRONG uses of it.
CK Hunter
See these links for more info:
http://2012poleshift.wetpaint.com/page/NWO+Project+Blue+Beam%3A+False+Holographic+Second+Coming2012 Pole Shift Witness
More Research on HAARP Project Blue Beam
Watcherfiles.com HAARP Blue Beam Report
False Christ Maitreya Calls Himself the Return of Christ
2012 Prophecy, Bible Revelations, Urantia Wisdom
European Parliament Issues Warnings on HAARP - Is It Really The Most Dangerous (Invisible) Weapon in the World?
URGENT UPDATE: Please go to the following link and watch all three videos:
The following article can be found at http://www.sovereignindependent.com/?p=16628
It provides a decent enough starting point in regard to attempting to understand what some believe to be the true purpose and nature of HAARP. From there, it does not take a Quantum Leap to arrive at the possible reality of Project Blue Beam (refer to http://photonicportal.wordpress.com/category/haarp/haarp-project-blue-beam-confirmed/), as well as other, equally odious possibilities, such as those mentioned in this most informative article I am including here, specifically, that HAARP may well be the most silent and deadly weapon of all time – primarily because it is invisible to the naked eye and thus, its existence can be denied by government and readily dismissed by media. To learn more, I encourage you to read on. (And rest assured that in future posts I will expand upon the relationship between HAARP, Project Blue Beam, and the 11:11 Awakening Code. As always, feel free to email me privately, or comment anonymously, if you have comments or questions. -Robert Mann.
European Parliament Issues Warnings on HAARP
“HAARP is a project of which the public is almost completely unaware, and this needs to be remedied.”
Toronto, Canada – [ZNN] The daily lives of people seem blissfully unaffected by events about which they know little or nothing. Daily news reports unfold with no mention as to why and how the powerful operate behind the scenes. We pay our mortgages, book our vacations and school our children, as a corporate and government elite engage in projects beyond our wildest imaginations.
Conditioned to accept that ‘all is well’ or, that we are powerless to affect change in a world dis-integrating before our eyes – we conduct our lives until one day it affects us directly – unfortunately by then it’s far too late.
Ask the people of northern Japan how they feel about the last three sentences and the answers they now seek in the aftermath of unimaginable loss and yet another future generation desecrated and ravaged by nuclear radiation.
A European Parliament document may provide a few answers for the inquiring mind. This parliamentary document is not some conspiratorial rant but an official governmental perspective describing authentic concern that a terribly grave technology, which the document calls a weapon, has been unleashed over many years without any public knowledge.
The technology is called HAARP and the European Parliament has put NATO, the US Air Force and Navy on notice, demanding an explanation about their involvement.
One of the most damning statements in the document reveals an American refusal to account for itself regarding HAARP research:
“[The European Parliament]… regrets the repeated refusal of the United States Administration to send anyone in person to give evidence to the public hearing or any subsequent meeting held by its competent committee into the environmental and public risks connected with the high Frequency Active Auroral Research Project (HAARP) programme currently being funded in Alaska.”Caveat – For those among you who feel all is ‘right and true’ with the world and everything you need to know about is in newspapers, or, that those in power have our best interests at heart – you’ve probably read enough by now. There is almost certainly a soap opera or celebrity awards program on TV that you are missing. Or, perhaps you simply do not want to be confused by the facts… You are excused.
However, for those among you who have an inquiring mind or the patience and concern to read about such furtive things as the demise of civilization and geo-political ethics, the document below is very instructive if not despotically frightening.
The document outlines why the strange frequency of bizarre global weather and geo-tectonic disasters appear to be on the rise and why NATO, the US Air Force and US Navy have been held accountable for their knowledge and shrouded use of HAARP technology.
High Frequency Active Auroral Research (HAARP) has been deliberated upon by world governments – but none of them – including the Canadian government have commented on what it is, what it does or how it affects life on the planet.
HAARP may well be the most silent and deadly weapon of all time – primarily because it is invisible to the naked eye and thus, its existence can be denied by government and readily dismissed by media. Those in the forefront of probing and exposing this kind of government behaviour have issued warnings about HAARP for many years. Few pay any heed. The question remains – will anyone listen now?
The European Parliament document[This document was written 13 years ago.]
