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I recently was introduced to the work of Rik Clay - He is now dead at the age of 25 - An apparent "suicide" only 2 months after this interview aired.
After listening to this material (found on the two videos posted below), I am intrigued and amazed to discover that Rik Clay, like myself, was concerned that the 11:11 Code and its possible meaning(s) were being "hijacked" (or "co-opted" - the term I have been using on this blog) by "shadowy government" with the intention of distorting the Code's possible meaning and message for its own dark purposes and gain.
To go further: I am increasingly of the mind that "shadowy government" may be covertly "hijacking," or "co-opting," the 11:11 Code Awakening Movement and its message of Global Spiritual Awakening via people like David Sereda and others who encourage us to believe that we will all be transitioning into some sort of "5th Dimensional New Age" - And therefore we do not need to pay too much attention to current "real world" issues, much less work toward sociopolitical and/or environmental change.
In certain ways, by believing we will all escape our current (oppressive) Social Systems via an impending "dimensional shift", 11:11 Awakening Code people who are convinced they will be leaving their current, "3rd Dimensional" world behind in 2012 (as described by David Sereda and others who promote similar "transformational" ideas) are not so different than Fundamentalist Christians who believe they will escape difficult earthly realities via the miracle of the Rapture. In both cases, such ideologies and beliefs promote a false transcendence - That is, they are a form of denial and escape. Clearly, such a psychological stance will inhibit our joining together to become a powerful, collective force of change in the world at this time - And this may be just what "shadowy government" and other powerful, elite forces are banking on.
To learn more about my ideas regarding The 11:11 Awakening Code, David Sereda's 2012 End Time Prophecy, and the possible "hijacking" and distortion of the 11:11 Code's transpersonal "message" or "mission", I encourage you to go here:
I am continuing my research on the above possibility and will post at length on this soon. For now, those who are interested, I encourage you to listen to Rik on these two videos. Regardless of your personal beliefs, they are truly fascinating.
Interview With Rik Clay About The 11:11 Code, Part One
Interview With RIk Clay About The 11:11 Code, Part Two
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Tuesday, May 31, 2011
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A Concerned Facebook Member Is Taking ACTION - You can as well. Share this link with all you know - Let's demand that governments around the world conduct an investigation on Chem-Trails. Together, we can stop the madness of Global Environmental Homicide. Don't just think about it - Send this letter to your government - And remember to "copy" your local and regional Representatives!
Dear Prime Minister (or President)
For quite a few years I have been witnessing heavy aerial spraying over the skies of my city and I am quite concerned about this. The trails left by the unmarked planes are not normal, and they collect and hang in the sky for an unusually long period of time. They often appear to be sprayed in grid patterns intended to cover portions of the sky. A growing number of alarmed citizens like myself are researching and discussing this matter. We are observing the skies very closely, and we are sharing our notes and photos, not only in my city, but in other cities throughout the country.
I have recently discovered that people in 26 other nations around the world are also observing the same spraying overhead, and have been using the term "chemtrails" to describe this activity. Websites are showing up everywhere now on the internet displaying photos that look just mine, taken by people with the same concerns and questions that I and my friends have. The problem is, no one has been able to get a satisfactory answer to the questions of exactly what is being sprayed and why. Every serious inquiry so far has been brushed aside by the governments involved. There have been two types of responses: 1) People have been told these are all "normal contrails", or 2) No response at all.
We are quite certain that chemicals are being sprayed overhead, and we have deep concerns and important questions about this obvious aerial aerosol program that is being conducted. They are as follows:
1) Are you aware that this spraying is being conducted?
2) Who is doing the spraying?
3) What is the spray composed of?
4) What is the purpose?
5) What will the health impacts be on myself, my children, and the environment?
6) Am I funding this through my income tax?
7) Has our mayor been informed?
8) What is the United Nations position on this activity? Who initiated this program, and how did they manage to implement it on an international scale?
9) Why has the public not been informed?
I would very much appreciate your answer to these questions by July 1st, 2011. Your answers will be of great interest, as a growing number of us will be meeting soon to discuss what to do about this issue. The information you offer will be of critical importance in informing our decision on what action needs to be taken next, to address the systemic spraying of our skies.
Yours truly,
A Concerned Facebook Member Is Taking ACTION - You can as well. Share this link with all you know - Let's demand that governments around the world conduct an investigation on Chem-Trails. Together, we can stop the madness of Global Environmental Homicide. Don't just think about it - Send this letter to your government - And remember to "copy" your local and regional Representatives!
Dear Prime Minister (or President)
For quite a few years I have been witnessing heavy aerial spraying over the skies of my city and I am quite concerned about this. The trails left by the unmarked planes are not normal, and they collect and hang in the sky for an unusually long period of time. They often appear to be sprayed in grid patterns intended to cover portions of the sky. A growing number of alarmed citizens like myself are researching and discussing this matter. We are observing the skies very closely, and we are sharing our notes and photos, not only in my city, but in other cities throughout the country.
I have recently discovered that people in 26 other nations around the world are also observing the same spraying overhead, and have been using the term "chemtrails" to describe this activity. Websites are showing up everywhere now on the internet displaying photos that look just mine, taken by people with the same concerns and questions that I and my friends have. The problem is, no one has been able to get a satisfactory answer to the questions of exactly what is being sprayed and why. Every serious inquiry so far has been brushed aside by the governments involved. There have been two types of responses: 1) People have been told these are all "normal contrails", or 2) No response at all.
We are quite certain that chemicals are being sprayed overhead, and we have deep concerns and important questions about this obvious aerial aerosol program that is being conducted. They are as follows:
1) Are you aware that this spraying is being conducted?
2) Who is doing the spraying?
3) What is the spray composed of?
4) What is the purpose?
5) What will the health impacts be on myself, my children, and the environment?
6) Am I funding this through my income tax?
7) Has our mayor been informed?
8) What is the United Nations position on this activity? Who initiated this program, and how did they manage to implement it on an international scale?
9) Why has the public not been informed?
I would very much appreciate your answer to these questions by July 1st, 2011. Your answers will be of great interest, as a growing number of us will be meeting soon to discuss what to do about this issue. The information you offer will be of critical importance in informing our decision on what action needs to be taken next, to address the systemic spraying of our skies.
Yours truly,
FAKE ALIEN INVASION IN 2012: Project Blue Beam - Is It Really Only A Myth? Watch This Video - Then YOU Decide!
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If you'd like to learn more about the supposedly "mythical" Project Blue Beam after watching the below video, go here:
If you'd like to learn more about the supposedly "mythical" Project Blue Beam after watching the below video, go here:
HAARP Has An ADJUNCT FACILITY in LONG ISLAND! Navy / HAARP Personnel Have Taken Over The Infamous BROOKHAVEN Facility!
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Yesterday there was an Earthquake in New Jersey - The Quake was centered just East of Philadelphia and had a magnitude of 2.0 and a 1.3 registered in New York City.
