Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Comet Elenin: My Research Suggests This Is A NON-EVENT - And Yet ANOTHER Level-Headed Blogger Agrees!

At last - A writer who understands that most of what we are hearing / reading about Comet Elenin on the internet is a load of crap. See my own reports on Comet Elenin here - And check out my archives for many more articles on this Shadow Government-driven False Flag (Space Threat) Event:

The below article sourced from:

Well you’ve probably heard a fair bit about Comet Elenin C/2010 X1 discovered in 2010 by Russian Astronomer Leonid Elenin. There is a fair amount of bullshit being talked about this comet, including the fact that there are the letters ELE in the name. For those of you who haven’t seen the film Deep Impact ELE in the name Elenin is supposed to stand for Extinction Level Event and according to conspiracy theorists has been incorporated into the name because the comet is coming to kill us all.
Now come on people, if there is a grand conspiracy let loose in the world they aren’t going to let things slip in what’s supposed to be the end game. They might as well have called the comet ‘A great big bastard that’s going to kill all of you little people’.
Being ex military myself I do know how much the military mentality can screw things up. I am also a firm believer that most intelligence agencies could probably be prosecuted under the Trades’ Descriptions Act (they should at least have a notice that their findings are ‘for entertainment purposes only’). However the military and the intelligence agencies have had quite a fair bit of experience keeping things secret and one of the ways tends to be by not using obvious names. The Gadget, was used during the Manhattan Project to describe the nuclear bomb and Tank actually became the name of what we now know of as tanks rather than big metal motorised killing things with guns. If Elenin was something nasty coming our way I don’t think they would have slipped up so blatantly… probably it would have ended up being called something in Icelandic that no one can pronounce and no one can spell, just to bugger up the possibility of successful Google searches.
Ok next we hit the possibility that Comet Elenin is a Brown Dwarf Star rather than a comet. Yes a Brown Dwarf Star is a star is somewhat difficult to distinguish from a large planet visually. They are believed to be roughly the same diameter as Jupiter, but with a lot more mass.
How much more mass?
The smallest Brown Dwarf is around 8x the mass of Jupiter, the largest around 65x. Just going on the gravitational effects such an object would have on the solar system, it’d be bleeding obvious. Visually it might not be anything spectacular, but at a distance of just over 2 AU’s at opposition on March 14th half the distance of Jupiter at opposition it would be easily visible as a disk in binoculars. Even if you somehow decide that all of this brown dwarf’s emissions were in the infrared rather than the visual spectrum and that it reflects absolutely no light from the sun it would now have an apparent diameter approaching 2 arc-minutes you’re starting to get an object that would be noticeable as it occulted background stars. That is of course if it isn’t radiating enough infra-red to be picked up on non astronomical infra-red kit at high altitudes.
Ok the last couple of things I’m going to deal with are some of the silliest shit out there, some of it peddled by a gentleman by going by the name of Astrolpatriot. AP tends to think of himself as a serious astronomer, he’s got a telescope the lot and to be fair his telescope is a nice little telescope. He does tend to talk fair bit of crap about his scope, mixing up different breeds and models, but the only one that I have seen in his videos is a Meade ETX. I can’t tell if it’s the ETX-90 or ETX-125, but that is of little importance. Either of these ETX models will happily give you a wonderful view of Jupiter and it’s moons, you’ll see Saturn in all her ringed glory (though you’re not really going to be able to crank up the magnification) and if you’re really lucky you might get to see Uranus and Neptune as small disks.
However if you’re looking for faint fuzzy objects I’m afraid you’ve been lied to, size does matter.
The ladies out there might agree, length isn’t particularly an issue but width is very important, especially when you’re looking for faint objects. Elenin at the moment is somewhere between 16th and 17th magnitude, which means that Pluto is a fair bit brighter at a magnitude of 15.1. On 5th April Alan Hale (co-discoverer of comet Hale Bopp) was unable to pick Elenin out visually with his 41cm telescope… so why aren’t I surprised that Astrolpatriot can’t find it weeks earlier with his telescope of all of 12.5cm? Faint fuzzy objects need dark skies, good atmospheric conditions and damn big telescopes. If Astrolpatriot knows so little of astronomy that he thinks he should be able to pick out Elenin with his toy I wouldn’t trust him to find Polaris without using the GOTO function on his scope.
As for the rest of the crap he and the rest talk, it’s just that crap… scaremongering bullshit… there isn’t going to be days of darkness (that was the story Nightfall originally by Isaac Asimov), it isn’t a hollow spaceship under intelligent control (that was Rendezvous with Rama by Arthur C. Clarke) and it isn’t coming to hit the Earth as in the films Deep Impact and Armageddon. If however you are gullible to buy into any of these fabrications I do happen to have a genuine empty baked bean tin (Tesco Value Beans) that might have magic powers (it’s never been proved not to have magic powers anyway) and with times being so hard I might be willing to part with it for as little as £50…

Friday, August 12, 2011

Comet Elenin Attracts More and More Interest In The Scientific Community

(For full article, go here Comet Elenin - And look who the author is: Leonid Elenin himself.)

Comet Elenin is attracting more and more interest in the scientific community
August 10th, 2011 | Author: Leonid Elenin

Comet Elenin is attracting more and more interest in the scientific community; at the end of July observations were made on the largest submillimeter telescope in the world JCMT. Since August 1st, observations are ongoing with the space telescope STEREO-B; they will continue for several weeks. It is probable that the comet will be visible in the field of the COR2 (STEREO) coronagraph beginning August 20. Beginning September 23rd, for 6 days, the comet will be visible in the field of view of the LASCO C3 coronagraph on the SOHO spacecraft.

Very recently I received information that several more spacecraft may observe comet C/2010 X1 (Elenin), specifically Venus Express and Messenger. These observations will allow us to obtain unique information about the comet at the time of its perihelion when it will not be observable from the Earth.

Observations are planned with SPICAV UV in the 110-310 nm wavelength band on the Venus Express spacecraft and Messenger’s MASCS spectrograph. Moreover, by simultaneous observations from two spacecraft with different points of view, with the VMC camera on Venus Express and the MDIS camera on Messenger, it is possible to obtain a three-dimensional model of the comet’s coma! It is possible that comet C/2010 X1 (Elenin) may become the brightest comet that these two spacecraft may observe during their entire time of service. I hope this application is approved and the observations take place.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Is HAARP Weather Modification Direct Energy Weapon Causing the Texas Drought? Or Is Russia Paying Us Back For Their Drought Last Year? Read About The Silent War That May Be Going On In Our Skies

Is HAARP Weather Mod Causing the Texas Drought?, Monday, August 01, 2011

Is HAARP Weather Mod Causing the Texas Drought?

Note to Reader: Russia suffered a severe drought last year, and many believed that H.A.A.R.P. caused it. Could their be a silent war going on in our skies via Direct Energy Weapons that can modify weather? (Robert Mann) SEE Russian Drought and HAARP
Military Document: Owning The Weather in 2025

Monday, August 01, 2011
By Zen Gardner
Before It’s

Texas is suffering seriously as you can see from this drought map. What's striking is how the hardest hit areas almost follow the border of Texas exactly. That, as well as Oklahoma, and then into the Louisiana gulf area, which has been targeted before with both Katrina and the BP Oil Disaster.

If you follow dutchsince’s posts on youtube you'll know the weather is being manipulated on a daily basis. Not only that, but the real weather situations are under-reported on a regular basis, such as the true size and scope of tectonic activity, including the recent venting activity at extinct volcano sites in the California/Nevada area.

Weather Modification Is Real

Here’s an excerpt from a site that posted dutchsince's weather mod expose below with some apt comments:

One thing Dutch doesn’t mention is there wouldn’t be anything wrong with this if they were using weather modification for the benefit of humanity, to stop droughts and floods from occurring that interrupt agriculture, hence the food supply and also to save lives from severe weather outbreaks like the one that happened last week that claimed almost 50 lives.
Instead we have seen the evidence that they are using these technologies to excite the atmosphere leading to tornado’s, flooding and BASEBALL SIZE HAIL. In addition Oklahoma and Texas are suffering the worst drought in decades, yet the rain never comes. Hmmm�you would think this revolutionary technology would have these problems solved.

The report also neglects to mention why they are lacing the clouds with barium, aluminum and other toxins, so as innocent as these reports may appear on the surface the technology is obviously a cover for more devious weather modification purposes than mentioned below.

YES these are “real” companies, they’ve been HIRED BY THE US GOVERNMENT and major corporations like PG&E !! Also, they have been sponsored by Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison from Texas. They have a name for it [they don’t call it] “HAARP”, it's called “weather mitigation”..[but we know it's] HAARP and Chemtrails. Source
HAARPed Chemtrails Over Dallas

Texas gets pounded with chemtrails. They often start before dawn and you'll see the telltale stringy chemtrail wisps scattered around the sky. Texas does get regular cloud production so sometimes they'll lay back and then fill in the upper atmosphere above the normal water vapor clouds. Another technique is to build a bank of chemtrails that appears to be a front moving in, and it'll stretch for miles and spread out over large areas of the sky.

