Tuesday, May 10, 2011


LIST of H.A.A.R.P. / EISCAT Locations Around The World

Here you can learn all about HAARP-type EISCAT facilities around the world. This is not just limited to the United States. Remember, there appears to be a world-wide network of such facilities - And these two videos show the actual locations of where some of them are. Watch the below videos and get educated. Learn where these facilities are, and about the technology that makes them so dangerous. Learn about Chem-Trails and how this relates to HAARP.

China. Japan, Russia. Norway. United Kingdom. It goes on and on and on. See all the links. See the equipment. Our entire planet is at risk. Get educated. Be informed. Spread the word. And I encourage you to spread it wide, fast, and far. We all need to know that these facilities are manipulating the weather intentionally and IT HAS GOTTEN OUT OF CONTROL! Is there an Array where YOU live? And if so, is this something you would have liked to have known?

BTW: The second video even includes evidence of a document from M.I.T. entitled "How To Stop A Hurricane". Yes, you read that right!


  1. amazing!!!! or not?????? i guess it was more probable than possible, we already know about the one world govenment, it makes sence that there's many haarp facilities. bringing the world population down to 500 000 000. the real death toll of all these man made earhquakes(11th) and other disasters for that matter is false. the media is controled, we only hear what we are told, we are never told what we need to be told because"they" rule everything. however...the made disasters which happen on the 11th day into a month have not even dented their objective this space.....

  2. Sounds like you are referring to "Agenda 21" - The Illuminati's supposed plan to depopulate the earth by 5.5 billion. Some say that such a "soft-kill" is going on right now, via food that is genetically engineered; food that is laden with killer chemicals; Radiation Warfare, Weather Warfare, etc. There are so many odd things occurring, e.g., severe flooding in our farm-land areas, mass sightings of Sky Anomalies, earthquakes, nuclear melt-downs, etc, that I am beginning to wonder...

  3. excellent to recieve a reply, thanx! i clicked onto your name as was amazed to see you (robert mann) are also an 11:11er! i've been noticing this number for many years, so much so that its got to a point where i think i bore people with the 11:11 phon. i seem to notice it at least in am or pm, a lot of the time both. but the number 11, or figure 11 11 always appears to me in everyday life. i also have some strange dreams about outer life, whatever that means, i cant explain these, but i've never shared to people about my dreams.have you heard of project camelot with kerry cassidy and bill ryan?? some interviews seem so far fetched and unbelievable, but like i said b4, we only know what we've been told by the so called govenment.i believe that maybe all the govenment faces we see are just puppets on a string...just for our bennefit, and i bet that only the top dogs are aware of the real secrets......

  4. Haven't heard of Project Camelot but I will look into it. Interesting to hear you have these types of dreams: This seems to be true for many of us who experience the 11:11 effect. I have had atypical, visionary, and pre-cognitive dreams since I was a very young child. When you say "outer life," what do you mean? And about puppet governments: I tend to agree, and more and more these days I am beginning to suspect the existence of Shadow Government- The Grand Master Puppeteer.

  5. thetruthisoutthereMay 18, 2011 at 1:02 AM

    the dreams are hard to explain...its me dreaming but it doesn't seem to be me in the dream? you say you've had visions? me too, some unexplainable and of a strange nature, as if i was in the past,future or even a different planet! and like i said, i dont think its me, or maybe it is in a past life, or a FUTURE life!i know its sounds crazy, maybe i am! but why all the signs? i dont even know how i came across project camelot? i urge you to check it out, some whistleblowers who have worked on certain secrets....some of these are unfortunatly not with us anymore tho????

  6. Hello TTIOT - Now I see your comment here - Hope you can see this reply.

    It seems that you are very open to "non-ordinary," transpersonal experiences. I specialize in this area - teach, write, and counsel, etc. within the field. If you want to email me privately I am happy to guide you in directions that may prove to be fruitful so that you can better understand and embrace your unique experiences. I know they can be a tad overwhelming, even confusing, if you have nobody to discuss these with who understands.