My personal opinion is that HAARP was engaging in some clandestine testing once again, likely from their facility on Long Island (more on this, below). Most people will disagree with me, but the fact is, most people simply do not understand Advanced Tesla Technology. The fact is, HAARP Activity simply needs to excite interdependent structures to trigger seismic events. The fact is, VLF electromagnetic waves have been shown to, at very low power, be capable of resonating with rock and therefore can shake the ground quite well. Telsa did this. Others have repeated these experiments.
Possible HAARP Phenomenon Observed from Long Island, New York
HAARP is setup in a manner that fits the theoretical framework that was begun by Telsa and expanded upon by many others. I would ask those who believe that HAARP is simply a benign research center to read the book "Angels Don't Play This HAARP" and/or watch the free, hour long documentary of the same name (available via the resource bar to the left of this blog page) as a starting point to become educated. Then you can follow up on published papers that scientists have put out on this advanced technology. This is a VERY specialized area of electro-magnetic research that seems to defy logic, until you do the research.
To put it in the most 'relative terms'. HAARP's 'full' technology is based off of mathematics of the 'electric universe' theorems.
HAARP, Long Island, USA ( dish & antennas)
40.878455, -72.687485
Some very interesting information about HAARP has recently come to light. To provide a background for some of this information, we go back to when Brookhaven National Laboratories on Long Island underwent a significant and far reaching change of directorship, and subsequently a change of direction and focus. The changes at Brookhaven, one of the first National Laboratories established, received coverage even in the national news media.
You may have heard about Brookhaven, because it has been getting considerable heat on Long Island as of late due to their having dumped radioactive waste into Long Island's groundwater aquifer for the past 30+ years, resulting in severe, widespread and life threatening contamination of the water supply, affecting a great number of people, farmland, waterways, and even Long Island Sound/Peconic Bay.
Brookhaven Labs has been repeatedly named as a major player in other clandestine and generally malignant and malevolent operations on Long Island--such as the Montauk Project, the covert government's clandestine electromagnetic/ radio frequency mind control project carried out in a documented subterranean facility beneath the derelict Montauk Air Force Station. and related activities. Among other well-known secrets are the particle accelerators underlying much of the area used in so many covert projects, which undoubtedly also have negative environmental and health consequences.
Subsequent to these well-publicized but never adequately explained changes at Brookhaven Labs last year, several of the Navy's key H.A.A.R.P. personnel are now stationed at Brookhaven National Lab. And, even more interestingly, no public mention has been made of this by Brookhaven, the Navy, nor anyone else.
Latest reports show that the Navy has more or less completely taken over administration and operation of H.A.A.R.P. on Long Island and that the Air Force is no longer involved in any significant capacity.
Because HAARP can be used to pinpoint its effects either over a large or small area, it may be worth further investigation to see if we can detect signs of its power. For example, using HAARP it is more than possible to knock out not just communications but also electronic systems. It's a disconcerting thought, but could HAARP testing have been responsible for the explosion of flight TWA-800 which spontaneously exploded over Long Island on July 17th 1996?
Dutch Since confirms earthquake in New Jersey - May 29, 2011
[Note To Reader: I am publishing this EXCERPT, below - Those who are interested by it may wish to research this communication further - Robert Mann]
Montauk News
Here's the news on the Pentagon 'Hack' ... and it's relation to Montauk, AND the latest report on the H.A.A.R.P. Project - from John Quinn
From: J9 Aq9
Date sent: Tue, 19 May 1998 18:15:09 EDT
To: , others ( mailing list deleted )
Subject: Navy/Pentagon on HAARP Blowout-Strike TWO!!
Dear Recipients:
As many of you know, the Navy was emailed with a request for an official comment/statement regarding the fax received by a Long Island man who is an associate of Preston Nichols; the document describes a "blowout" of the HAARP 15-3 Proteus particle accelerator unit, resulting in an (uncontrolled) dimensional rift.
An informed source with substantial ties to the NAVY told me that fallout from this accident is still occurring, with "wormholes" popping up all over the place: New England was mentioned as one location. Phenomena associated with this wormhole include creatures from other times on this planet, as well as from "elsewhere".
(Once again I advise those hardened skeptics who immediately dismiss any such tales as nonsense that there is strong, clear evidence showing that HAARP has some extremely covert and extremely "esoteric" agendas working at this time; relativistic phenomena such as generating (inter)dimensional rifts, portals, wormholes, anti gravity conditions, etc.).
Do yourself a favor: Learn how the weather and climate are being manipulated by governments, militaries, universities, private individuals, corporations, terrorists.
Note: Parts of this story were sourced from:
Yesterday there was an Earthquake in New Jersey - The Quake was centered just East of Philadelphia and had a magnitude of 2.0 and a 1.3 registered in New York City.
My personal opinion is that HAARP was engaging in some clandestine testing once again, likely from their facility on Long Island (more on this, below). Most people will disagree with me, but the fact is, most people simply do not understand Advanced Tesla Technology. The fact is, HAARP Activity simply needs to excite interdependent structures to trigger seismic events. The fact is, VLF electromagnetic waves have been shown to, at very low power, be capable of resonating with rock and therefore can shake the ground quite well. Telsa did this. Others have repeated these experiments.
Possible HAARP Phenomenon Observed from Long Island, New York
HAARP is setup in a manner that fits the theoretical framework that was begun by Telsa and expanded upon by many others. I would ask those who believe that HAARP is simply a benign research center to read the book "Angels Don't Play This HAARP" and/or watch the free, hour long documentary of the same name (available via the resource bar to the left of this blog page) as a starting point to become educated. Then you can follow up on published papers that scientists have put out on this advanced technology. This is a VERY specialized area of electro-magnetic research that seems to defy logic, until you do the research.
To put it in the most 'relative terms'. HAARP's 'full' technology is based off of mathematics of the 'electric universe' theorems.
HAARP, Long Island, USA ( dish & antennas)
40.878455, -72.687485
Some very interesting information about HAARP has recently come to light. To provide a background for some of this information, we go back to when Brookhaven National Laboratories on Long Island underwent a significant and far reaching change of directorship, and subsequently a change of direction and focus. The changes at Brookhaven, one of the first National Laboratories established, received coverage even in the national news media.
You may have heard about Brookhaven, because it has been getting considerable heat on Long Island as of late due to their having dumped radioactive waste into Long Island's groundwater aquifer for the past 30+ years, resulting in severe, widespread and life threatening contamination of the water supply, affecting a great number of people, farmland, waterways, and even Long Island Sound/Peconic Bay.
Brookhaven Labs has been repeatedly named as a major player in other clandestine and generally malignant and malevolent operations on Long Island--such as the Montauk Project, the covert government's clandestine electromagnetic/ radio frequency mind control project carried out in a documented subterranean facility beneath the derelict Montauk Air Force Station. and related activities. Among other well-known secrets are the particle accelerators underlying much of the area used in so many covert projects, which undoubtedly also have negative environmental and health consequences.