Chemtrails also respond to the HAARP radar stations based around the country used to direct the weather where these mad scientist geoengineers want.

Pretty nasty. This is over Dallas, Tx yesterday, July 31, 2011. The metallic salts, of which barium and aluminum oxide are two, respond to the electromagnetic and scalar waves generated by the nationwide tower network and military installations.

Look "natural" to you?

All This Is Real

As noted above, if this technology is in existence, which it obviously is, why wouldn't they use it to our benefit, instead of directing all this violent weather into the nation's midsection, wreaking havoc and destruction, while depriving the gulf coastal area of much needed moisture?

And why target Texas, the gulf states, and the nation's midsection? Might it have something to do with trying to break the will of some of the nation's most fiercely independent citizens, and cripple the nation's breadbasket states? If we were under attack, and we are, that would seem to be a target at some point, wouldn't it.

Definitely something to wonder about. And keep researching.

All you really need to see is this report below to know the PTBs are megalomaniacs out for power and control, and the weather to them is just another weapon.

Read and pass it on:


Sunday, December 16, 2001

By Airforce University


We express our appreciation to Mr Mike McKim of Air War College who provided a wealth of technical expertise and innovative ideas that significantly contributed to our paper. We are also especially grateful for the devoted support of our families during this research project. Their understanding and patience during the demanding research period were crucial to the project's success.

Executive Summary

In 2025, US aerospace forces can "own the weather" by capitalizing on emerging technologies and focusing development of those technologies to war-fighting applications. Such a capability offers the war fighter tools to shape the battlespace in ways never before possible. It provides opportunities to impact operations across the full spectrum of conflict and is pertinent to all possible futures. The purpose of this paper is to outline a strategy for the use of a future weather-modification system to achieve military objectives rather than to provide a detailed technical road map.
A high-risk, high-reward endeavor, weather-modification offers a dilemma not unlike the splitting of the atom. While some segments of society will always be reluctant to examine controversial issues such as weather-modification, the tremendous military capabilities that could result from this field are ignored at our own peril. From enhancing friendly operations or disrupting those of the enemy via small-scale tailoring of natural weather patterns to complete dominance of global communications and counterspace control, weather-modification offers the war fighter a wide-range of possible options to defeat or coerce an adversary. Some of the potential capabilities a weather-modification system could provide to a war-fighting commander in chief (CINC) are listed in table 1.

Technology advancements in five major areas are necessary for an integrated weather-modification capability: (1) advanced nonlinear modeling techniques, (2) computational capability, (3) information gathering and transmission, (4) a global sensor array, and (5) weather intervention techniques. Some intervention tools exist today and others may be developed and refined in the future.

Keep an eye out for anything unusual. Lots of this type of stuff is going on, which of course they'll continue to deny.

Find out for yourself.

NOTE: In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107, any copyrighted material herein is distributed without profit or payment to those who have expressed prior interest in receiving this information for non-profit research and educational purposes only. For further information please refer to:

Climate Change: Scientists Can Now Control the Weather - This is FACT, not FICTION - Educate Yourself, and SHARE

Scientists Now Can Control The Weather - And They Have Been Doing So For DECADES

The Canadian National Newspaper: Climate Change: Scientists can now control the weather

Climate Change: Scientists Can Now Control the Weather

The following is arguably history’s greatest misconceptions held by “the masses:

1. The earth is flat

2. The Sun revolves around our Earth

3. "If God had wanted man to fly, he would have created us with wings".

4. Only “God” can control the Weather

Since our educational system has been deliberately dumbed down to prevent citizens from being well trained in logic, mathematics, and science, most people do not believe that modern man controls the weather. In this article, we will demonstrate the obvious worthlessness of this belief.

Scientists can control the weather using Tesla Technology, which he developed from 1886-1928. Please see: "The Fantastic Inventions of Nikola Tesla", by Nikola Tesla and David H. Childress, 1993.

As you read about our capabilities to control the weather, remember that the brilliant mystic scientist, Nikola Tesla, made the key discoveries almost 100 years ago! We do not know how far advanced Tesla was with his work on controlling the weather and its storms, but we feel fairly confident that the terrible storms and drought in the late 1920's may have been brought on by a deliberate use of Tesla technology.

We now believe that American and Russian scientists can and do control our weather. They can and do create much of the disturbances seen in nature for at least the past several decades. How many times have you heard the weatherman say:

Worst storm in history
Worst flood in past 100 years
Unprecedented --------------- [fill in the blanks]
500-year Flood
Unbelievable -------- [fill in the blanks]
Unexplainable --- [fill in the blanks]

Undoubtedly, you can think of many more examples, but you get my point, that something is afoot with our weather. Some force, or a combination of forces, is causing our terribly unusual, unprecedented, weather. Most professional weathermen shake their heads at this unusual phenomenon and simply say they do not know what is causing this type of weather, that has been attributed to “Greenhouse gasses“.

Scientists of at least several nations who have a history of being hostile to one another now possess scientific knowledge that can control damaging weather to the point of being able to use such weather as hostile, destructive weapons. Exactly which countries possess this damaging capability is not clear; however, we know that, in this 20th Century, Western Capitalism has been nose-to-nose with Eastern Russian Communism. Therefore, we can only conclude that both Russia and America possess this technology.

What kind of damaging weather might be useful as military weapons? I think the following list might be possible candidates.

1. Earthquakes -- This phenomenon might be the most terrifying, since people cannot live without foundation. Entire city structures are based upon buildings having dependable foundations. Therefore, since the New World Order Plan envisions eliminating cities, we might expect that earthquakes would be a preferred weapon of choice. Severe earthquakes might result in the wholesale evacuation of cities.

2. Hurricanes and/or Typhoons -- Wind has proven to be such a devastating force that, once again, it might force large-scale evacuation of cities if the incidence of hurricanes were to become so regular as to render a city location untenable.

3. Flooding -- Rampaging waters are a huge force that threatens entire regions of the country. Since the goal is to force farmers out of business, or to return the most fertile farmlands back to "Nature" [which New Agers call 'Rewilding'], floods would be a most useful weapon. Flooding can also force farmers to miss an entire planting and growing season, thus reducing the amount of food available to a population. Most people think of a lack of food being caused by drought, when the reality is that flooding at the wrong time of the year can produce an equal loss of food production.

4. Drought -- Lack of water is more devastating to farming than flooding. Since the population growth of the past 60 years would not have been possible had it not been for the growth in food production, we might expect that drought might be a useful tool in persuading people of the need to drastically reduce population growth.

In both flooding and drought, we have the potential of totally devastating a people's way of life.

Remember that the overall goal of the New World Order Plan is to reduce the world's population by two-thirds…

5. Tsunami Waves -- If someone would want to force people away from living on the coastline of any nation, consistent tsunami waves would be the ideal tool. This huge wave is totally devastating and terribly frightening.

6. Volcanoes -- Erupting volcanoes can also dramatically change the landscape of the region in which it is located. Nearby cities can, and have been, eliminated.

7. Tornadoes -- We have experienced such an increase in devastating tornado activity, one has to really wonder why.

8. Severe Heat over a long period of time -- Of course, this capability produces the Drought of which we speak, above, and probably should have been mentioned in conjunction with it. However, our nation is currently in the grip of unprecedented heat this summer. How many consecutive days of 100+ degree weather does it take for fertile and productive farmland to be turned into wasteland? Does anyone know? Are we about to find out?

"Both intentionally and by accident, man has discovered ways to alter the weather ... In 1968, Gordon J.F. MacDonald, a geophysicist who is now a member of the President's Council on Environmental Quality [President Nixon], described possible military applications of weather modification in a chapter of the book, 'Unless Peace Comes'. " Louise Purrett then lists some of the devastating weather that can be produced:

1. Heavy precipitation -- Of course, heavy precipitation causes flooding, just exactly what we have been experiencing lately, in the most fertile and productive agricultural land in the world, i.e., the American Midwest. Our own Government is using this Weather Warfare on us! Why? They want to move us into the New World Order, and change our system of Government. As we have stated so many times in the past, they are planning a severe series of crises to so panic us that we will allow our freedoms to be taken away.

2. Drought -- Today, July, 1998, the South, especially Texas, is experiencing the kind of drought that devastates farmers, and drives them into bankruptcy. How many straight days of record heat does it take to turn fertile farmland into useless wasteland? Remember, no civilization can survive if it loses its ability to feed its people. Since this current group of leaders is New Agers who hate our Industrial Civilization, we should be very concerned about their ability to control weather!

3. Steer Hurricanes toward targeted shores -- We should never, ever have to worry about a hurricane hitting our shores again! But, they continue to do so, don't they? Keep this in mind for our next article, Part 3.

