Friday, June 3, 2011


EXCERPT: HAARP alone has many applications, primarily military, and those listed (below) are just a small “safe to reveal” set of examples. If 3.6 MW can accomplish these, imagine what 1000 MW might do!

To understand the history of "Scalar Weaponry" and how it can be used for Weather Modification, go here:

Can HAARP manipulate storms, hurricanes, and earthquakes? There is definitely a correlation between these and when HAARP is active. This article will give some examples of that correlation. And while that alone does not prove a direct causal relationship, the physics of HAARP and the political agenda behind the program suggest that weather and earthquake manipulation is both possible and likely (For Full Article, Go Here):


I assume everyone reading this knows of HAARP. Less known is that HAARP is only one of several such facilities — and not the most powerful one either. There are others, here are five:

1) Mu Radar – 1 megawatt facility in Japan (34°51'14.80"N 136° 6'19.45"E).

2) Arecibo Observatory – 2 megawatt facility in Puerto Rico (18°20'38.97"N 66°45'9.77"W).

3) HIPAS – 70 megawatt facility east of Fairbanks, Alaska (64°52'21.18"N 146°50'18.78"W).

4) Sura – 190 megawatt facility in central Russia (56° 7'10.32"N 46° 2'4.41"E).

5) EISCAT – 1 gigawatt facility in Tromsø, Northern Norway (69°35'1.06"N 19°12'57.11"E).

(you can copy and paste the coordinates into google maps)


VIDEOS OF HAARP / EISCAT LOCATIONS AROUND THE WORLD: - At Least 15 Are Believed To Be In Operation At This Time:

By comparison, HAARP (near Gakona, Alaska – 62°23'33.73"N 145° 9'2.61"W) is claimed to be a mere 3.6 megawatt facility — and that’s after being upgraded in 2006. It has 278 times less maximum power than the ionospheric heater in Norway.

Nevertheless, HAARP is far from useless. According to the DARPA:

Key to the current effort was the expansion of the experimental research facility that includes a 3.6 MW high-frequency transmitter and a variety of diagnostic instruments, to conduct investigations to characterize the physical processes that can be initiated and controlled in the ionosphere and space, via interactions with high power radio waves. Among these were: (1) the generation of extremely low frequency/very low frequency radio waves for submarine and other subsurface communication, and the reduction of charged particle populations in the radiation belts to ensure safe spacecraft systems operations; (2) the control of electron density gradients and the refractive properties in selected regions of the ionosphere to create radio wave propagation channels; and (3) the generation of optical and infrared emissions in space to calibrate space sensors.

A study completed by an Air Force/Navy Panel also pointed to additional high-value functions that can potentially be accomplished with the a 3.6 MW capability, in particular, the exploration and refinement of scientific principles that could lead to the development and deployment of a system to provide protection for spacebased assets from emergent asymmetric threats. (source)

HAARP alone has many applications, primarily military, and those listed above are just a small “safe to reveal” set of examples. If 3.6 MW can accomplish these, imagine what 1000 MW might do!

There is an interesting anecdotal account by Dan Eden of HAARP being used for surreptitious purposes. Furthermore, he claimed that there was a second, secret, more powerful installation in Alaska. Now in 2008, a decade later, the existence of that facility is no longer secret and its name is HIPAS, which is indeed almost twenty times as powerful as HAARP.

Physics of HAARP

What makes these ionospheric heaters so useful is that they consist of phased arrays. A phased array is a grid of antennas whose phases (timing) and amplitudes are individually adjustable. This means a great variety of different combinations can be tried out, synthesizing new and complex total wave forms. Phasing allows the output to be pointed in different directions without having to move the antennas themselves.

For anyone familiar with the works of Tom Bearden, phased arrays also allow for partial phase conjugation or canceling of the emitted electromagnetic waves. When EM waves have either (or both) of their electric and magnetic components cancelled, the contained energy takes the form of a longitudinal / potential / scalar / gravitational / temporal wave instead.

Ionospheric heaters can also “control electron density gradients and the refractive properties in selected regions of the ionosphere” meaning it can modulate ionospheric electron density. That is another powerful method of generating longitudinal waves, using the sky itself as a giant longitudinal antenna.

And so phased arrays can be used to generate an entirely different type of radiation, one that cannot be detected with standard EM-measuring instruments. Depending on their frequency and type, these waves can theoretically affect human emotion and biology, influence the weather, alter tectonic dynamics, and even manipulate our surrounding hyper-dimensional environment to allow for controlled invisibility and interdimensional maneuvering of military personnel and vehicles. In essence, everything that regular electromagnetic waves cannot really do.

This much I find plausible, that HAARP-like technologies are active on a level superseding those of regular electromagnetism, and that this is what HAARP and its sister facilities are really being used for. It is nothing the public knows about or can comprehend because this technology uses an expanded kind of physics of which only a small and sterilized subset comprises mainstream college textbooks. But it can be figured out if you have a physics background and study the implications and applications of force-free potential fields.

Weather Manipulation

Now let’s look at some potential correlations between notable weather events and when HAARP was active. Its activity can be read from the waterfall chart published on the HAARP website. According to the site:

This chart is a waterfall plot of the readings taken by the Spectrum Monitor for the last 36 hours. The vertical axis is the frequency, ranging from 1 – 30 Mhz and the horizontal axis is the UTC time. Spectrum samples are taken every few minutes. The color indicates intensity of received signal at each frequency, ranging from deep blue for the weakest signals to red, yellow and white for the strongest signals.

HAARP activity is indicated by sharply defined patterns on the waterfall chart, like the slots on a piano roll or stripes on a spectrograph. There is also background noise in the charts, but those are more diffuse. What matters is the sharp patterns, their presence, sequence, when they start and stop.


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