Subsequent to these well-publicized but never adequately explained changes at Brookhaven Labs last year, several of the Navy's key H.A.A.R.P. personnel are now stationed at Brookhaven National Lab. And, even more interestingly, no public mention has been made of this by Brookhaven, the Navy, nor anyone else.
Latest reports show that the Navy has more or less completely taken over administration and operation of H.A.A.R.P. on Long Island and that the Air Force is no longer involved in any significant capacity.
Because HAARP can be used to pinpoint its effects either over a large or small area, it may be worth further investigation to see if we can detect signs of its power. For example, using HAARP it is more than possible to knock out not just communications but also electronic systems. It's a disconcerting thought, but could HAARP testing have been responsible for the explosion of flight TWA-800 which spontaneously exploded over Long Island on July 17th 1996?
Dutch Since confirms earthquake in New Jersey - May 29, 2011
[Note To Reader: I am publishing this EXCERPT, below - Those who are interested by it may wish to research this communication further - Robert Mann]
Montauk News
Here's the news on the Pentagon 'Hack' ... and it's relation to Montauk, AND the latest report on the H.A.A.R.P. Project - from John Quinn
From: J9 Aq9
Date sent: Tue, 19 May 1998 18:15:09 EDT
To: , others ( mailing list deleted )
Subject: Navy/Pentagon on HAARP Blowout-Strike TWO!!
Dear Recipients:
As many of you know, the Navy was emailed with a request for an official comment/statement regarding the fax received by a Long Island man who is an associate of Preston Nichols; the document describes a "blowout" of the HAARP 15-3 Proteus particle accelerator unit, resulting in an (uncontrolled) dimensional rift.
An informed source with substantial ties to the NAVY told me that fallout from this accident is still occurring, with "wormholes" popping up all over the place: New England was mentioned as one location. Phenomena associated with this wormhole include creatures from other times on this planet, as well as from "elsewhere".
(Once again I advise those hardened skeptics who immediately dismiss any such tales as nonsense that there is strong, clear evidence showing that HAARP has some extremely covert and extremely "esoteric" agendas working at this time; relativistic phenomena such as generating (inter)dimensional rifts, portals, wormholes, anti gravity conditions, etc.).
Do yourself a favor: Learn how the weather and climate are being manipulated by governments, militaries, universities, private individuals, corporations, terrorists.
Note: Parts of this story were sourced from:
8.4 Earthquake,
Dutch Since,
HAARP in Long Island,
Long Island,
May 29,
Montauk Project,
New Jersey,
Tesla Technology,
Weather Modification
Sunday, May 29, 2011
To read full article, go here - Excellent work that this investigative author is doing:
UPDATE: A reader has sent me photos of what appear to be NEW ready-and-waiting DETENTION CENTERS replete with fencing, guard towers, and fiber optics located in the Wrstern U.S. in a Mountainous region. I will be dedicating a post to this soon, with photos. What on earth is going on? Could the rumors of NWO prison / reprogramming camps that await some of us be true? This is not a joke - These photos are the real deal from a respected and trusted source.
The above image provides a wide-angle context view of the Dulce military facility located in New Mexico just south of the Colorado Mesa Verde National Park mountainous area. It is also located just southeast of the intersection of the state boundary lines of New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, and Colorado known as the 4-Corners area. The 4-Corners is also infamous in the conspiracy and UFO communities mostly because of its proximity to the Dulce base and the many UFO sightings that have been witnessed in this area. Dulce is suppose to be a super secret place except for the slight problem of course of it being infamous.
Many of you are no doubt aware of the Dulce base and the stories that have circulated for years about it. What is known is that this is an Air Force facility and the great majority of this facility is underground. By underground, I do mean very deep underground. In fact, I suspect we would be shocked at just how deep down and how far laterally it reaches into other states. The considerable north and south mining spoil or tailings on the east side of the site visible in the above 1st image and pointed out by the yellow arrows demonstrates that there is in fact a deep mine here and over it is this surface facility.
For any of you who may not be aware of the Dulce Base story, what makes it so infamous is primarily an event some allege to have occurred there back in the 1970s or 1980s, I encourage you to begin your research here:
One thing is for certain: A secret underground Military complex at Dulce appears to be most real. There is an EXTENSIVE ventilation system with multiple power sources evident. Further, our American tax dollars are paying for it. So it isn't going to hurt for we in the public to take a look here and try to gain a little more insight into this very secret place that we are paying for.
The above image is a photograph by the U.S. Department of Energy, Nevada Operations Office, photo number MX-027-30 dated December 14, 1982. Note the Air Force insignia on this Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM) and remember that this picture is about 27 years old, meaning that we're looking at 27 year old technology here. Can you imagine a giant machine like this underground on a railroad track hauling behind it a giant compactor forming huge cylinders of excavated and compacted material fitted to the tunnel sizes that are then transported to the surface and hauled originally via highway to the remote dump site forming the individual objects seen in the 9th image. Could it be a clue?
Obviously the Dulce base is very real as is the very deep subterranean aspect of it. The complex is obviously huge and development there underground is clearly ongoing and current. However, whether this involves aliens or not is not something that this visual evidence cannot answer. The problem with the revelations/stories that circulate about Dulce is that the most successful secrecy counter measure is to spread so many different stories, including even those uncomfortable for secrecy, so that one can never get an objective bead with confidence on what is true and what isn't.
Like a dose of medicine that one should take for one's own good, you need to know something about this real world secret place in so far as visual surface evidence can reveal it. That way, should the issues of an alien presence and partnerships and/or Nibiru and coming preparation arise again in the future, maybe it will not be so easy to deflect innocent naive public thoughts away from determining the merit of such issues and onto pointless questions of whether such a place exists at all or not or whether something is actively happening there or not.
Understand that my purpose in examining places like this is not to reveal secrets to America's adversaries. In these modern times, such adversaries have their own unobfuscated satellite views and their own professional experts that examine surface places like this in much greater detail than we can here through this often obfuscated Google Earth imaging. They know far more about this place and others in minute detail than we do here in the Google Earth imaging.
Just remember that some truths, like medicine that is ultimately good for you, is rarely pleasant. Secrecy types need to relax and understand that this knowledge is part of the growth process and necessary in ramping up to face the real world issues coming. In other words, no one is criticizing or threatening you here, it's just growth.
Oh, and by the way, if you were ever to question the true nature and purpose of the facilities observable above ground at Dulce, you would be told by employees working there that these are simply related to the New Mexico San Juan Power Plant.
Please remember: If a clandestine operation is trying to be super secret, it often historically depends on being located at remote places insulated by desolate terrain few wish to intrude into and supplemented by guard assets. Area 51 as well as Pine Gap and Tower Zero in Australia are examples of that but all the unusual visual activity in the sky around such facilities eventually and predictably erodes their secrecy value. When it comes to secrecy, unusual visual activity observable by very many civilians is always a bane. In other words, surface isolation is not always effective when it comes to secrecy.
The secrecy alternative of going underground takes care of a lot of the visual observation problems but preparing the space underground then becomes a significant problem in the form of what to do with the waste produced by excavations. If the underground facility is going to be very extensive, the waste in the form of mining spoils or tailings can easily compromise secrecy. So you locate at an already existing mine that already has spoil/tailings grounds on the surface that some locals are already familiar with seeing.