“The European Parliament:
- having regard to the hearing on HAARP and Non-lethal Weapons held by the Foreign Affairs Subcommitee on Security and Disarmament in Brussels on 5 February 1998,”
“T. whereas, despite the existing conventions, military research is ongoing on environmental manipulation as a weapon, as demonstrated for example by the Alaska-based HAARP system,”
“Legal aspects of military activities -
26. Calls on the European Union to seek to have the new ‘non-lethal’ weapons technology and the development of new arms strategies also covered and regulated by international conventions;
27. Considers HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Project) by virtue of its far-reaching impact on the environment to be a global concern and calls for its legal, ecological and ethical implications to be examined by an international independent body before any further research and testing; regrets the repeated refusal of the United States Administration to send anyone in person to give evidence to the public hearing or any subsequent meeting held by its competent committee into the environmental and public risks connected with the high Frequency Active Auroral Research Project (HAARP) programme currently being funded in Alaska;
28. Requests the Scientific and Technological Options Assessment (STOA) Panel to agree to examine the scientific and technical evidence provided in all existing research findings on HAARP to assess the exact nature and degree of risk that HAARP poses both to the local and global environment and to public health generally;
29. Calls on the Commission, in collaboration with the governments of Sweden, Finland, Norway and the Russian Federation, to examine the environmental and public health implications of the HAARP programme for Arctic Europe and to report back to Parliament with its findings;”
“HAARP – a weapons system which disrupts the climate
On 5 February 1998 Parliament’s Subcommittee on Security and Disarmament held a hearing the subject of which included HAARP. NATO and the US had been invited to send representatives, but chose not to do so. The Committee regrets the failure of the USA to send a representative to answer questions, or to use the opportunity to comment on the material submitted.(21)
HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Project) is run jointly by the US Air Force and Navy, in conjunction with the Geophysical Institute of the University of Alaska, Fairbanks. Similar experiments are also being conducted in Norway, probably in the Antarctic, as well as in the former Soviet Union.(22) HAARP is a research project using a ground based apparatus, an array of antennae each powered by its own transmitter, to heat up portions of ionosphere with powerful radio beams.(23) The energy generated heats up parts of the ionosphere; this results in holes in the ionosphere and produces artificial ‘lenses’.
HAARP can be used for many purposes. Enormous quantities of energy can be controlled by manipulating the electrical characteristics of the atmosphere. If used as a military weapon this can have a devastating impact on an enemy. HAARP can deliver millions of times more energy to a given area than any other conventional transmitter. The energy can also be aimed at a moving target which should constitute a potential anti-missile system.
The project would also allow better communications with submarines and manipulation of global weather patterns, but it is also possible to do the reverse, to disrupt communications. By manipulating the ionosphere one could block global communications while transmitting one’s own. Another application is earth-penetrating, tomography, x-raying the earth several kilometres deep, to detect oil and gas fields, or underground military facilities. Over-the-horizon radar is another application, looking round the curvature of the earth for in-coming objects.
From the 1950s the USA conducted explosions of nuclear material in the Van Allen Belts(24) to investigate the effect of the electro-magnetic pulse generated by nuclear weapon explosions at these heights on radio communications and the operation of radar. This created new magnetic radiation belts which covered nearly the whole earth. The electrons travelled along magnetic lines of force and created an artificial Aurora Borealis above the North Pole. These military tests are liable to disrupt the Van Allen belt for a long period. The earth’s magnetic field could be disrupted over large areas, which would obstruct radio communications. According to US scientists it could take hundreds of years for the Van Allen belt to return to normal. HAARP could result in changes in weather patterns. It could also influence whole ecosystems, especially in the sensitive Antarctic regions.
Another damaging consequence of HAARP is the occurrence of holes in the ionosphere caused by the powerful radio beams. The ionosphere protects us from incoming cosmic radiation. The hope is that the holes will fill again, but our experience of change in the ozone layer points in the other direction. This means substantial holes in the ionosphere that protects us.
With its far-reaching impact on the environment HAARP is a matter of global concern and we have to ask whether its advantages really outweigh the risks. The environmental impact and the ethical aspect must be closely examined before any further research and testing takes place. HAARP is a project of which the public is almost completely unaware, and this needs to be remedied.
HAARP has links with 50 years of intensive space research for military purposes, including the Star Wars project, to control the upper atmosphere and communications. This kind of research has to be regarded as a serious threat to the environment, with an incalculable impact on human life. Even now nobody knows what impact HAARP may have. We have to beat down the wall of secrecy around military research, and set up the right to openness and democratic scrutiny of military research projects, and parliamentary control.
A series of international treaties and conventions (the Convention on the prohibition of military or any other hostile use of environmental modification techniques, the Antarctic Treaty, the Treaty on principles governing the activities of states in the exploration and use of outer space including the moon and other celestial bodies, and the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea) casts considerable doubt on HAARP on legal as well as humanitarian and political grounds. The Antarctic Treaty lays down that the Antarctic may be used exclusively for peaceful purposes.(25) This would mean that HAARP is a breach of international law. All the implications of the new weapons systems should be examined by independent international bodies. Further international agreements should be sought to protect the environment from unnecessary destruction in war.”
Although there seems to be no official or current governmental and scientific confirmation of the effects of HAARP technologies in your local newspaper or on the 11:00 o’clock news – the people of Japan might want an update.
Sources -
Entire Text of European Document -http://www.europarl.europa.eu/sides/getDoc.do?pubRef=-//EP//TEXT+REPORT+A4-1999-0005+0+DOC+XML+V0//EN
Other References:
Government Briefings -
UK: http://www.policestateplanning.com/uk_parliament.htm
European: http://www.policestateplanning.com/briefings.htm#european_parliament
Other: http://www.policestateplanning.com/briefings.htm
CBC’s Wendy Mesly TV coverage: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QkLTzesBxGE
Short URL: http://www.sovereignindependent.com/?p=16628
Monday, April 25, 2011
AMAZING BLUE ANAMOLY SPIRAL near ISS April 5th, 2011 -"...Like Russia and New Zealand!"