4. Warm or cool the entire world's temperature -- I think it is now very clear that our scientists are causing Global Warming. Of course, such Global Warming serves the purposes of causing enough panic to allow a Global Government to be established. See NEWS1198 for more details.

5. Punching a hole in the Ozone layer over an enemy nation. Isn't it interesting to note that this phenomenon is precisely what is being alleged by New Age leaders? What is their solution? To totally change our lifestyle. We will speak more to what they really mean by this in Part 3.

6. Alter the Ice Caps, possibly even bringing on a new Ice Age. Therefore we know that these technology can be used to bring on either a warming or a cooling of the entire world, depending upon what the leaders want to do. It seems apparent that they have decided to warm the world.

We find a source like Gordon J.F. MacDonald, a geophysicist of the calibre needed to become head of President Nixon's EPA Council, totally believable.

We could quote many more articles that the ones chosen for this article. These other articles come from prestigious papers as the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, Newsweek Magazine, and Federal Government publications. However, for the sake of brevity, we will not be reporting these other articles individually, as they tell the same story as the ones we have reported.

The major fact we have proven is that Weather Control and Warfare capabilities have been long reported in various ways over the past decades, but no one has ever paid much attention. The vast majority of the people still believe that man cannot control the Weather, that only God can control it. Deeply seated notions are very difficult to remove, and this notion that only God can create and control Weather is one of the most deeply seated.

All this activity of deliberately creating natural disasters, and of using such natural disasters against us, all fits the goals of the New World Order.

The key Tesla discovery was that the earth itself reverberated with a pulsing electrical current in the low ELF range; in fact, Tesla discovered the exact frequency at which the earth pulsates normally. By causing many towers to pulsate at the same exact ELF frequency at which the earth normally pulsates, scientists could create storms, manoeuvre them, and dissipate them at will. They could cause earthquakes by combining the power from numerous towers. In fact, this Tesla discovery could duplicate almost every single phenomena of Nature.

The idea behind ‘Weather Control’ is this simple, when you think about it simply.

Further, when you see and experience a strong thunderstorm, with a lot of lightening and thunder, what fact about this storm strikes you the most? Are you not impressed by the powerful display of energy that you witness? Energy is the primary ingredient behind nature's storms. Therefore, you must believe that, just perhaps, if energy is the most dominant outward factor in all kinds of storms, then energy at just the right ELF frequency might be the key factor in creating such storms in the first place.

So, you ask, how much energy is required to create, and then direct, storms? The answer to that question depends upon many factors, but let us tell you how much capability has been built into the newly created power transmission station in remote Alaska. These power transmission towers are not your typical towers, as they are designed to generate power in such a way that it is beamed up into the ionosphere in tremendous quantities.

"The $30 million [Pentagon] project, euphemistically named HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program), is made to beam more than 1.7 gigawatts (billion watts) of radiated power into the ionosphere -- the electrically charged layer above Earth's atmosphere. Put simply, the apparatus is a reversal of a radio telescope -- just transmitting instead of receiving. It will 'boil the upper atmosphere'. After [heating] and disturbing the ionosphere, the radiations will bounce back onto the earth in for form of long waves which penetrate our bodies, the ground and the oceans." ["Angels Don't Play This HAARP", page 8]

"... the goal is to learn how to manipulate the ionosphere on a more grand scale than the the Soviet Union could do with its similar facilities. HAARP would be the largest ionospheric heater in the world, located in a latitude most conducive to putting Eastlund's invention into practice." [Page 29]

Furthermore, from this northern latitude, the energy could be aimed into the ionosphere so that it would bounce back down to the earth so it would come down wherever the scientists wanted it to come down. The secret was to learn how and where to aim it to hit the earth where they wanted it to hit, creating the type of disaster or weather they desired.

In a nutshell, this is the nucleus of the expertise just recently acquired to control the weather. By pouring measured energy that has been focussed into certain parts of the ionosphere, scientists can create all kinds of storms like hurricanes, thunderstorms, floods, tornadoes, and drought. Our information also tells us that, not only can hurricanes be created, they can be dismantled should scientists so desire. And, they certainly can be driven on the ocean much like we drive our cars on roadways.

Let us examine still more aspects of this HAARP technology that is pouring such enormous quantities of energy into our upper atmosphere. Researches quickly found that this technology could be used in ways other than just to control the weather. They discovered they had stumbled upon a weapon which could be used most effectively, to destroy, destroy, and destroy some more, with the vast majority of the peoples of the world completely unaware of what was happening to them. After all, most people today still believe that the control of the basic weather of this planet is out of the control of humankind.

Read more?

Internet site reference:

NASA TO TAKE A CLOSER LOOK AT COMET ELENIN AUGUST 1st - 20th: Soon, Even Independent Astronomers Will Know For Sure What May Be Going On

NASA is moving STEREO B to look at Elenin come Aug 1 - 20

In an interesting turn of events, NASA are turning their STEREO B (Behind) satellite to 135 degrees to look at the incoming "comet" Elenin. Remember that until now, NASA has not really publicly acknowledged Elenin's existence.

Also of interest: NASA did have a Facebook link to an events page on NASA's website which was taken down. That acknowledged Elenin and gave us the details to JPL (Jet Propulsions Laboratory) mathematical details on it as well as a diagram showing all the info we needed (distance, times, planet alignments) and from there we've been able to ascertain that everytime there is an alignment with "Comet Elenin", there is an 8-magnitude or higher Earthquake here on Earth.

To see my own views on Comet Elenin, see my article here "NASA, White House, Operatives Pushing Psyops Meme Around Comet Elenin":

Why Is Venus So Bright?

We then have the major storms on Saturn, and Venus being much brighter than usual (reported to be TEN TIMES brighter through the STEREO spacecraft). As you can see from the image below, Venus (for such a relatively small planet) is quite luminous. Considering Venus is actually nearly the same size as our Earth, and you can fit roughly 100 Earths from one side of the sun to the other, this seems to be at least 25 times the brightness and thus, size then it should be.

Unless, something near it is interfering and causing it to light up like a Christmas tree - this we don't know. August 1 - 20 should be an interesting time for all involved.

Debunking the Misinformation (PsyOps?) Around Comet Elenin

Astronomer and blogger Ian Musgrave from South Australia has been active in debunking the misinformation and nonsense that is being disseminated about Comet Elenin. He has written several wonderful posts featuring the actual realities of this long-period lump of dirty ice that has, for some reason, attracted the attention of doomsdayers, 2012ers, and end-of-the-world scaremongers. Earlier this week, Ian’s Elenin posts on his Astroblog were taken down by the web host, as someone filed a claim for alleged violation of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). “Given that there is no copyrighted material on these pages, with either material generated entirely by me or links to and citation of publicly available material, I believe this was just a frivolous attack on people countering Elenin nonsense” Ian said. Astroblog was not the only site that was targeted, and thankfully, Ian’s web host agreed that the claim was without merit, and the posts are back online. In the interim, however, Universe Today offered to publish Ian’s excellent “Comet Elenin, a FAQ for the Worried” post, and even though the original is now available again, Ian and U.T. decided to still post this on UT so that more people with questions about Comet Elenin would have the chance to have their worries allayed. To get your questions answered, go here:

Parts of this article sourced from:

Parts of this article sourced from and

and (requires translation)

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Dylan Ratigan of MSNBC Is Mad As Hell And Rants On National TV: "Americans Have Been Taken Hostage To A Broken System" - We ALL Need To Get This Angry And Demand Change - NOW

[Excerpt] "It is a system that so far has forced the taxpayer to provide the banks with the use of $14 trillion from the Federal Reserve, much of the $7 trillion outstanding at the US Treasury and $2.3 trillion at the FDIC."

The American people have been taken hostage to a broken system (by Dylan Ratigan via Huffington Post)

It is a system that remains in place to this day.

A system where bank lobbyists have been spending in record numbers to make sure it stays that way.

A system that corrupts the most basic principles of competition and fair play, principles upon which this country was built.

It is a system that so far has forced the taxpayer to provide the banks with the use of $14 trillion from the Federal Reserve, much of the $7 trillion outstanding at the US Treasury and $2.3 trillion at the FDIC.

A system partially built by the very people who currently advise our President, run our Treasury Department and are charged with its reform.

And most stunningly -- it is a system that no one in our government has yet made any effort to fundamentally change.

Like health care, this is a referendum on our government's ability to function on behalf of the American people. Ask yourself how long you are willing to be held hostage? How long will you let our elected officials be the agents of those whose business it is to exploit our government and the American people at any cost?

As hostages -- was there any sum of money we wouldn't have given AIG?

Why did we pay Goldman Sachs and all the other banks 100 cents on the dollar for their contracts with AIG, using taxpayer money, while we forced GM and others to take massive payment cuts?

Why hasn't any of the bonus money paid to the CEOs that built this financial nuclear bomb been clawed back?