You must have a cover like a spy might operate out of an innocuous antique store as their front operation. So you install an above ground power plant at or near the old mining site that in theory burns coal from the nearby old mine. It is big and the surface excavations for the power plant installation in 1973 in this case serve as cover for starting the underground facility. You have two fronts working for you, one being the power plant on the surface and the other being the subterranean coal mine. These fronts employ locals who in turn become dependent of that employment and quite naturally favorable to the place since it supports lives and families over the following decades. It doesn't pay for them to be too suspicious of anything and normally they aren't. You just keep their focus on the front operations and away from any clandestine activities below.
So you gradually dig out your underground facility far down deep below. The clandestine digging waste mixes with the old coal mining spoils and fresher power plant excavations. However, your underground facility is very ambitious and there's just too much waste over time that you know will eventually draw curious local attention. You anticipate this and start spreading the waste out at other remote but reasonably convenient sites like the site of another big power plant just a few miles away to the south that you also installed and also at an old mine site northeast.
The problem is that this may put off your own average civilian but it is not really going to put off professional clandestine observers employed by adversaries looking at the evidence from their own satellites with close clear views far better than those available on Google Earth. They know about the spreading out of the waste strategy because many of them are likely doing the same thing in their countries with their covert facilities facing similar problems. They can add up the spoil volume and get a pretty good idea of how extensive your underground activities are far beyond the scope of simple coal mining and whether your activities are current or not. Any other consideration is simply delusion.
Competitors and adversaries clearly see the huge surface retention ponds that you can't hide where you are having to deal with deadly toxic wastes from very deep mining. They clearly see the huge air handling fan systems required to make your subterranean operation viable for human activity. They monitor this for many years and even decades tracking all the surface changes also an unavoidable result of your activity. One of those changes over time is the great number of dumped uniform cylinders or cartridges of compacted waste stacked around at the spoil sites identifying the use of TBMs (Tunnel Boring Machines) that you allowed to sit around too long before bulldozing them out into smoother profiles in the spoil sites. Remember, being secrecy types themselves, they think like you do and not like innocent civilians.
Let's face it, what you are doing deep down in fulfilling the purpose of creating an underground facility may still be a secret from most distant prying eyes but that there is a facility and its likely extent and where its main activity you don't mind them seeing is located (San Juan) is no secret at all except possibly to the people of the country or area in which this is happening. I follow evidence and the visual evidence of an extensive underground complex beginning with the San Juan facility location is visible in publicly available programs like Google Earth. You could have hidden them if you truly wanted to. I cannot help what the front operation is formally named or what local personal experience with it may or may not be.
UPDATE: A reader has sent me photos of what appear to be NEW ready-and-waiting DETENTION CENTERS replete with fencing, guard towers, and fiber optics located in the Wrstern U.S. in a Mountainous region. I will be dedicating a post to this soon, with photos. What on earth is going on? Could the rumors of NWO prison / reprogramming camps that await some of us be true? This is not a joke - These photos are the real deal from a respected and trusted source.
The above image provides a wide-angle context view of the Dulce military facility located in New Mexico just south of the Colorado Mesa Verde National Park mountainous area. It is also located just southeast of the intersection of the state boundary lines of New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, and Colorado known as the 4-Corners area. The 4-Corners is also infamous in the conspiracy and UFO communities mostly because of its proximity to the Dulce base and the many UFO sightings that have been witnessed in this area. Dulce is suppose to be a super secret place except for the slight problem of course of it being infamous.
Many of you are no doubt aware of the Dulce base and the stories that have circulated for years about it. What is known is that this is an Air Force facility and the great majority of this facility is underground. By underground, I do mean very deep underground. In fact, I suspect we would be shocked at just how deep down and how far laterally it reaches into other states. The considerable north and south mining spoil or tailings on the east side of the site visible in the above 1st image and pointed out by the yellow arrows demonstrates that there is in fact a deep mine here and over it is this surface facility.
For any of you who may not be aware of the Dulce Base story, what makes it so infamous is primarily an event some allege to have occurred there back in the 1970s or 1980s, I encourage you to begin your research here:
One thing is for certain: A secret underground Military complex at Dulce appears to be most real. There is an EXTENSIVE ventilation system with multiple power sources evident. Further, our American tax dollars are paying for it. So it isn't going to hurt for we in the public to take a look here and try to gain a little more insight into this very secret place that we are paying for.
The above image is a photograph by the U.S. Department of Energy, Nevada Operations Office, photo number MX-027-30 dated December 14, 1982. Note the Air Force insignia on this Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM) and remember that this picture is about 27 years old, meaning that we're looking at 27 year old technology here. Can you imagine a giant machine like this underground on a railroad track hauling behind it a giant compactor forming huge cylinders of excavated and compacted material fitted to the tunnel sizes that are then transported to the surface and hauled originally via highway to the remote dump site forming the individual objects seen in the 9th image. Could it be a clue?
Obviously the Dulce base is very real as is the very deep subterranean aspect of it. The complex is obviously huge and development there underground is clearly ongoing and current. However, whether this involves aliens or not is not something that this visual evidence cannot answer. The problem with the revelations/stories that circulate about Dulce is that the most successful secrecy counter measure is to spread so many different stories, including even those uncomfortable for secrecy, so that one can never get an objective bead with confidence on what is true and what isn't.
Like a dose of medicine that one should take for one's own good, you need to know something about this real world secret place in so far as visual surface evidence can reveal it. That way, should the issues of an alien presence and partnerships and/or Nibiru and coming preparation arise again in the future, maybe it will not be so easy to deflect innocent naive public thoughts away from determining the merit of such issues and onto pointless questions of whether such a place exists at all or not or whether something is actively happening there or not.
Understand that my purpose in examining places like this is not to reveal secrets to America's adversaries. In these modern times, such adversaries have their own unobfuscated satellite views and their own professional experts that examine surface places like this in much greater detail than we can here through this often obfuscated Google Earth imaging. They know far more about this place and others in minute detail than we do here in the Google Earth imaging.
Just remember that some truths, like medicine that is ultimately good for you, is rarely pleasant. Secrecy types need to relax and understand that this knowledge is part of the growth process and necessary in ramping up to face the real world issues coming. In other words, no one is criticizing or threatening you here, it's just growth.
Oh, and by the way, if you were ever to question the true nature and purpose of the facilities observable above ground at Dulce, you would be told by employees working there that these are simply related to the New Mexico San Juan Power Plant.
Please remember: If a clandestine operation is trying to be super secret, it often historically depends on being located at remote places insulated by desolate terrain few wish to intrude into and supplemented by guard assets. Area 51 as well as Pine Gap and Tower Zero in Australia are examples of that but all the unusual visual activity in the sky around such facilities eventually and predictably erodes their secrecy value. When it comes to secrecy, unusual visual activity observable by very many civilians is always a bane. In other words, surface isolation is not always effective when it comes to secrecy.