(Thanks again to Anthony for alerting me to this - Could these latest sightings be evidence of more Project Blue Beam testing? Or, something even more insidious, dark, and "Above Top Secret"?)
URGENT UPDATE: Please go to the following link and watch all three videos:
URGENT UPDATE: Please go to the following link and watch all three videos:
BLUE UFO Over Madrid (SPAIN) 04/04/2011 - Project Blue Beam Testing Once Again!
URGENT UPDATE: Please go to this link and watch all the videos posted to better understand how HAARP-generated Project Blue Beam illegal "Black Ops" testing can create the below atmospheric anomalies witnessed in Madrid, Spain,in April 2011. This light is not made by Aliens or Solar Flares; no this light is man-made and this illegal testing can potentially destroy our current planetary environment, as well as create severe weather and earthquakes, resulting in mass deaths and global-wide starvation. Educate yourself. Be informed. Tell others. We need to join together to stop this madness. NOW. Before it is too late...
Life During Wartime - Video and Lyrics - Talking Heads
Life During Wartime Lyrics
Artist(Band):Talking Heads
Heard of a van that is loaded with weapons,
packed up and ready to go
Heard of some gravesites, out by the highway,
a place where nobody knows
The sound of gunfire, off in the distance,
I'm getting used to it now
Lived in a brownstore, lived in the ghetto,
I've lived all over this town
This ain't no party, this ain't no disco,
this ain't no fooling around
No time for dancing, or lovey dovey,
I ain't got time for that now
Transmit the message, to the receiver,
hope for an answer some day
I got three passports, a couple of visas,
you don't even know my real name
High on a hillside, the trucks are loading,
everything's ready to roll
I sleep in the daytime, I work in the nightime,
I might not ever get home
This ain't no party, this ain't no disco,
this ain't no fooling around
This ain't no mudd club, or C. B. G. B.,
I ain't got time for that now
Heard about Houston? Heard about Detroit?
Heard about Pittsburgh, P. A.?
You oughta know not to stand by the window
somebody might see you up there
I got some groceries, some peant butter,
to last a couple of days
But I ain't got no speakers, ain't got no
headphones, ain't got no records to play
Why stay in college? Why go to night school?
Gonna be different this time
Can't write a letter, can't send a postcard,
I can't write nothing at all
This ain't no party, this ain't no disco,
this ain't no fooling around
I'd like to kiss you, I'd love you hold you
I ain't got no time for that now
Trouble in transit, got through the roadblock,
we blended with the crowd
We got computer, we're tapping phone lines,
I know that ain't allowed
We dress like students, we dress like housewives,
or in a suit and a tie
I changed my hairstyle, so many times now,
I don't know what I look like!
You make me shiver, I feel so tender,
we make a pretty good team
Don't get exhausted, I'll do some driving,
you ought to get some sleep
Get you instructions, follow directions,
then you should change your address
Maybe tomorrow, maybe the next day,
whatever you think is best
Burned all my notebooks, what good are
notebooks? They won't help me survive
My chest is aching, burns like a furnace,
the burning keeps me alive
Try to stay healthy, physical fitness,
don't want to catch no disease
Try to be careful, don't take no chances,
you better watch what you say
"Spiritual Explorer" David Sereda and his 2012 "Blue Vapor or Cloud" End-Times Prophecy: IS SHADOWY GOVERNMENT CO-OPTING THE ENTIRE 11:11 AWAKENING CODE MOVEMENT? Read This and Watch All The Videos To Learn More
To view the homepage of this blog, go here: http://thetruthabout1111awakeningcode.blogspot.com/
NOTE TO READER: I invite you to take a close look at this first video, below. It contains documentation from Norway's own HAARP/EISCAT facility showing that it was in fact conducting a secret, "Black Ops" test referred to as 'Tequila Sunrise' at the exact same time the Blue Spiral was witnessed by hundreds, maybe thousands, in Norway on December 9, 2009. Yet, I still haven't heard David Sereda come out and tell people that he was clearly wrong about his own interpretation of the Blue Spiral Anomaly seen December 9th (see 2nd video of interview with David Sereda that addresses the 2009 Blue Spiral Over Norway). Have you?
Next, to more fully comprehend the potential gravity of what I wish to impart to you via today's post, I suggest you take just a few minutes and listen to at least part of this interview, for it will give you a good grasp of how strong an impact Sereda is having on the New Age 11:11 Awakening Code movement at this time (Now watch this clip here, and then I will tell you all about David Sereda, and how he appears to be unwittingly playing right into the hands of shadowy government's Project Blue Beam Agenda - and he is encouraging thousands of 11:11 Awakening Code Experiencers to go right there with him!)