And more than anything else -- why does the US Congress refuse to outlaw the most anti-competitive structure known to our economy, one summed up as TOO BIG TOO FAIL?

It has become startlingly clear that we as a country, and I as a journalist, had made a grave error in affording those who built and ran those banks and insurance companies the honorable treatment of being called capitalists. When in fact the exact opposite was true, these people were more like vampires using the threat of Too Big Too Fail to hold us hostage and collect ongoing ransom from the US Government and the American taxpayer.

This was no unlucky accident. The massive spike in unemployment, the utter destruction of retirement wealth, the collapse in the value of our homes, the worst recession since the Great Depression all resulted directly from these actions.

Even with all that -- the only changes that have been made, have been made to prop up and hide the massive flaws on behalf of those who perpetuated them. Still utterly nothing has been done to disclose the flaws in this system, improve it or rebuild it.

Last fall was an awakening for me, as it was for many in our country.

And yet, our Congress has yet to open its eyes, much less do anything about it. In fact conditions have never been better for the banks or worse for the rest of us.

Why is this? Who does our Government work for? How much longer will we as Americans tolerate it? And what, if anything, can we do about it?

As we approach the anniversary of the bailouts for our banks and insurers -- and watch the multi-trillion taxpayer-funded programs at the Federal Reserve continue to support banks and subsidize their multibillion bonus pools, we must ask if our politicians represent the interests of America? Or those who would rob America of its money and its future?

As a country, we must demand that our politicians stop serving those whose business models are based on systemic theft and start serving those who seek to create value for others -- the workers, innovators and investors who have made this country great.

Sourced from:

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

RUSSIA HAD IT FIRST - No WONDER The U.S. Rushed To Build H.A.A.R.P: Weaponizing Weather and Space Via Direct Energy Weapons - Understanding the Term "Scalar Weaponry", and the (At Least) 10 Nations That Have the Technical Capability of Weaponizing the Weather and Space

Bill Morgan: Weaponization
2010 MAY 5

The Weaponization of Weather and Space

(NOTE TO READER: The below interview was conducted with Tom Bearden, former War Games Expert with the U.S. Army, PRIOR to the United States building their own Tesla Array, now called H.A.A.R.P.)

“Indeed, Soviet energetics weapons are now capable of destroying both our triad shield, our homeland, our armed forces in the field, and our population, quickly and efficiently. We have a new “gap” of monumental proportions: not a missile gap, not a submarine or bomber gap, and not even a particle beam or laser gap. We have a scalar electromagnetics or electrogravitation gap.” (Bearden)

“We have a new weapon, just within the portfolio of our scientists, so to speak, which is so powerful that, if unrestrainedly used, it could wipe out all life on earth. It is a fantastic weapon.” (Khrushchev, to the Presidium, Jan. 1960.)

“We’ve totally missed the most incredible “secret superweapons” development program of all times, and the worldwide testing of the weapons themselves.

“Hiroshima and Nagasaki should serve as object lessons in the price of ignorance of such technological breakthroughs.

“History does repeat itself. But this time it’s not we Americans who got the great new superweapon first.” (Bearden)

Warfare has been changed forever by the development of these scalar energy longitudinal wave howitzers. To get a basic understanding of scalar waves is to have the imagination suddenly run wild as all the implications and possibilities regarding warfare fall into place. One realizes with a certain horror that the world has totally changed, and that there are some very fearsome possibilities.

Remember, the power for these weapons comes from the time domain, longitudinal EM waves in the vacuum of empty space, and the power is tremendous and mind-boggling. Being able to blast away at any target from a distant control booth is something that has never happened before. This is incredible power to be in control of and it divides the history of weaponry into “before” and “after.” And the destructive power of these weapons is delivered instantaneously to the target from the local vacuum at the place of the target.

From an interview:

Questioner: “Are you saying that real energy can be transmitted faster than the speed of light?”

Bearden: “Yes. But hyperspatially. Not through 3-space, but “around” it. Again, this means that it’s possible to produce energetic changes in a distant system at a distant place, without transmitting energy “through space” in the normal sense. You transmit “around” space, so to speak, and directly in time or through a higher dimension, depending on the model you’re using to understand this. Further, the speed of the internal EM energy transmission is not limited to the speed of light.”

Here are some initial considerations about scalar weapons and scalar wars

3a. The Tesla Howitzer and its modes of action

Source: Tom Bearden’s weapons slides and Fer-de-Lance Briefing

For one thing there is no delivery of any thing to any place. Bombs are obsolete. So are the planes to get them there. No helicopters necessary. All current nuclear devices are rendered nearly useless by electronic “dudding.” All distant-destruction can be done from a control room, and to any point on earth. The destructive power of “men” has just increased by orders of magnitude. The new weapons could even cause storms on the sun! Thus there is great urgency to make these new facts public and known, with the hope that all nations would come together to ban the use of scalar weapons.

Two scalar antennae together along with the computers to control them, make up a scalar interferometer, and according to Col. Bearden the Russians have hundreds of such installations already. These interferometers are called “Tesla Howitzers” They can deliver a giant blast of energy to the distant target site, true “action-at-a-distance”.

The first howitzer mode is called the “exothermic” mode of operation because immense EM energy blasts outward at the target site. The blast of a scalar howitzer can be of near nuclear level in destructiveness, and can be repeated easily, at that place, or nearby, or anywhere.

The howitzer can use a lesser exothermic power setting and simply destroy all electronics in the target area. Thus they can render our nuclear missiles inoperable as they sit in their silos by “frying” the electronic circuits that guide them. They can bring down any airplane, anywhere in the world, at any time. Any person anywhere, if their exact position is known, can be assassinated without a shot being fired.

The howitzers can also bring down power grids anywhere in the world, at any time. Thus they could bring Wall Street to an instant halt by disabling all its electronics. Even this one little easy tweak of the howitzer could cripple the U.S. economy in a single day. No wonder the “leaders” don’t want you to know! This is a new era we are in. The discovery and development of scalar interferometry has put us in a new world, whether we like it or not. Anyone could be expected to go into denial, the befuddled senators and congressmen included. But we have to wake up.

In a second howitzer mode called the “endothermic“ mode, the howitzer sucks energy out of the target area, essentially creating a blast of cold at the distant target. It is even capable of freezing parts of the ocean. Bearden gives a number of cases where these “cold explosions” have been witnessed, mostly by airline pilots. April 9, 1984: 1 2 3 ) A huge mushroom cloud of mostly water is seen rising miles into the sky from out of the ocean, an awesome sight.

In the endothermic mode the sucked-out energy must go somewhere, so it is vented out at some other chosen spot on the earth. These endothermic plumes have been photographed by satellite.

“The exhaust in the left picture is about 150 miles long, and is nearly horizontal (about 1.5 degrees above the horizontal). It is entirely consistent with the continuous exhaust from a “dumping transfer” scalar EM howitzer in the continuous exothermic mode. (The primary howitzer, of course, was activated in the endothermic mode.)” Bearden

More Plumes

By using both of these heat (exothermic) and cold (endothermic) modes together the weather can be altered anywhere. Warm the air over here, cool it down over there, put a curl in the jet stream, dissipate clouds, create clouds, whip up a tornado. Bearden speaks about using the endothermic howitzer mode as a weapon of war:

“Cold explosions can be used to freeze tanks, personnel, and equipment. The equipment and tanks thaw out. The personnel thaw out too, but they are dead when they do.” Bearden, Fer-de-Lance

(This endothermic mode of the howitzers makes me think that there might one day be a cure for the problem of global warming after all. Could not a big device, situated in space or on the moon, be able to vent a great deal of excess heat outside the atmosphere into space, thus functioning as a kind of planetary thermostat?)

While the United States has experimented with electomagnetic weapons using ordinary transverse EM waves, the longitudinal [LW] weaponized waves are truly of another order altogether.

For one thing they do not have to travel through space, for they come from the time domain, which is everywhere. The energy of the blast, the heat or light or whatever, comes from the vacuum of space at the location of the target itself. This is astonishing. The weapons actually just trigger the release of immense energy from the vacuum at the target location.

“… it is possible to focus the potential for the effects of a weapon through spacetime itself, in a manner so that mass and energy do not “travel through space” from the transmitter to the target at all. Instead, ripples and patterns in the fabric of spacetime itself are manipulated to meet and interfere in and at the local spacetime of some distant target. There interference of these ripple patterns creates the desired energetic effect (hence the term energetics) directly in and through the target itself, emerging from the very spacetime (vacuum) in which the target is imbedded at its distant location.” Bearden Fer-de-Lance

The big Tesla howitzers are aimed at their targets by using a worldwide electromagnetic pattern called the “Woodpecker Grid,” begun by the Russians in 1976.