The secrecy alternative of going underground takes care of a lot of the visual observation problems but preparing the space underground then becomes a significant problem in the form of what to do with the waste produced by excavations. If the underground facility is going to be very extensive, the waste in the form of mining spoils or tailings can easily compromise secrecy. So you locate at an already existing mine that already has spoil/tailings grounds on the surface that some locals are already familiar with seeing.
You must have a cover like a spy might operate out of an innocuous antique store as their front operation. So you install an above ground power plant at or near the old mining site that in theory burns coal from the nearby old mine. It is big and the surface excavations for the power plant installation in 1973 in this case serve as cover for starting the underground facility. You have two fronts working for you, one being the power plant on the surface and the other being the subterranean coal mine. These fronts employ locals who in turn become dependent of that employment and quite naturally favorable to the place since it supports lives and families over the following decades. It doesn't pay for them to be too suspicious of anything and normally they aren't. You just keep their focus on the front operations and away from any clandestine activities below.
So you gradually dig out your underground facility far down deep below. The clandestine digging waste mixes with the old coal mining spoils and fresher power plant excavations. However, your underground facility is very ambitious and there's just too much waste over time that you know will eventually draw curious local attention. You anticipate this and start spreading the waste out at other remote but reasonably convenient sites like the site of another big power plant just a few miles away to the south that you also installed and also at an old mine site northeast.
The problem is that this may put off your own average civilian but it is not really going to put off professional clandestine observers employed by adversaries looking at the evidence from their own satellites with close clear views far better than those available on Google Earth. They know about the spreading out of the waste strategy because many of them are likely doing the same thing in their countries with their covert facilities facing similar problems. They can add up the spoil volume and get a pretty good idea of how extensive your underground activities are far beyond the scope of simple coal mining and whether your activities are current or not. Any other consideration is simply delusion.
Competitors and adversaries clearly see the huge surface retention ponds that you can't hide where you are having to deal with deadly toxic wastes from very deep mining. They clearly see the huge air handling fan systems required to make your subterranean operation viable for human activity. They monitor this for many years and even decades tracking all the surface changes also an unavoidable result of your activity. One of those changes over time is the great number of dumped uniform cylinders or cartridges of compacted waste stacked around at the spoil sites identifying the use of TBMs (Tunnel Boring Machines) that you allowed to sit around too long before bulldozing them out into smoother profiles in the spoil sites. Remember, being secrecy types themselves, they think like you do and not like innocent civilians.
Let's face it, what you are doing deep down in fulfilling the purpose of creating an underground facility may still be a secret from most distant prying eyes but that there is a facility and its likely extent and where its main activity you don't mind them seeing is located (San Juan) is no secret at all except possibly to the people of the country or area in which this is happening. I follow evidence and the visual evidence of an extensive underground complex beginning with the San Juan facility location is visible in publicly available programs like Google Earth. You could have hidden them if you truly wanted to. I cannot help what the front operation is formally named or what local personal experience with it may or may not be.
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Scientists And Geologists Agree That PULSATING ELECTROMAGNETIC FLUX Generated Artificially By Extraterrestrial Or Terrestrial Human Technologies May Cause Major Earthquakes, Tsunamis Volcanoes, and Severe Storms.
To view the homepage of this blog, go here:
The bulk of this story was sourced from: and
Well, until the Extraterrestrial Fleet makes its appearance, I say that the likely culprit is H.A.A.R.P. / EISCAT EM-Wave Technology. How about you? -Rob Mann
Pulsating electromagnetic flux can accelerate tectonic plate movements causing artificial earthquake, landslide and tsunami
According to scientists and geologists, the earth’s brittle tectonic plates can be made to move against each other at a faster rate with the use of pulsating electromagnetic flux generated artificially by extraterrestrial or terrestrial human technologies.
The artificial pulsating electromagnetic flux can be generated by either the position of a set of neutron stars or black holes far away in the middle of the galaxy or by artificial generation of the pulsating electromagnetic waves. (Note to reader: H.A.A.R.P. / EISCAT-type facilities generate these Electromagnetic ["EM"] Waves).
Many countries are experimenting with pulsating electromagnetic flux to create low intensity tectonic movements or low level superficial land slides.
The earthquake and resulting Tsunami in Sumatra could have been caused by this method. As a matter of fact, between November 2004 and March 2005, the earth saw major earthquakes and Tsunamis that outpaces anything we have seen in modern times.
The technology can also be used to neutralize or avoid earthquakes or Tsunamis. But that needs a through mapping of building forces or waves so that appropriate counter measures can be applied. Modeling tectonic forces or gravity wave is not easy since we know not all forces at play. Also the exact direction and sense of these vectors are unknown. All that we can do is to provide logical prediction or anticipation of the se forces as they build up.
In other words, predicting earthquakes are difficult because we just do not know all the factors. For the same reasons preventing them also is difficult. What appears to be possible, however, is the creation of low intensity earthquakes without knowing the exact effect of the acceleration in plate movement.
Some researchers open to the existence of Extra-terrestrial Intelligence believe that the extra terrestrials know very well the exact force and wave vectors and they apply counter measures precisely to create or avoid earthquakes and tsunamis.
Gravity is actually wave. It can be intensified and neutralized with the use of artificially generated electromagnetic flux. The whole Universe works by creating the electromagnetic flux at different points with various different techniques.
Gravity is created and occasionally neutralized at different points. The resultant effects create solar systems, destroy stars, give birth to planets, moves on planet from solar systems to another and so on. This was used to deplete a rich planet – our neighboring Mars from its atmosphere and all ingredients that support life.
When the same technology is used at a smaller level, it can cause earthquakes, tsunamis, landslides, cyclones, storms and even volcanoes. We understand the concept of gravity. But out traditional science always describes gravity as a force. But actually it is a wave that can be neutralized.
Now it is becoming more clear studying the flight patterns of Extraterrestrial UFOs that the antigravity propulsion system is actually also achieved with electromagnetic flux.
The same electromagnetic flux can be applied to intensify or neutralize gravity in a massive scale that can literally move tectonic plates or neutralize their movements. According to some, the series of earthquakes that happened between November 2004 and March 2005 were bunch of experimentation by either the Extraterrestrials or some human hand.
The use of electromagnetic flux at a very high intensity is not that easy. Proper algorithmic interpretation and application is necessary otherwise wrong and sometimes totally opposite results can happen. It is not just creating this flux with super intensity. It is also measured application – and that is where the real technology lies.
The same can also be applied to create harmonic tremor forcing the lava to eject through volcanoes. The whole Universe can be modeled as interconnection of gravity waves that keep everything in place. Whenever some changes take place, the electromagnetic flux generated either through dark matter or other artificial means can neutralize gravity in local zone. That creates massive imbalance in dynamic forces. This imbalance causes earthquakes, volcanoes, landslides, Tsunamis and even cyclones.
The imbalance can be created artificially through the use of Terrestrial and advanced Extraterrestrial technologies.