Fascinating stuff, eh? For those of you who are unable to play this clip and/or are translating this post into your own language, here is a summary of the clip taken off this same youtube page:
"Filmmaker, spiritual explorer, аחԁ scientist" David Sereda talked аbουt possible energy shifts coming around the time οf 2012. Bу comparing the quantum universe (micro solar systems) tο astronomical models, аѕ well as correlating Hopi prophecy, Sereda has theorized there′s going tο bе a massive energy shift, аѕ ουr solar system crosses into another “galactic shell.” Aftеr this shift occurs, he believes the solar system wіƖƖ become lighter, both in weight, and in spiritual energy. Aѕ wе enter this חеw area/dimension οf tһе galaxy, the sun will release a super high burst οf energy аחԁ everything will be different– "a blue vapor οr cloud will appear suddenly and Earth will enter іt", he detailed. Sereda correlated this event with NASA’s two windows fοr intense solar activity/flares in 2011 аחԁ 2013. Hе discussed חеw discoveries frοm NASA that pertain tο the center οf tһе galaxy, and how ԁаrk matter and ԁаrk energy аrе possibly linked tο the conscious force οf tһе universe. Hе аƖѕο touched on thе recent Sky Spiral seen over Norway, wһісһ һе concluded had tοο perfect οf a pattern tο bе tһе result οf a Russian rocket mishap. Further, he suggested that mοѕt οf tһе planets in our solar system аrе inhabited bу energetic bodies οf light οr spiritual beings, but our ability tο perceive them іѕ very limited.
The summary goes on to say: In the second hour, George spoke with researcher David Sereda about a vision he had Thursday night of an angelic being who gave him a message about the End Times. Sereda said he saw his alarm clock turn from 11:11 AM to 11:12 AM, and believes the significance of this can be found in Revelation 11:11-12:
"But after the three and a half days a breath of life from God entered them, and they stood on their feet, and terror struck those who saw them. Then they heard a loud voice from heaven saying to them, "Come up here." And they went up to heaven in a cloud, while their enemies looked on."
Sereda said the angelic being told him to "Get ready" for End Times and the Rapture, which he now believes will happen in the year 2012. Sereda also explained how his End Times vision is related to the physics of our galaxy and solar system.
Now that I have provided you with a brief overview of David Sereda's "vision" of the End Times to be experienced in 2012, I will share with you an excerpt from journalist Serge Monast's article on Project Blue Beam (Note: Serge Monast [1945 - December 5, 1996] and another journalist, both of whom were researching Project Blue Beam, died of "heart attacks" within weeks of each other although neither had a history of heart disease).
And remember, if even a small portion of the Project Blue Beam plan reportedly relayed to Monast is accurate, that is cause enough for us to be suspicious about HAARP facilities and its Tesla Technology, which is capable of projecting "anomalies" onto our skies (refer to my multiple posts on the "Blue Spiral Over Norway" as well as posts on other recent sky anomalies, like the Virgin Mary on the Ivory Coast and the Cross Over Russia, to learn more.
NOTE TO READER: For the full draft of Serge Monast's official disclosure of Project Blue Beam, go here: http://educate-yourself.org/cn/projectbluebeam25jul05.shtml
Serge writes: "The Blue Beam Project will pretend to be the universal fulfillment of the prophecies of old (I would imagine the Hopi End-Times Prophecy that Sereda and other "11:11'ers" often refer to, as well as Sereda's visiting Angel telling him to "Get ready for the End Times and The Rapture," in addition to Sereda's believing that the 11:11 Phenomenon he is experiencing is referring him to the Book of Revelations, would serve as appropriate references here -Mann), as major an event as that which occurred 2,000 years ago. In principle, it will make use of the skies as a movie screen (on the sodium layer at about 60 miles) as space-based laser-generating satellites project simultaneous images to the four corners of the planet in every language and dialect according to the region's religious aspect (Oh, and by the way: Sereda talks about "angel visitations" frequently, which deliver him "special messages" of great global import - I sincerely respect this, but what if his messages are misdirected in their assumptions? Worse yet to consider: Advanced Tesla Technology may allow for Mind Control and mass broadcasts - Could intuitive people like Sereda be picking such messages up somehow, messages created by shadowy government intent on building a New World Order that are designed to lead us all astray?).
Computers will coordinate the satellites and software already in place will run the sky show ("blue vapor or cloud", here we come!). Holographic images are based on nearly identical signals combining to produce an image or hologram with deep perspective which is equally applicable to acoustic ELF, VLF and LF waves and optical phenomena. Specifically, the show will consist of multiple holographic images to different parts of the world, each receiving a different image according to the specific national, regional religion (okay, those of you who haven't already, you really MUST see my April 24 post that contains footage shot within the Ivory Coast region depicting similar scenes - footage that was 'flagged' nearly immediately, which then prevented it from being shared). Not a single area will be excluded. With computer animation and sounds appearing to emanate from the very depths of space, astonished ardent followers of the various creeds will witness their own returned messiahs in convincing lifelike reality". - Serge Monast
Think it can't be done? Watch this:
My Personal Commentary: Let me assure you - These Spiral Sky Anomalies are not signs of our "DNA Awakening". They are in fact signs that we are closing our eyes to the truth that is all around us - And in my humble opinion, we need to awaken our conscious and start caring more about our planet and all the Life that is dependent on our Mother Earth before irreversible damage is done and we are enslaved or destroyed via "Black Ops" Advanced Tesla Technology. Believing that we do not need to care about our planet or the dark forces that are causing irrevocable harm because we are going to becoming shimmering 5th Dimensional Beings of Light is a form of denial and escape, and just another means of enslaving the masses. Do not be fooled. What is happening here is real. And it must be stopped. NOW.