You can hear the Woodpecker signal here:

The woodpecker grid is just that, a grid of EM waves which provide a channel for the LW waves to any point on earth. Computers use the woodpecker grid information to hone down the aiming of the howitzers to a pinpoint location on earth. (For that matter, it could be under the earth, in space, or under the sea).

A third howitzer mode is what Col. Bearden calls “mind-snapping” mode. This is a truly frightening mode which affects the electromagnetic mind-body connection. Being mind-snapped at a low level would cause you to lose consciousness. Being mind-snapped at a slightly higher power would “entrain” all minds in the target area into a kind of hypnogogic trance, a state in which they would all be highly susceptible to suggestions and orders.

Being mind-snapped at high level would so disrupt the mind-body connection that everyone in the target area would fall down, instantly dead. Not only that, everything around you and inside you would be killed, so that your sterilized body would not rot for quite a long time.

The Mindsnapper can be used for a small area, or to kill an entire population. In fact, using the scalar waves to affect the human mind has become a new field in its own right, and has been dubbed “psychoenergetics.” (This is discussed below in section 5).

Bearden describes the use of the howitzer in mind-snapping mode against people, to cause unconsciousness or death:

“From a military viewpoint, these scalar EM weapons are really quite all-around weapons.
“For example, they are very lethal against personnel.

“Set in the “high intensity pulse mode,” one blast and a person’s nervous system is destroyed instantly. Total, instantaneous death results. One can blast away at entire groups of infantrymen, for example. It’s the peak power that’s important, not the average power. So the weapon doesn’t require too much battery power.

“Set on a lower intensity pulse mode, one zap can simply knock out a person, rendering him instantly unconscious. Quite useful if one needs prisoners to interrogate. Also very silent, which is useful in operations employing stealth and surprise.” Bearden

“Those hit by the scalar EM weapon, however, have a most peculiar death mode.

“Death comes-instantly and totally. There is no convulsion, no response. The entire nervous system is destroyed instantly. Every living cell in the body is killed instantly, including all bacteria, germs, etc.

“A body hit with this thing falls like a limp rag and lies where it falls. It doesn’t decay in even 30-45 days. In a macabre fashion, it’s been reduced to something like food irradiated with nuclear radiation; everything is killed, so the material is preserved for an extended period before any decay can set in.” (Bearden)

He goes on to say that the same “bazooka-sized scalar EM pulse weapon” can also be used to knock out a tank with one shot (or pulse). So tank warfare is obsolete. Helicopters? Bearden points out: “… if he’s attacked by a helicopter or a fixed-wing aircraft, he can bring the same weapon to bear on it. He can knock down a chopper or a jet. With one shot.”

Obituary for Tank Warfare

Tanks useless against portable LW weapons

“For example, suppose one attacks a tank. [with an LW weapon] With scalar EM pulse, the personnel die instantly. Total personnel kill is achieved.

“All electronic systems of the tank are dudded. Total systems kill is achieved. The ammunition in the tank explodes. Total kill is achieved.

“The fuel explodes. This is another total kill mechanism.

“That tank has been killed totally, by a variety of mechanisms, all simultaneously. That’s a k-kill in any analyst’s book.

“And don’t worry about retrieval and repair. That tank is finished permanently.

“Even the most modern tank is just as vulnerable as the most obsolete.” (Bearden)

One begins to get the idea how profoundly the conventional means of warfare have been obsoleted. All the usual weapons of war have been rendered nearly useless! And Star Trek’s “Phaser,” with its “stun” and “kill” modes is here at last.

Although it is the weapons aspect of scalar electromagnetic which has received the most developmental effort, Bearden points out that a great many other amazing things that may be accomplished in this new field of science. Beam me up Scotty!

“Superluminal communications systems, hyperspace drive, and materialization and dematerialization are all hypothetically possible, using scalar electromagnetics. As the technology develops, we should see the development of many of the systems long thought impossible except in science- fiction.” (Bearden)

Bearden describes a huge test of the Russian scalar weapons systems which occurred in 1985, a test that went completely unnoticed by western scientists:

“Just before May 1, 1985 the Soviet Union performed a ‘full-up’ operational test of their entire strategic scalar EM weapons complex. This test was detected and monitored periodically by Frank Golden. Some 27 of these giant Soviet ‘power taps’ were locked into the molten core of the earth, producing forced (entrained) scalar resonance of the entire planet on 54 controlled frequencies under our very feet. The remainder of the scalar frequency spectrum was ablaze with literally hundreds of Soviet scalar transmitters: probably the entire strategic scalar command and control system to underwater submarines, higher command centers, distant commands, etc. was activated in the giant exercise.

“For several days, the system was exercised on a mind-boggling scale, apparently as part of the Soviet Union’s highly accentuated 40th anniversary celebration of the end of World War II.

“Ironically, not a single U.S. intelligence agency, laboratory, or scientist detected this monstrous exercise for the new Soviet leader, Gorbachev. Not a one of them had a detector for scalar EM radiation, and not a one of them officially believes the exercise ever happened.” (Bearden)

“The Woodpecker grid/howitzer weapon system can be placed over the ocean and used against cruise missiles, naval surface-to-air and surface-to-surface missiles, submarine-launched ballistic and cruise missiles, etc. Placed over a carrier task force, it can also take care of the aircraft launched by the carrier as fast as they are launched. It can also handily take care of the missiles launched by guided-missile cruisers of the accompanying task force.” (Bearden)

The whole series of the Fer-de-Lance briefing slides and comments is a “must read” for anyone wanting to be aware of the actual state of things in this world right now. It is a new world and it takes some getting used to. Fer-de-Lance speaks clearly, for the layman, of the way things stand.

What is it like to operate these Tesla Howitzers? Col. Bearden gives us an idea in his “Fer-de-Lance” briefing, Slides 66-71.

Who needs armies anymore? A entire war can be fought and won by a handful of men sitting in a comfortable control booth! The scalar electromagnetics revolution has made all previous forms of warfare nearly obsolete.

Why haven’t the Russians used the scalar weapons yet?

Bearden gives his thoughts on this in “Fer-de-Lance.” The power of these weapons is so great that an accident or war could wipe out all life on earth, and even affect the sun.

“As can be appreciated, this entire concept [MAD] is now totally obsoleted by the Soviet possession of scalar EM weapons.

‘The “mutual assured destruction” capability — or MAD concept as it was so aptly named! — is no longer mutual. And for two reasons: (1) the Soviet surprise attack could destroy essentially all our Triad forces wherever they are, in the first attack. (2) Even if a very small number of our strategic forces survive, the puny strike we could attempt to launch could be repeatedly decimated from launch to terminal phase.

‘The restraint on the Soviets is not because of our Triad forces. The restraint is twofold: (1) a second nation has scalar EM weapons, and would undoubtedly unleash them upon the Soviet Union with great violence if such a massive world-wide destruction of U.S. forces occurred or was threatened (is it really “accidental” that six major Soviet missile ammunition storage sites mysteriously exploded within seven months?); (2) the closed-loop scalar radiation exchange system of Earth-Sun could be inadvertently “tweaked” in the feedback loop from Earth to Sun, so that a large solar scalar resonance was stimulated. In that case the Sun could emit a mighty resonant “burp” that would simply wipe out all life on Earth in a fiery shower.

‘The “terror” in the “balance of terror” between nations has just increased by many, many orders of magnitude.

‘The biblical prophecy that the Earth will be wiped out by “fire and brimstone from heaven” is very near fulfillment now.

‘Put another way, the pucker factor — even on the Russians who may contemplate unleashing Armageddon — is higher than any Western strategic analyst has ever imagined, even in his wildest nightmares.

‘Truly these weapons are ‘more frightening than the mind of man has imagined,’ as Brezhnev put it in 1975.

‘The frightening scalar EM weapons can be used, but only very, very gingerly indeed. If a slight mistake is made, everybody loses everything.” (Bearden)

But the Russians (KGB) are not the worst of it. Bearden claims that some of the scalar weapons have been leased to the Yakuza for about a billion a year, and that only the KGB is holding the Yakuza in check from making a full-scale all-out scalar attack on the west.

U.S. Defense Secretary William Cohen Warns about eco-terrorism using scalar electromagnetic weapons

“Others [terrorists] are engaging even in an eco-type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves… So there are plenty of ingenious minds out there that are at work finding ways in which they can wreak terror upon other nations…It’s real, and that’s the reason why we have to intensify our [counter terrorism] efforts.” – Defense Secretary William Cohen, 1997

In a letter to a writer named “Russell,” Bearden says,

“In short, Russell, the Secretary of Defense of the United States confirmed that there are indeed novel kinds of EM weapons, right now and have been for some time, which have been and are being used to (1) initiate earthquakes, (2) engineer the weather and climate, and (3) initiate the eruption of volcanoes. We wrote about those exact uses of the weaponry decades ago. Several nations now have such weapons. Three of them (two on one side and the other on a hostile side) are even firing practice shots into Western Australia, as a convenient test range.”