The bulk of this story was sourced from: and
Well, until the Extraterrestrial Fleet makes its appearance, I say that the likely culprit is H.A.A.R.P. / EISCAT EM-Wave Technology. How about you? -Rob Mann
Pulsating electromagnetic flux can accelerate tectonic plate movements causing artificial earthquake, landslide and tsunami
According to scientists and geologists, the earth’s brittle tectonic plates can be made to move against each other at a faster rate with the use of pulsating electromagnetic flux generated artificially by extraterrestrial or terrestrial human technologies.
The artificial pulsating electromagnetic flux can be generated by either the position of a set of neutron stars or black holes far away in the middle of the galaxy or by artificial generation of the pulsating electromagnetic waves. (Note to reader: H.A.A.R.P. / EISCAT-type facilities generate these Electromagnetic ["EM"] Waves).
Many countries are experimenting with pulsating electromagnetic flux to create low intensity tectonic movements or low level superficial land slides.
The earthquake and resulting Tsunami in Sumatra could have been caused by this method. As a matter of fact, between November 2004 and March 2005, the earth saw major earthquakes and Tsunamis that outpaces anything we have seen in modern times.
The technology can also be used to neutralize or avoid earthquakes or Tsunamis. But that needs a through mapping of building forces or waves so that appropriate counter measures can be applied. Modeling tectonic forces or gravity wave is not easy since we know not all forces at play. Also the exact direction and sense of these vectors are unknown. All that we can do is to provide logical prediction or anticipation of the se forces as they build up.
In other words, predicting earthquakes are difficult because we just do not know all the factors. For the same reasons preventing them also is difficult. What appears to be possible, however, is the creation of low intensity earthquakes without knowing the exact effect of the acceleration in plate movement.
Some researchers open to the existence of Extra-terrestrial Intelligence believe that the extra terrestrials know very well the exact force and wave vectors and they apply counter measures precisely to create or avoid earthquakes and tsunamis.
Gravity is actually wave. It can be intensified and neutralized with the use of artificially generated electromagnetic flux. The whole Universe works by creating the electromagnetic flux at different points with various different techniques.
Gravity is created and occasionally neutralized at different points. The resultant effects create solar systems, destroy stars, give birth to planets, moves on planet from solar systems to another and so on. This was used to deplete a rich planet – our neighboring Mars from its atmosphere and all ingredients that support life.
When the same technology is used at a smaller level, it can cause earthquakes, tsunamis, landslides, cyclones, storms and even volcanoes. We understand the concept of gravity. But out traditional science always describes gravity as a force. But actually it is a wave that can be neutralized.
Now it is becoming more clear studying the flight patterns of Extraterrestrial UFOs that the antigravity propulsion system is actually also achieved with electromagnetic flux.
The same electromagnetic flux can be applied to intensify or neutralize gravity in a massive scale that can literally move tectonic plates or neutralize their movements. According to some, the series of earthquakes that happened between November 2004 and March 2005 were bunch of experimentation by either the Extraterrestrials or some human hand.
The use of electromagnetic flux at a very high intensity is not that easy. Proper algorithmic interpretation and application is necessary otherwise wrong and sometimes totally opposite results can happen. It is not just creating this flux with super intensity. It is also measured application – and that is where the real technology lies.
The same can also be applied to create harmonic tremor forcing the lava to eject through volcanoes. The whole Universe can be modeled as interconnection of gravity waves that keep everything in place. Whenever some changes take place, the electromagnetic flux generated either through dark matter or other artificial means can neutralize gravity in local zone. That creates massive imbalance in dynamic forces. This imbalance causes earthquakes, volcanoes, landslides, Tsunamis and even cyclones.
The imbalance can be created artificially through the use of Terrestrial and advanced Extraterrestrial technologies.
Friday, May 27, 2011
Does "Disclosure Project" Have TIES to The ROCKFELLER EMPIRE and the UFO AGENDA? - WATCH THIS VIDEO To Hear Evidence Supporting This Controversial Accusation (...And Watch For The OWL)
To view the homepage of this blog, go here:
I am currently researching the veracity of the accusations made in this video, and therefore am withholding comment. However, as I do not hear about many people discussing what this video contains, I am suggesting that you watch it to see if these accusations hold any merit.
Comments on Youtube following this video point to the idea that Greer tried to work with the U.S. Government but they didnt want disclosure; he therefore continued on his own.
For example, one commenter writes: "According to the supposedly mythical NASA Project Blue Beam, the Government is planting false information about aliens to make us think there will be an invasion. Greer always says thats not the case and they are peaceful".
Regardless, it is an interesting video. As always, your comments on any and all material posted on this blog are welcomed.
I am currently researching the veracity of the accusations made in this video, and therefore am withholding comment. However, as I do not hear about many people discussing what this video contains, I am suggesting that you watch it to see if these accusations hold any merit.
Comments on Youtube following this video point to the idea that Greer tried to work with the U.S. Government but they didnt want disclosure; he therefore continued on his own.
For example, one commenter writes: "According to the supposedly mythical NASA Project Blue Beam, the Government is planting false information about aliens to make us think there will be an invasion. Greer always says thats not the case and they are peaceful".
Regardless, it is an interesting video. As always, your comments on any and all material posted on this blog are welcomed.
HAARP RINGS ARE REAL - Binghamton, NY and Scranton, PA - DUTCHSINSE CORRECT AGAIN WITH HIS SEVERE WEATHER PREDICTIONS - When Are We Going To Demand A Congressional Investigation On HAARP?
WATCH THIS VIDEO FAST BEFORE Youtube "Disables" (CENSORS) it - Which they have been doing whenever Dutchsinse recaps one of his tragically accurate Severe Weather predictions via observable HAARP Rings.
Dutchsinse writes: "Here is the forecast where i specifically named Binghamton down to Scranton to get hit hard with severe weather up to tornados due to the HAARP Ring signature that appeared out of Binghamton New York":
To Get Dutchsinse's Daily Severe Weather Forecasts Directly, Go Here:
Dutchsinse writes: "Here is the forecast where i specifically named Binghamton down to Scranton to get hit hard with severe weather up to tornados due to the HAARP Ring signature that appeared out of Binghamton New York":
To Get Dutchsinse's Daily Severe Weather Forecasts Directly, Go Here:
A Concerned Citizen In NC Writes Their CONGRESSMAN About H.A.A.R.P. RINGS and SEVERE WEATHER: - WILL YOU?
I think more of us need to take action - I encourage you to read this person's letter to his Congressman, Representative Heath Shuler (D-NC 11th), 3rd-term Democrat from North Carolina, and follow his lead. People are dying. We need to STOP THIS MADNESS NOW. And if you do not believe that H.A.A.R.P. has the capability of acting as a Weather Weapon, then you need to educate yourself by reading the many related articles and links (with access to videos) that I have included on this blog.
And just in case you still doubt that HAARP Rings are real and can be used to predict severe weather, see Dutchsinse's latest video where he recaps his recent accurate predictions (Letter to Congressman below). "Here is the forecast where i specifically named Binghamton down to Scranton to get hit hard with severe up to tornados due to the HAARP Ring signature that appeared out of Binghamton New York".