To learn more about what David Sereda and others associated with the 11:11 Awakening Code say about "DNA Awakening", watch this video.
ADDITIONAL REFERENCE MATERIAL: Here is an excerpt from the Serge Monast piece, referenced earlier in this post, in which he speaks about Artificial Thought and Communication, which includes the following passage: : "The advancement of techniques propel us toward the third step in the Blue Beam Project that goes along with the telepathic and electronically augmented two-way communication where ELF, VLF and LF waves will reach each person from within his or her own mind, convincing each of them that their own god is speaking to them from the very depths of their own soul. Such rays from satellites are fed from the memories of computers that have stored massive data about every human on earth, and their languages. The rays will then interlace with their natural thinking to form what we call diffuse artificial thought."
Stay tuned for Part 2 of my Comparative Analysis, entitled:
David Sereda: Victim of PBB Mind-To-Mind Induction Techniques, or Legitimate Spiritual Visionary? You Decide!
NOTE TO READERS: To better understand HAARP, Project Blue Beam, and the potential reality of "Mind-To-Mind" induction techniques, I recommend that you access the following post prior to reading the following post: http://thetruthabout1111awakeningcode.blogspot.com/2011/05/breaking-news-blue-spiral-over-norway.html
While researching the "roots" of the New Age 11:11 Awakening Code Phenomenon (refer to this blog's initial post for more details), the name 'David Sereda' kept popping up everywhere during my searches. "Filmmaker, spiritual explorer, and scientist" (and I would add here "earthquake predictor" - I will explain in future posts how Project Blue Beam and HAARP may tie in here), David references Quantum Physics often in his work. Soon I was listening in rapt attention to an interview he did in late December 2009, shortly after the "Blue Spiral Over Norway" (refer to my earlier post on this) was publicized world-wide.
Also, in order to fully comprehend this supposed "Greatest hoax ever to be perpretrated upon Humanity," I sincerely urge you to refer to the below link and watch all three video clips that will explain and show evidence for the reality of HAARP technology and its ability to cause weather pattern shifts and earthquake activity -Robert): http://thetruthabout1111awakeningcode.blogspot.com/2011/04/dont-believe-that-haarp-is-manipulating.html
NOTE TO READER: I invite you to take a close look at this first video, below. It contains documentation from Norway's own HAARP/EISCAT facility showing that it was in fact conducting a secret, "Black Ops" test referred to as 'Tequila Sunrise' at the exact same time the Blue Spiral was witnessed by hundreds, maybe thousands, in Norway on December 9, 2009. Yet, I still haven't heard David Sereda come out and tell people that he was clearly wrong about his own interpretation of the Blue Spiral Anomaly seen December 9th (see 2nd video of interview with David Sereda that addresses the 2009 Blue Spiral Over Norway). Have you?
Next, to more fully comprehend the potential gravity of what I wish to impart to you via today's post, I suggest you take just a few minutes and listen to at least part of this interview, for it will give you a good grasp of how strong an impact Sereda is having on the New Age 11:11 Awakening Code movement at this time (Now watch this clip here, and then I will tell you all about David Sereda, and how he appears to be unwittingly playing right into the hands of shadowy government's Project Blue Beam Agenda - and he is encouraging thousands of 11:11 Awakening Code Experiencers to go right there with him!)
Fascinating stuff, eh? For those of you who are unable to play this clip and/or are translating this post into your own language, here is a summary of the clip taken off this same youtube page:
"Filmmaker, spiritual explorer, аחԁ scientist" David Sereda talked аbουt possible energy shifts coming around the time οf 2012. Bу comparing the quantum universe (micro solar systems) tο astronomical models, аѕ well as correlating Hopi prophecy, Sereda has theorized there′s going tο bе a massive energy shift, аѕ ουr solar system crosses into another “galactic shell.” Aftеr this shift occurs, he believes the solar system wіƖƖ become lighter, both in weight, and in spiritual energy. Aѕ wе enter this חеw area/dimension οf tһе galaxy, the sun will release a super high burst οf energy аחԁ everything will be different– "a blue vapor οr cloud will appear suddenly and Earth will enter іt", he detailed. Sereda correlated this event with NASA’s two windows fοr intense solar activity/flares in 2011 аחԁ 2013. Hе discussed חеw discoveries frοm NASA that pertain tο the center οf tһе galaxy, and how ԁаrk matter and ԁаrk energy аrе possibly linked tο the conscious force οf tһе universe. Hе аƖѕο touched on thе recent Sky Spiral seen over Norway, wһісһ һе concluded had tοο perfect οf a pattern tο bе tһе result οf a Russian rocket mishap. Further, he suggested that mοѕt οf tһе planets in our solar system аrе inhabited bу energetic bodies οf light οr spiritual beings, but our ability tο perceive them іѕ very limited.