See also:

Examples of scalar weapons testing around the globe

Tesla Howitzers in Weather mode

How to Make Weather

“Engineering the weather is duck soup; they tested that over the U.S. in 1967, and entered upon continuing operations over North America on July 4, 1976 as a grim kind of KGB “Bicentennial Gift” to the United States. Here’s how it is done with several interferometers.

“First, the interferometers can deliberately make “high pressure areas” (cool the air so it shrinks and its “footprint” pressure on the ground increases because its density increases) and “low pressure areas” (heat the air so that expands and its “footprint” pressure on the ground decreases because its density decreases). Well, if one makes the highs and lows where one wishes them, and judiciously and somewhat slowly moves them along a given path, these highs and lows will entrain the jet streams and thus “steer” the weather.

“So if you wish a very cold snap or attack, go up into Canada and start these actions to steer down some streams that bring some very frigid air. Establish other highs and lows judiciously to “block” or “slow” other jet streams and flows as desired. In this way, one can pull the “large cold air masses coming down from Canada” deep into the southern U.S. at will. They do it regularly. If you wish an ice storm, add an additional current of warm moist air you bring up (steer up by using artificial highs and lows) from the ocean. Where they meet, you will get freezing rain, then sleet, then severe icing accumulating. This type of attack does rather large damage to the struck area.”

Whole websites have now sprung up showing weather radar anomalies which may well be indications of scalar weather engineering. One list of over 500 images is here. Cheniere has its own collection here.

In another section at Cheniere are many photos of cloud anomalies which reveal the underlying grid along which the clouds are forming or un-forming. Bearden relates a startling incident in these clandestine ongoing “weather wars.”

“During the spring of 1986, abnormally strong Soviet weather engineering occurred over the U. S., causing a drastic drought in the southeastern U.S. This drought was broken by a colleague who used an extremely powerful scalar EM device to redirect jetstreams. A most unusual and unique signature of the “blocking” against the Soviet scalar EM actions resulted: Two huge circulations developed in the atmosphere, clearly showed as two adjacent giant “holes” in the swirling cloud cover over the middle and eastern U.S.

“Between these two giant holes, the cloud circulations formed a stream of clouds, moving to the south, looking very: much like a giant vertical “bar” of a huge “Y-shaped” cloud flow.* Several national weathermen commented on this unusual pattern, which had not been observed before. The pattern continued, day after day, as the blocking continued.”

* On the weather maps.

Tesla Howitzers in Earthquake mode

How to Make an Earthquake

“Here’s how you initiate a very large earthquake with such weapons. Take a convenient fault zone of set of them. Focus the interferometry on the fault zone, in the “diverging” mode, and deposit EM energy there in the rocks on both sides, increasing (slowly) the stress in the rocks by the reverse piezoelectric effect (deposit excess energy, get crystal mechanical movements).

“Do it slowly, and the stress will build up to large pressures well-above a plate slip minimum energy required. At some point, the rocks yield and one or both sides “slip” and move rather sharply, giving a very large earthquake in that zone.

“Do the same thing down in the earth (remember, LWs easily penetrate right through the earth and ocean at will, and so the “interference zone” focus can be inside the earth or beneath the ocean, at will.

“Anyway, focus this thing down to where the active part of the volcano is still slumbering, down where the hole in the plate has been made. Keep increasing the deposition of energy in the magma itself, and eventually the increasing pressure from deep within that volcano, underground, will cause an eruption. Build the energy slow, and the eruption will likely be much larger.”

Yugoslav Earthquake, Followed by Cold Explosion

Strange Characteristics of Iran Quake, Sep. 1978

Tesla Howitzers in Tesla’s “Big Eye” mode

How to make a Big Eye in the Sky

By using longitudinal wave interferometry in a weakly endothermic mode a new kind of “radar” is now possible, one which can look right through the earth and oceans. Because the endothermic mode extracts energy from the distant target, a pattern of the target area can be scanned for in the returned energy.

“Thus the receiver produces a representation of the energy extracted from various locations within the distant endothermic zone. By displaying the received signals on an appropriately scanned screen, a representation of the distant scene in the intersection zone can be created. Indeed this is a special kind of “microwave interferometry,” and — with modern techniques — the imagery obtained might be surprisingly good. With development, it might even become as good as the image presently obtained by side-looking acquisition radars.

“Interestingly enough, since scalar EM beams will easily penetrate the earth or the ocean, one can also look beneath the earth or beneath the ocean with this type of scanning scalar interferometer.

“The importance of this capability to strategic and tactical reconnaissance is obvious. Camouflage, cover, and concealment have no effect on such a system. One can easily look inside buildings and into underground facilities. With a small system such as this, the U.S. Marines at Khe Sahn would have had little difficulty locating the tunnels continually dug under the perimeter by the Viet Cong. And targets under jungle canopies are directly visible.” (Bearden)

Tesla Howitzers can destroy all life on earth

How to Make a Storm on the Sun!!

(Just make a big mistake with your Tesla howitzers)

The deepest dangers of the use of scalar weapons are frighteningly pointed out by Bearden here where he considers that the sun, earth and moon (actually the whole solar system) is a delicately balanced arrangement of scalar (longitudinal) EM radiation. There is a scalar connection between the earth and the sun, which are both giant dipoles gushing energy in the time domain. Big scalar events on the earth could alter this balance causing true catastrophe.

“Indeed, a solar response could be stimulated so that the Sun would violently belch and destroy our biosphere, among other effects.”

Unrestrained scalar warfare could cause huge solar storms? To realize that human activity could actually affect the sun itself is truly mind boggling.

Bearden goes on to say:

“Accordingly, use of huge scalar EM weapons is a double-edged sword. Unless carefully employed, use of the weapons could cause a terrible backlash to the user as well as the victim, and even accidentally cause the destruction of the earth itself. It is not accidental that in 1960 Khrushchev stated that his new fantastic weapon could — if unrestrainedly used — destroy all life on earth.

“This appalling backlash potential is apparently what prompted Brezhnev in 1975 to make so strong an effort to get agreement to outlaw the development of “new weapons of mass destruction” more frightful than the mind of man had even dreamed of. Gromyko even introduced such a draft agreement into the proceedings of the United Nations. The first article of the draft agreement indicated that the nature of the weapons referred to would be negotiated. Sadly, the entire Western world did not even know what the Russians were talking about.”

3b. Tesla domes provide near-perfect defense shield.

(Slide from

The Tesla howitzers can be used in a nearly impregnable defensive mode whereby they throw up a dome (Tesla Dome) or a sphere (Tesla Globe) of highly powerful electromagnetic energy, enough to “dud” or destroy missiles which try to penetrate them. Once again, this energy is not going through space from the howitzer, but being made to emerge from the local vacuum at the location of the shell. KGB tests of these domes have been witnessed by airline pilots around the world. Bearden gives many examples of the Tesla domes being sighted around the world in his briefing paper “Fer-de-Lance.” (Russian dome test, another globe incident, yet another globe test). These giant electromagnetic domes can be hundreds of miles across, or narrowed down more to total impermeability.

“Such a shell may be several hundred miles in diameter at the base. The enormous energy required to form such a defense shell is obtained by a “scalar power tap” into the molten core of the earth itself, as previously explained. In late April/early May of 1985, 27 such “power taps” were placed in the earth by the Soviets. If each tap is capable of powering four to six large scalar EM weapons, then the Soviet strategic scalar EM arsenal contains over 100 monstrous superweapons capable of generating exothermic explosions, endothermic explosions, engineering the weather, locating and destroying underwater submarines, detecting and destroying ballistic missiles shortly after launch, detecting and destroying long range strategic bombers as soon as they are airborne, etc.”

By using nested domes one can protect the domed area even against nuclear radiation itself. Tesla globes can be used to hit airborne targets by simply placing a globe of any chosen size in the flight path of the incoming missile. It does double duty because the missile hits it going in, and then the rubble hits it again going out the other side.

While the U.S. persists in its useless boondoggle “missile defense system” by shooting a missile with a missile (missiles which would already have been “dudded” by the Tesla howitzers), between the domes and the globes the Russians (KGB) have in hand (operational) a nearly perfect missile defense system. Someone should ask the Secretary of Defense if the U.S. Tesla domes are in place. And over which cities? How powerful are our American Tesla domes?

Bearden cites a number of examples of these domes being tested around the world:

March 20, 1969 | March 24, 1977 | August 17, 1980 | June 17, 1966 | June 18, 1982 June 22, 1976

In a slide from the Fer-de-Lance briefing it is shown how the “woodpecker grid” itself also acts as a sensor, detecting any missile launch anywhere, and how the howitzers can respond instantly by delivering a blast to exactly the right coordinates, right along the channels of that same grid which is feeding the location information about the missile launch. This certainly beats “trying to hit a bullet with a bullet.” Especially since YOUR bullet would probably be instantly inoperable in a real scalar war situation.