'Vortex Spiral' RADAR Rings - out of North Carolina and Central Midwest
Sen. Richard Burr
Rep. Heath Shuler
Sen. Kay Hagan
May 26, 2011
I phoned yesterday about this issue of severe WX. Please look at these URL sites and tell me the man is wrong in the forecasts he makes.
If believable, why is our government making this WX?
in the first video of the reference to "Vortex Spiral Radar Rings" in 2004 over New Orleans.....
'Vortex Spiral' RADAR Rings - out of North Carolina and Central Midwest
HAARP rings appear @ WA, OR, ID, MO, TN, LA, TX, AL, KY, NY = severe in 24-48
To date; many folks have died, flood waters have devastated the mid-west. Why?
Now they may be targeting NC & SC? Again why?
Serious damage has happened in the past " Katrina" and is still happening in the form of floods and severe storms.
If above information is to be believed ( and I do ) still more serious damage to this country is in the near future due to HAARP operations.
At the very least, damage that has happened already caused many deaths, scores of displaced residents, unbelievable damage to property, due to floods & tornadoes, that were possibly Man Made.
All leading to shortages and higher Food prices.
I am requesting a Senate Hearing/Investigation into the Operations of HAARP as to any intentional or un-intentional damage to the US.
Please turn a spot light on HAARP and those who are controlling it.
Weather modification I should think is serious business.
HAARP has that ability.
Has HAARP gotten out of control?
Perhaps it should be shut down until that investigation is completed.....
I would like to hear back on this issue.
Please tell me I am wrong to think our government is causing severe WX conditions.
Cullowhee , NC
(Robert Mann): I say it is an act of GLOBAL VANDALISM upon the earth. Maybe even HOMICIDE. H.A.A.R.P. Is ALTERING OUR EARTH's IONOSPHERE. Is anyone else concerned?
HAARP Boils The Upper Atmosphere - Sourced from:
And just in case you still doubt that HAARP Rings are real and can be used to predict severe weather, see Dutchsinse's latest video where he recaps his recent accurate predictions (Letter to Congressman below). "Here is the forecast where i specifically named Binghamton down to Scranton to get hit hard with severe up to tornados due to the HAARP Ring signature that appeared out of Binghamton New York".
'Vortex Spiral' RADAR Rings - out of North Carolina and Central Midwest
Sen. Richard Burr
Rep. Heath Shuler
Sen. Kay Hagan
May 26, 2011
I phoned yesterday about this issue of severe WX. Please look at these URL sites and tell me the man is wrong in the forecasts he makes.
If believable, why is our government making this WX?
in the first video of the reference to "Vortex Spiral Radar Rings" in 2004 over New Orleans.....
'Vortex Spiral' RADAR Rings - out of North Carolina and Central Midwest
HAARP rings appear @ WA, OR, ID, MO, TN, LA, TX, AL, KY, NY = severe in 24-48
To date; many folks have died, flood waters have devastated the mid-west. Why?
Now they may be targeting NC & SC? Again why?
Serious damage has happened in the past " Katrina" and is still happening in the form of floods and severe storms.
If above information is to be believed ( and I do ) still more serious damage to this country is in the near future due to HAARP operations.
At the very least, damage that has happened already caused many deaths, scores of displaced residents, unbelievable damage to property, due to floods & tornadoes, that were possibly Man Made.
All leading to shortages and higher Food prices.
I am requesting a Senate Hearing/Investigation into the Operations of HAARP as to any intentional or un-intentional damage to the US.
Please turn a spot light on HAARP and those who are controlling it.
Weather modification I should think is serious business.
HAARP has that ability.
Has HAARP gotten out of control?
Perhaps it should be shut down until that investigation is completed.....
I would like to hear back on this issue.
Please tell me I am wrong to think our government is causing severe WX conditions.
Cullowhee , NC
(Robert Mann): I say it is an act of GLOBAL VANDALISM upon the earth. Maybe even HOMICIDE. H.A.A.R.P. Is ALTERING OUR EARTH's IONOSPHERE. Is anyone else concerned?
HAARP Boils The Upper Atmosphere - Sourced from:
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Dutchsinse uses HAARP RINGS observable on the U.S. Intellicast Broadcast to predict SEVERE WEATHER around the United States 24 to 48 hours in advance. He is nearly 100% accurate in his predictions. Please alert others to his site. YOUR WILLINGNESS TO ALERT PEOPLE TO THE BELOW LINK MAY SAVE A LIFE!
H.A.A.R.P.'s DEADLY EXPERIMENT ON OUR SKIES - An Expose On H.A.A.R.P.'s "MACHO SCIENCE" - 'New Toys For The Big Boys'
To view the homepage of this blog, go here:
"It's An Experiment On The Sky"
I say it is an act of GLOBAL VANDALISM upon the earth. Maybe even HOMICIDE. H.A.A.R.P. Is ALTERING OUR EARTH's IONOSPHERE. Is anyone else concerned?
HAARP Boils The Upper Atmosphere - Sourced from:
HAARP will zap the upper atmosphere with a focused and steerable electromagnetic beam. It is an advanced model of an “ionospheric heater”. (The ionosphere is the electrically-charged sphere surrounding Earth’s upper atmosphere. It ranges between about 40- to 600 miles above Earth’s surface.)
Put simply, the apparatus for HAARP is a reversal of a radio telescope; antennas send out signals instead of receiving. HAARP is the test run for a super-powerful radiowave-beaming technology that lifts areas of the ionosphere by focusing a beam and heating those areas. Electromagnetic waves then bounce back onto earth and penetrate everything — living and dead.
HAARP publicity gives the impression that the High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program is mainly an academic project with the goal of changing the ionosphere to improve communications for our own good. However, other U.S. military documents put it more clearly — HAARP aims to learn how to “exploit the ionosphere for Department of Defense purposes”. Communicating with submarines is only one of those purposes.
Press releases and other information from the military on HAARP continually downplay what it could do. Publicity documents insist that the HAARP project is no different than other ionospheric heaters operating safely throughout the world in places such as Arecibo, Puerto Rico; Tromso, Norway and the former Soviet Union. However, a 1990 government document indicates that the radio-frequency (RF) power zap will drive the ionosphere to unnatural activities.
“…at the highest HF powers available in the West, the instabilities commonly studied are approaching their maximum RF energy dissipative capability, beyond which the plasma processes will ‘runaway’ until the next limiting factor is reached.”
If the military, in cooperation with the University of Alaska Fairbanks, can show that this new ground-based “Star Wars” technology is sound, they both win. The military has a relatively-inexpensive defense shield and the University can brag about the most dramatic geophysical manipulation since atmospheric explosions of nuclear bombs. After successful testing, they would have the military megaprojects of the future and huge markets for Alaska’s North Slope natural gas.