The summary goes on to say: In the second hour, George spoke with researcher David Sereda about a vision he had Thursday night of an angelic being who gave him a message about the End Times. Sereda said he saw his alarm clock turn from 11:11 AM to 11:12 AM, and believes the significance of this can be found in Revelation 11:11-12:
"But after the three and a half days a breath of life from God entered them, and they stood on their feet, and terror struck those who saw them. Then they heard a loud voice from heaven saying to them, "Come up here." And they went up to heaven in a cloud, while their enemies looked on."
Sereda said the angelic being told him to "Get ready" for End Times and the Rapture, which he now believes will happen in the year 2012. Sereda also explained how his End Times vision is related to the physics of our galaxy and solar system.
Now that I have provided you with a brief overview of David Sereda's "vision" of the End Times to be experienced in 2012, I will share with you an excerpt from journalist Serge Monast's article on Project Blue Beam (Note: Serge Monast [1945 - December 5, 1996] and another journalist, both of whom were researching Project Blue Beam, died of "heart attacks" within weeks of each other although neither had a history of heart disease).
And remember, if even a small portion of the Project Blue Beam plan reportedly relayed to Monast is accurate, that is cause enough for us to be suspicious about HAARP facilities and its Tesla Technology, which is capable of projecting "anomalies" onto our skies (refer to my multiple posts on the "Blue Spiral Over Norway" as well as posts on other recent sky anomalies, like the Virgin Mary on the Ivory Coast and the Cross Over Russia, to learn more.
NOTE TO READER: For the full draft of Serge Monast's official disclosure of Project Blue Beam, go here: http://educate-yourself.org/cn/projectbluebeam25jul05.shtml
Serge writes: "The Blue Beam Project will pretend to be the universal fulfillment of the prophecies of old (I would imagine the Hopi End-Times Prophecy that Sereda and other "11:11'ers" often refer to, as well as Sereda's visiting Angel telling him to "Get ready for the End Times and The Rapture," in addition to Sereda's believing that the 11:11 Phenomenon he is experiencing is referring him to the Book of Revelations, would serve as appropriate references here -Mann), as major an event as that which occurred 2,000 years ago. In principle, it will make use of the skies as a movie screen (on the sodium layer at about 60 miles) as space-based laser-generating satellites project simultaneous images to the four corners of the planet in every language and dialect according to the region's religious aspect (Oh, and by the way: Sereda talks about "angel visitations" frequently, which deliver him "special messages" of great global import - I sincerely respect this, but what if his messages are misdirected in their assumptions? Worse yet to consider: Advanced Tesla Technology may allow for Mind Control and mass broadcasts - Could intuitive people like Sereda be picking such messages up somehow, messages created by shadowy government intent on building a New World Order that are designed to lead us all astray?).
Computers will coordinate the satellites and software already in place will run the sky show ("blue vapor or cloud", here we come!). Holographic images are based on nearly identical signals combining to produce an image or hologram with deep perspective which is equally applicable to acoustic ELF, VLF and LF waves and optical phenomena. Specifically, the show will consist of multiple holographic images to different parts of the world, each receiving a different image according to the specific national, regional religion (okay, those of you who haven't already, you really MUST see my April 24 post that contains footage shot within the Ivory Coast region depicting similar scenes - footage that was 'flagged' nearly immediately, which then prevented it from being shared). Not a single area will be excluded. With computer animation and sounds appearing to emanate from the very depths of space, astonished ardent followers of the various creeds will witness their own returned messiahs in convincing lifelike reality". - Serge Monast
Think it can't be done? Watch this:
My Personal Commentary: Let me assure you - These Spiral Sky Anomalies are not signs of our "DNA Awakening". They are in fact signs that we are closing our eyes to the truth that is all around us - And in my humble opinion, we need to awaken our conscious and start caring more about our planet and all the Life that is dependent on our Mother Earth before irreversible damage is done and we are enslaved or destroyed via "Black Ops" Advanced Tesla Technology. Believing that we do not need to care about our planet or the dark forces that are causing irrevocable harm because we are going to becoming shimmering 5th Dimensional Beings of Light is a form of denial and escape, and just another means of enslaving the masses. Do not be fooled. What is happening here is real. And it must be stopped. NOW.
To learn more about what David Sereda and others associated with the 11:11 Awakening Code say about "DNA Awakening", watch this video.
ADDITIONAL REFERENCE MATERIAL: Here is an excerpt from the Serge Monast piece, referenced earlier in this post, in which he speaks about Artificial Thought and Communication, which includes the following passage: : "The advancement of techniques propel us toward the third step in the Blue Beam Project that goes along with the telepathic and electronically augmented two-way communication where ELF, VLF and LF waves will reach each person from within his or her own mind, convincing each of them that their own god is speaking to them from the very depths of their own soul. Such rays from satellites are fed from the memories of computers that have stored massive data about every human on earth, and their languages. The rays will then interlace with their natural thinking to form what we call diffuse artificial thought."