3c. Rogue Groups in the government

Bearden fears that these scalar electromagnetic secrets may have fallen into the hands of what he called secret “rogue groups” within the labyrinthine depths of the black-ops special-access domain of the secret government. “In the extreme, such a deep black program can even become a “captured” program,” he says, “which is totally in the hands of rogues and no longer reports to or is bound by the dictates of the parent government.”

“They have their own agendas. And being rogue groups, they may well bring in unethical, immoral tricks: assassination, bribery, entrapment, disinformation, plausible deniability, etc. A certain percentage of a highly secret rogue group will wind up using all these things and more. It’s a human characteristic, the old primate dominance game. Only now disguised and hidden under deep classification. …

“In highly classified groups, these groups are greatly enabled to joust more widely, unethically, and immorally because it is so deeply hidden. So very deep classification evokes the growth and intensity of rogue groups. It’s the old ‘Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely’ routine. … Due to loose formation of rogue groups inside such programs, they may have dual or triple purposes, may not operate under very much legitimate government control at all, and may operate specifically for the purposes of the rogue group or groups that have gained control.”

“The involvement of at least some rogue groups, some being “cowboys” who operate well outside all laws and ethics, could also result in such things as assassinations, clandestine testing on individuals without their consent, etc. In short, it could account for what seems to be actually occurring. ”

3d. World War III has already begun

Because it is now possible to cripple the power grids and electronics of any nation, that nation could be reduced to economic ruin without ever firing an actual “shot.” Without electricity Wall Street cannot operate. Without electricity you quickly need martial law. One no longer needs to wage a conventional war anymore at all. There are now lots of new ways to bring any nation to its knees.

“We are at war, whether we like it or not. And we are going to have strategic strikes on an unparalleled scale for us. Pearl Harbor was nothing compared to what is coming down, once we consider the “augmentation” and such.

“When that factor is considered, then it’s a totally new ball game on replacing the power system. There isn’t going to be much choice; the old one is going to be destroyed or so badly crippled that it will collapse the U.S. economy in a way we have not seen since 1929. Of course, in such a case hitting us, we will be under martial law, the works, everywhere. For one thing, it’s the only way you can keep the cities from imploding from within, by the criminal element, looting, robbing, killing, etc. Simply wait and see; it’s on the way.”

Although Bearden has for years decried the “scalar-gap,” and chided the military for falling so far behind the Russian KGB in the field of scalar electromagnetics, recent statements indicate that things may at last have changed somewhat.

“In the new war, the first phase of WW III has already been completed. Hence President Bush’s recognition that this is a total war, and has to be taken to the enemy no matter where he may be hiding or in what sanctuary or in what foreign nation. This is an entirely different war than anything the U.S. has ever fought in its history. And before it is over, it is going to kill more Americans than have died in all the previous wars in our history. The news media and the public have not yet recognized that awful situation and predicament. Most are already thinking that, well, we won in Afghanistan so it’s just about over. Instead, it has only just begun.

“Anyway, that’s a brief uptake on some of the weapon situation today. Some 10 nations or more now have LWIs, and five have the QPs. I’m still working on how many have the appalling negative EMP weapons, but would estimate 6 or 7 nations have them in one stage or the other, either deployed or in at least advanced development. And in my estimation, the Yakuza will have them within three to five years if they have to build them themselves, and quicker if they can buy them from the Russians, Chinese, or???” (Bearden)

When he was asked the question “Does the government listen to Tom Bearden?” Bearden said:

“Let me speak carefully. I am very satisfied with how I’ve been listened to in the quarters where the rubber meets the road. The West is no longer defenseless, not by any means. Cannot amplify it further than that.”

Bearden has briefed the government a number of times and the Cheniere website contains a great number of his graphic military briefing slides.

3e. Are the Russians making “UFOs?”

Scalar electromagnetics engineering opens the possibility of antigravity vehicles and “hyperspace travel.” In other words we can now make our own UFO’s! Of such scalar-powered antigravity vehicles, which have now become possible, Bearden has this to say:

“We might expect to see such vehicles glowing. Their various surface features and mechanisms might appear to be glowing or revolving lights, etc.

“They could exhibit incredible ‘aerodynamic performance,’ seemingly in the atmosphere. Actually they would not be moving ‘through’ the atmosphere at all, but through a higher space outside each particle of atmosphere.

“They could seem to materialize and dematerialize.

“They could seem to plunge into the ocean or rise out of it.

“They could even seem to operate under the ocean or inside the earth itself.

“Such anomalous vehicle performances have been seen all over the world, particularly since a few years after WWII.

“It appears that one or more nations of Earth are operating such vehicles now in great secrecy. Our own “government” may even be one of these.

“If so, it isn’t our true ‘government/government.’ Instead, it’s the ‘control group/government.’ It’s government at the operational level, but at higher level it belongs to certain control groups who have penetrated our government’s vitals and taken over all such projects.” (Bearden)

In an excellent article on her Earthfiles website, Linda Moulton Howe reports on the utter bafflement of Norwegian scientists over mysterious lights appearing in the valley of Hessdalen, Norway.

She writes of the research there: “The results can be broken down into two groups: 95% are thermal plasmas and 5% are unidentified solid objects. The plasmas emit long wave radio frequencies and strangely, their temperatures do not vary with change in size or brightness.”

She quotes the scientists’ research summary:

“1) most of the luminous phenomenon is a thermal plasma;
2) the light-balls are not single objects but are constituted of many small components which are vibrating around a common barycenter;
3) the light-balls are able to eject smaller light-balls;
4) the light-balls change shape all the time;
5) the luminosity increase of the light balls is due to the increase of the radiating area. But the cause, and the physical mechanism with which radiation is emitted, is currently unknown.”

This would almost certainly seem to be another example of the testing of the scalar howitzers. It is baffling because, as Bearden points out repeatedly, Western scientists have limited knowledge of the scalar electromagnetic principles by which the howitzers operate. The Hessdalen scientists were completely baffled as to where the energy of these plasma balls was coming from.

(Note from Robert Mann, this blog's author: See just one of my many articles on The Blue Spiral Over Norway - I am amazed that most scientists deny, even today, that this was an obvious EISCAT test!

Ms. Howe interviews Massimo Teodorani, Ph.D., Astrophysicist, who released the report on the 2001 Hessdalen sightings. The scientist speaks of the baffling phenomenon observed.

“I don’t know how it is possible that Nature is spontaneously able to do that. Anyway, we deduce that the plasma is trapped inside a sort of magnetic cage and the magnetic cage closes around the plasma and keeps it fixed in some way, prevents it from expanding. But where does it come from? We don’t know.”

By what we have been considering here, we can recognize the signatures of scalar electromagnetic engineering. If it is a Tesla howitzer, then the energy for the plasma balls is coming from the vacuum of spacetime at the very location of the balls themselves, triggered by scalar interferometers aimed through the woodpecker grid.

These kind of balls can be used as marker beacons giving feedback for precision aiming of the howitzers. The energy of the marker beacon can be read back into the computers giving precise location information for pinpoint aiming. The target area can be very small, or widened out.

There is a little movie of one of the Hessdalen plasma balls here. It would seem to be a clear documentation of a scalar howitzer marker-beacon. How many other current “UFO” sightings are actually the witnessing of Tesla howitzer tests?

In fact there are a great many anomalous events of the past few decades which might very well be explained by the Russian testing of their longitudinal electromagnetic weapons. It would seem that the mysterious appearance of crop circles around the world could be accomplished by feeding a precise mathematical graphic pattern into the computerized aiming software and change the very molecular structure of the crops themselves along the lines of that pattern. The stalks fall over from the localized effect of the longitudinal waves. A plasma ball tracing patterns? Are they slyly sending a message to see if we are ‘getting it’ yet?

The “Cambridge Angel” – Made by Russian scalar plasma balls?

Also see: Interview with Tom Bearden

(Slide from

Monday, August 8, 2011

UPDATE ON COMET ELENIN: Well, I Hesitate To Say I Told You So, But...I TOLD YOU SO.

This astronomical observer agrees with my research results: Comet Elenin poses no threat to earth. Watch out for PsyOps memes and false flag events on 9/11/11, when Elenin is closest to the sun. See my recent article on this NASA / Shadow-Government driven PsyOps Plan, here:

So please, get the word out to others who are falling victim to these false "dooms-day" scenario reports about Comet Elenin. THESE ARE FALSE and need to be exposed as such. We have bigger and better things to worry about - This is only a distraction designed to get all the internet conspiracy theorists worked up into a frenzied lather. Here are the FACTS as it stands right now. Watch, Learn, and Share.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

CIA Confirmed To Be An Investor in Facebook: Guess Who Has Been Marky Z's "Friend" since 2008?

Facebook and the CIA
By Dennis Howlett | January 14, 2008, 4:01pm PST

Howard Cox and Marky Z: "Friends" Since 2008: See Onion News' Satirical Take Of Facebook's Relationship With The CIA in the Video, Below:
(See video, above, for a humorous take on a serious issue)

FACEBOOK: A Dream Come True For The CIA: Facebook’s most recent round of funding was led by a company called Greylock Venture Capital, who put in the sum of $27.5m. One of Greylock’s senior partners is called Howard Cox, who is also on the board of In-Q-Tel. What’s In-Q-Tel? Well, believe it or not (and check out their website), this is the venture-capital wing of the CIA

In a piece of carefully researched critique, Guardian Unlimited writer Tim Hodgkinson does a masterful job unpacking the politics of Facebook, implying that the company’s backer’s real agenda is the realization of the original American dream:

Here at last is the Enlightenment state longed for since the Puritans of the 17th century sailed away to North America, a world where everyone is free to express themselves as they please, according to who is watching. National boundaries are a thing of the past and everyone cavorts together in freewheeling virtual space. Nature has been conquered through man’s boundless ingenuity.

In the process, Hodgkinson accuses Facebook’s backer and in particular Peter Thiel of using the concepts enshrined in Facebook’s technology for what he sees as dark purposes:

…by his own admission, Thiel is trying to destroy the real world, which he also calls “nature”, and install a virtual world in its place, and it is in this context that we must view the rise of Facebook. Facebook is a deliberate experiment in global manipulation, and Thiel is a bright young thing in the neoconservative pantheon, with a penchant for far-out techno-utopian fantasies. Not someone I want to help get any richer.

Hodgkinson goes much further. Digging deep into the background of board member Jim Breyer asserting that his connections bring Facebook uncomfortably close to the CIA:

Facebook’s most recent round of funding was led by a company called Greylock Venture Capital, who put in the sum of $27.5m. One of Greylock’s senior partners is called Howard Cox, another former chairman of the NVCA, who is also on the board of In-Q-Tel. What’s In-Q-Tel? Well, believe it or not (and check out their website), this is the venture-capital wing of the CIA.

Today, the Twitterspehere was awash with comments from people variously describing Hodgkinson’s piece as a masterful piece of anti-Facebook material:

Poisy from Italy: I just read the article about Facebook. So is the CIA looking at my stuff?? Thank God I don’t use Facebook that much…
Frank Edward Nora a podcaster from NJ: who knows… all I know is Facebook gives me the creeps. I don’t like it
Neville Hobson new media maven: Easy summary of Guardian piece on Facebook: it’s all a right-wing conspiracy with no redeeming value whatsoever and Strip out the sensationalist bias and opinion and the Guardian FB story has some very good points on lack of any real privacy.
Hugh MacLeod: uber cartoonist: Wow. Best anti-Facebook article I’ve ever read
Loren Feldman: bad man of video: Awesome read about facebook
Drew Benvie: rising PR star: That Guardian article on the evilness of Facebook really kicked off a discussion today huh! Lots of influencers seeing a new side to FB.
Interestingly, there was virtually no blog commentary from the US and it certainly hasn’t made *Techmeme - a sure sign that Hodgkinson’s evisceration has not traveled well. At least not yet. Instead, we see a critique of Mark Zuckerberg’s performance on 60 minutes. Kara Swisher of AllThingsD did a great job calling the company to account on issues like Beacon but presenter Leslie Stahl fell short of asking the truly tough questions that many have already voiced on the interwebs. Charlene Li, analyst with Forrester, is largely positive about Facebook, but declared that:

A better question to ask is if Mark and his team have the right level of judgment that’s needed to succeed, especially when it comes to understanding user privacy and advertising sensitivity. This appears to be their repeated blindspot, and they would do well to learn from their mistakes. That’s the core of judgment, which is gained only through experience.

For myself, I thought Zuckerberg looked like a rabbit caught in the headlights, turning in a tame performance that missed on almost all counts. But does it matter? If we are to believe Hodgkinson then it doesn’t - at least not to Facebook:

The creators of the site need do very little bar fiddle with the programme. In the main, they simply sit back and watch as millions of Facebook addicts voluntarily upload their ID details, photographs and lists of their favourite consumer objects. Once in receipt of this vast database of human beings, Facebook then simply has to sell the information back to advertisers, or, as Zuckerberg puts it in a recent blog post, “to try to help people share information with their friends about things they do on the web”.

Maybe so. In the last couple of days, I’ve been spammed by some of my Facebook friends. Having seen what was sent on their behalf I’m convinced a Facebook bot has been at work. I know these people too well to think they would spam me deliberately.

In this blog, I get the chance to expose the shenanigans of the enterprise software vendors. When seen through Hodgkinson’s eyes, companies I like to target look positively tame. It’s not their tactics are any less reprehensible, it is the insidious way Facebook seems to be invading our lives. And with it, the very privacy issues that have been exercising the minds of people like Thomas Otter.

Like it or not, Facebook is going to have a significant impact on enterprise life. Whether that’s directly through the way it advertises or indirectly through the dissemination of information it sells to direct the products and services which are developed on behalf of consumers. It can only be a matter of time before the Facebook metaphor is taken seriously at the business level and someone develops an enterprise version. In this regard, I can’t see Oracle, IBM, SAP or Microsoft standing idly by. Can you?

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

The USAF's Recently Launched X-37B Space Craft and HAARP: Partners In Crime To Make The Perfect Direct Energy Weapon?

I am sharing this video with you all because I, like the creator of this video, suspect there may be a connection between the X-37B USAF Space Weapon (and there are TWO of them in orbit now, not just one), and HAARP as a Direct Energy Weapon. Why? It conceivably can allow for directly targeting locations. Watch, be curious, and wonder...And SHARE with others.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Halliburton Detention Camps For Political Subversives: The Whacky Reality of U.S. Federally-Sanctioned U.S. Concentration Camps - FOR U.S. CITIZENS!

Halliburton Detention Camps For Political Subversives

Paul Joseph Watson/Prison | February 1 2006

In another shining example of modern day corporate fascism, it was announced recently that Halliburton subsidiary Kellogg, Brown and Root had been awarded a $385 million dollar contract by Homeland Security to construct detention and processing facilities in the event of a national emergency.

The language of the preamble to the agreement veils the program with talk of temporary migrant holding centers, but it is made clear that the camps will also be used "as the development of a plan to react to a national emergency."

Discussions of federal concentration camps is no longer the rhetoric of paranoid Internet conspiracy theorists, it is mainstream news.

Under the enemy combatant designation anyone at the behest of the US government, even if they are a US citizen, can be kidnapped and placed in an internment facility forever without trial. Jose Padilla, an American citizen, has spent over four years in a Navy brig and is only just now getting a trial.

In 2002, FEMA sought bids from major real estate and engineering firms to construct giant internment facilities in the case of a chemical, biological or nuclear attack or a natural disaster.

Okanogan County Commissioner Dave Schulz went public three years ago with his contention that his county was set to be a location for one of the camps.

Alex Jones has attended numerous military urban warfare training drills across the US where role players were used to simulate arresting American citizens and taking them to internment camps.

The move towards the database state in the US and the UK, where every offence is arrestable and DNA records of every suspect, even if later proven innocent, are permanently kept on record, is the only tool necessary to create a master list of 'subversives' that would be subject to internment in a manufactured time of national emergency.

The national ID card is also intended to be used for this purpose, just as the Nazis used early IBM computer punch card technology to catalogue lists of homosexuals, gypsies and Jews before the round-ups began.

Section 44 of the Terrorism Act in Britain enables police to obtain name and address details of anyone they choose, whether they are acting suspiciously or not. Those details remain on a database forever. To date, 119,000 names of political activists have been taken and this is a figure that will skyrocket once the post 7/7 figures are taken into account. At the height of the Iraq war protests, around a million people marched across the country. However, most of these people were taking part in a political protest for the first time and as a one off. Even if we take a figure of half, 500,000 people being politically active in Britain, that means that the government has already registered around a quarter of political activists in the UK.

In truth the number is probably above half because we are not factoring in those already on MI5 'subversive' lists and those listed after the 7/7 bombings, when the powers were used even more broadly.

Concurrently in the US, a new provision in the extended Patriot Act bill would allow Secret Service agents to arrest and jail protesters accused of breaching any security perimeter, even if the President or any other protected official isn't present. The definition of 'free speech zones' can be shifted around loosely and this would open the floodgates for protesters to be grabbed and hauled away in any circumstance at the whim of the Secret Service.

During the 2004 RNC protests, thousands of New Yorkers were arrested en masse in indiscriminate round-ups and taken to Pier 57 (pictured), a condemned, asbestos poisoned old bus depot, where they were imprisoned without charge for up to 24 hours or more.

The existence and development of internment camps are solely intended to be used to round up en masse and imprison 'political dissidents' (anyone who isn't prepared to lick government boots) after a simulated tactical nuke or biological attack on a major US or European city.