Stay tuned for Part 2 of my Comparative Analysis, entitled:
David Sereda: Victim of PBB Mind-To-Mind Induction Techniques, or Legitimate Spiritual Visionary? You Decide!
NOTE TO READERS: To better understand HAARP, Project Blue Beam, and the potential reality of "Mind-To-Mind" induction techniques, I recommend that you access the following post prior to reading the following post: http://thetruthabout1111awakeningcode.blogspot.com/2011/05/breaking-news-blue-spiral-over-norway.html
While researching the "roots" of the New Age 11:11 Awakening Code Phenomenon (refer to this blog's initial post for more details), the name 'David Sereda' kept popping up everywhere during my searches. "Filmmaker, spiritual explorer, and scientist" (and I would add here "earthquake predictor" - I will explain in future posts how Project Blue Beam and HAARP may tie in here), David references Quantum Physics often in his work. Soon I was listening in rapt attention to an interview he did in late December 2009, shortly after the "Blue Spiral Over Norway" (refer to my earlier post on this) was publicized world-wide.
Also, in order to fully comprehend this supposed "Greatest hoax ever to be perpretrated upon Humanity," I sincerely urge you to refer to the below link and watch all three video clips that will explain and show evidence for the reality of HAARP technology and its ability to cause weather pattern shifts and earthquake activity -Robert): http://thetruthabout1111awakeningcode.blogspot.com/2011/04/dont-believe-that-haarp-is-manipulating.html
11:11 Awakening Code,
2012 Prophecy,
David Sereda,
End Times,
Holographic Reality,
New Age,
New World Order,
Project Blue Beam,
Quantum Physics,
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Virgin Mary Seen in Sky Above Ivory Coast - More Proof that Project Blue Beam Has Begun?
URGENT UPDATE: Please go to the following link and watch all three videos:
I find it highly intriguing that I wrote my first post on Project Blue Beam on April 20th - The very same day that this video was shot (link to footage, below). I decided on this same day to dedicate this entire blog to the exploration and discussion of Project Blue Beam (PBB) as it might relate to The New-Age driven 11:11 Awakening Code Phenomenon.
Looks like there is more PBB testing going on in 3rd World locations - This time in the Ivory Coast area. If you watch carefully, you will see toward the end a faint image of what appears to be the Virgin Mary beginning to appear. For those of you who missed the earlier link I posted April 20th on the possible reality of PBB (which by some is closely connected to HAARP), I have included two links, also at the bottom of this post, for your convenience. I recommend you look at it and become informed about "The Greatest Hoax" that will ever be perpetrated on Humanity, if it is successfully carried out. By the way, shortly after it was first posted, it was apparently "flagged" and marked as spam and the embedded code was removed. Hmmmm, very curious.
To See The Virgin Mary on the Ivory Coast Video, Go Here (I am pretty sure this is a Project Blue Beam test, myself):
Now, compare the "Virgin Mary" image you may have just seen with this video of a "Sky Anamoly" occurring in Russia:
And now, go to this link and view the embedded videos to learn more about what Project Blue Beam tests are capable of: http://thetruthabout1111awakeningcode.blogspot.com/2011/04/us-warns-russia-aliens-on-their-way.html
What might the above footage have to do with Project Blue Beam? I strongly suggest you read this excerpt describing Step Two of PBB, as communicated by Serge Monast in 1994:
The Big Space Show in the SkyThe second step in the NASA Blue Beam Project involves a gigantic 'space show' with three-dimensional optical holograms and sounds, laser projection of multiple holographic images to different parts of the world, each receiving a different image according to predominating regional national religious faith. This new 'god's' voice will be speaking in all languages. In order to understand that, we must study various secret services' research done in the last 25 years. The Soviet's have perfected an advanced computer, even exported them, and fed them with the minute physio-psychological particulars based on their studies of the anatomy and electromechanical composition of the human body, and the studies of the electrical, chemical and biological properties of the human brain. These computers were fed, as well, with the languages of all human cultures and their meanings. The dialects of all cultures have been fed into the computers from satellite transmissions. The Soviets began to feed the computers with objective programs like the ones of the new messiah. It also seems that the Soviets - the new world order people - have resorted to suicidal methods with the human society by allocating electronic wavelengths for every person and every society and culture to induce suicidal thoughts if the person doesn't comply with the dictates of the new world order.Now, just look at the below video footage. Then tell me that PBB could not possibly be real. Comments are welcome, as usual.
African footage of possible Project Blue Beam Test on 4/20/11 in Ivory Coast:
Links to learn more about Project Blue Beam:
#1 - http://educate-yourself.org/cn/projectbluebeam25jul05.shtml
#2 - http://www.sweetliberty.org/issues/hoax/bluebeam.htm
Saturday, April 23, 2011
James Durbin Sings "Uprising" By Muse - Great Performance! (Lyrics Included)
UPRISINGParanoia is in bloom,
The PR transmissions will resume
They'll try to push drugs that keep us all dumbed down
And hope that we will never see the truth around
(So come on)
Another promise, another seed
Another packaged lie to keep us trapped in greed
And all the green belts wrapped around our minds
And endless red tape to keep the truth confined
(So come on)
They will not force us
They will stop degrading us
They will not control us
We will be victorious
So come on
Interchanging mind control
Come let the revolution takes its toll
If you could flick the switch and open your third eye
You'd see that we should never be afraid to die
(So come on)
Rise up and take the power back
It's time the fat cats had a heart attack
They know that their time's coming to an end
We have to unify and watch our flag ascend
(So come on)
They will not force us
They will stop degrading us
They will not control us
We will be victorious
So come on
Hey, hey, hey, hey
Hey, hey, hey, hey
Hey, hey, hey, hey
They will not force us
They will stop degrading us
They will not control us
We will be victorious
So come on
Friday, April 22, 2011
InDIGENOUS vs. InDIGITAL Cultures - Narcissistic Entitlement and the 11:11 New Age Movement
URGENT UPDATE: Please go to the following link and watch all three videos:
Recently a reader and I were discussing the 11:11 Awakening Code Phenomenon (Refer to my April 16th post for more information about the New Age 11:11 Code Movement. Or just do a search on it - You will get over 2 million hits; also, do not forget whilst reading this post that I myself am someone who until recently identified with the 11:11 Awakening Code movement). This reader pointed out that indigenous peoples would more than likely not have access to digital clocks and other numerical "triggers" prompting them to stop and notice the digits "11:11". That's when I came up with the title for this post - All the 11:11'ers I know are of course mostly white, middle-to-upper class materialists "acquiring" and consuming "spirituality" to reach "higher states". Now lets be real, here. How many indigenous people do you think would relate to this New Age experience? Not only because they are not surrounded by digital clocks and the like, but because they are not hell-bent on acquiring and consuming "spirituality" and spiritual experiences!
This got me thinking, so I decided to do a bit of googling. Entered the key words 'New Age', 'Narcissism,' and 'Entitlement' - just for the heck of it. Hit 'return' on my search and found a veritable plethora of information and articles, including a piece entitled "Narcissism and Spiritual Materialism: The New Age Legacy" by Kobutsu Malone. Below you will find an excerpt to wet your whistle with. The link to the entire article is available at the bottom of this post. Enjoy.
(Malone Writes): "The "New Age" movement, if indeed it can be referred to as a movement, appears to be a desperate effort of people attempting to find the spirituality that is totally lacking in the dominant culture. Dominant here means more than mainstream, for domination is an integral element of the pervasive materialistic and conquest based culture of the West (emphasis mine). The power-over dynamic and materialistic nature of Western culture is a product of conquest and subjugation that grew out of European feudalism, patriarchism, theocratic dictatorship and opportunistic desire to wield power over other beings. The entire history of what we are taught is "civilization" is in short a story of conquest, written by the conquerors with their purposes in mind. This element of conquest is the backbone of materialism and the materialistic psychology that enables people to visualize their entire world as objects that can be manipulated for selfish gain, this manipulation includes people The theme of selfishness appears to exist throughout the New Age trip, it is on the whole supported by middle class white people who are dissatisfied with their lives and uncomfortable in their relationships and surroundings. Invariably it is a money making scene, the books, crystals, bells, incense, oils, aromas, the tapes and CD's all sell like hotcakes." (I see this alot with many New-Age leaders, past and current, including and especially within the 11:11 Social Network movement at this time - Mann)....
Link to full article: http://www.engaged-zen.org/articles/Kobutsu-New_Age_Legacy.html
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
PROJECT BLUE BEAM: Holographic Realities and the New World Order
Project Blue Beam: The Ultimate Conspiracy
I first came across the idea of Project Blue Beam in a book in 1995 by Norio Hayakawa entitled "UFOs, The Grand Deception and the Coming New World Order".
Basically, Project Blue Beam is designed to usher in the New World Order with a one world government, a one world army, a one world religion, a cashless society and micro-chipped populations controlled by a central computer. The elite of the world would not be subject to this fascist control system but would run it and enjoy its spoils. Please take a moment to watch this brief educational video based on a speech by Dr. Carol Rosin that addresses the planned Alien Invasion "Hoax" and the dangers of Space-based Weaponry to learn more:
If you'd like more information about Project Blue Beam, see a related post by going here: http://thetruthabout1111awakeningcode.blogspot.com/2011/05/project-blue-beam-ultimate-conspiracy.html
I first came across the idea of Project Blue Beam in a book in 1995 by Norio Hayakawa entitled "UFOs, The Grand Deception and the Coming New World Order".
Basically, Project Blue Beam is designed to usher in the New World Order with a one world government, a one world army, a one world religion, a cashless society and micro-chipped populations controlled by a central computer. The elite of the world would not be subject to this fascist control system but would run it and enjoy its spoils. Please take a moment to watch this brief educational video based on a speech by Dr. Carol Rosin that addresses the planned Alien Invasion "Hoax" and the dangers of Space-based Weaponry to learn more:
If you'd like more information about Project Blue Beam, see a related post by going here: http://thetruthabout1111awakeningcode.blogspot.com/2011/05/project-blue-beam-ultimate-conspiracy.html
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