Looking at the other patents which built on the work of a Texas’ physicist named Bernard Eastlund, it becomes clearer how the military intends to use the HAARP transmitter. It also makes governmental denials less believable. The military knows how it intends to use this technology, and has made it clear in their documents. The military has deliberately misled the public, through sophisticated word games, deceit and outright disinformation.
The military says the HAARP system could:
1) Give the military a tool to replace the electromagnetic pulse effect of atmospheric thermonuclear devices (still considered a viable option by the military through at least 1986).
2) Replace the huge Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) submarine communication system operating in Michigan and Wisconsin with a new and more compact technology.
3) Be used to replace the over-the-horizon radar system that was once planned for the current location of HAARP, with a more flexible and accurate system.
4) Provide a way to wipe out communications over an extremely large area, while keeping the military’s own communications systems working.
5) Provide a wide area earth-penetrating tomography which, if combined with the computing abilities of EMASS and Cray computers, would make it possible to verify many parts of nuclear nonproliferation and peace agreements.
6) Be a tool for geophysical probing to find oil, gas and mineral deposits over a large area.
7) Be used to detect incoming low-level planes and cruise missiles, making other technologies obsolete.
The above abilities seem like a good idea to all who believe in sound national defense, and to those concerned about cost-cutting. However, the possible uses which the HAARP records do not explain, and which can only be found in Air Force, Army, Navy and other federal agency records, are alarming. Moreover, effects from the reckless use of these power levels in our natural shield – the ionosphere – could be cataclysmic according to some scientists.
Two Alaskans put it bluntly. A founder of the NO HAARP movement, Clare Zickuhr, says “The military is going to give the ionosphere a big kick and see what happens.”
The military failed to tell the public that they do not know what exactly will happen, but a Penn State science article brags about that uncertainty. Macho science? The HAARP project uses the largest energy levels yet played with by what Begich and Manning call “the big boys with their new toys”. It is an experiment on the sky, and experiments are done to find out something not already known. Independent scientists told Begich and Manning that a HAARP-type “skybuster” with its unforeseen effects could be an act of global vandalism.
"It's An Experiment On The Sky"
I say it is an act of GLOBAL VANDALISM upon the earth. Maybe even HOMICIDE. H.A.A.R.P. Is ALTERING OUR EARTH's IONOSPHERE. Is anyone else concerned?
HAARP Boils The Upper Atmosphere - Sourced from:
HAARP will zap the upper atmosphere with a focused and steerable electromagnetic beam. It is an advanced model of an “ionospheric heater”. (The ionosphere is the electrically-charged sphere surrounding Earth’s upper atmosphere. It ranges between about 40- to 600 miles above Earth’s surface.)
Put simply, the apparatus for HAARP is a reversal of a radio telescope; antennas send out signals instead of receiving. HAARP is the test run for a super-powerful radiowave-beaming technology that lifts areas of the ionosphere by focusing a beam and heating those areas. Electromagnetic waves then bounce back onto earth and penetrate everything — living and dead.
HAARP publicity gives the impression that the High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program is mainly an academic project with the goal of changing the ionosphere to improve communications for our own good. However, other U.S. military documents put it more clearly — HAARP aims to learn how to “exploit the ionosphere for Department of Defense purposes”. Communicating with submarines is only one of those purposes.
Press releases and other information from the military on HAARP continually downplay what it could do. Publicity documents insist that the HAARP project is no different than other ionospheric heaters operating safely throughout the world in places such as Arecibo, Puerto Rico; Tromso, Norway and the former Soviet Union. However, a 1990 government document indicates that the radio-frequency (RF) power zap will drive the ionosphere to unnatural activities.
“…at the highest HF powers available in the West, the instabilities commonly studied are approaching their maximum RF energy dissipative capability, beyond which the plasma processes will ‘runaway’ until the next limiting factor is reached.”
If the military, in cooperation with the University of Alaska Fairbanks, can show that this new ground-based “Star Wars” technology is sound, they both win. The military has a relatively-inexpensive defense shield and the University can brag about the most dramatic geophysical manipulation since atmospheric explosions of nuclear bombs. After successful testing, they would have the military megaprojects of the future and huge markets for Alaska’s North Slope natural gas.
Looking at the other patents which built on the work of a Texas’ physicist named Bernard Eastlund, it becomes clearer how the military intends to use the HAARP transmitter. It also makes governmental denials less believable. The military knows how it intends to use this technology, and has made it clear in their documents. The military has deliberately misled the public, through sophisticated word games, deceit and outright disinformation.
The military says the HAARP system could:
1) Give the military a tool to replace the electromagnetic pulse effect of atmospheric thermonuclear devices (still considered a viable option by the military through at least 1986).
2) Replace the huge Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) submarine communication system operating in Michigan and Wisconsin with a new and more compact technology.
3) Be used to replace the over-the-horizon radar system that was once planned for the current location of HAARP, with a more flexible and accurate system.
4) Provide a way to wipe out communications over an extremely large area, while keeping the military’s own communications systems working.
5) Provide a wide area earth-penetrating tomography which, if combined with the computing abilities of EMASS and Cray computers, would make it possible to verify many parts of nuclear nonproliferation and peace agreements.
6) Be a tool for geophysical probing to find oil, gas and mineral deposits over a large area.
7) Be used to detect incoming low-level planes and cruise missiles, making other technologies obsolete.
The above abilities seem like a good idea to all who believe in sound national defense, and to those concerned about cost-cutting. However, the possible uses which the HAARP records do not explain, and which can only be found in Air Force, Army, Navy and other federal agency records, are alarming. Moreover, effects from the reckless use of these power levels in our natural shield – the ionosphere – could be cataclysmic according to some scientists.
Two Alaskans put it bluntly. A founder of the NO HAARP movement, Clare Zickuhr, says “The military is going to give the ionosphere a big kick and see what happens.”
The military failed to tell the public that they do not know what exactly will happen, but a Penn State science article brags about that uncertainty. Macho science? The HAARP project uses the largest energy levels yet played with by what Begich and Manning call “the big boys with their new toys”. It is an experiment on the sky, and experiments are done to find out something not already known. Independent scientists told Begich and Manning that a HAARP-type “skybuster” with its unforeseen effects could be an act of global vandalism.
HAARP technology,
June 2011,
Star Wars,
Weather As A Weapon,
Weather Warfare
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
"STAR WARS WAS A LIE": "H.A.A.R.P. and U.S. Pentagon Fraud Results in "Nature Modification Weapon" - What Our "STAR WARS" Money REALLY Bought Via This MASSIVE DECEPTION - A Direct Energy Weapon That Causes "Irreversible Damage" To Our Planet!!
NOTE: Parts of this post were sourced from;wap2
Building the Perfect Beast: Strategic Defense Initiative: The Star Wars program routinely falsified research data, "We would lose hundreds of millions of dollars in Congress if we did not perform it successfully, we put a beacon with a certain frequency on the target vehicle, on the interceptor we had a receiver. The hit looked beautiful so Congress did not ask questions." To hear the full story and learn more about H.A.A.R.P Technology, watch this video (article continues, below).
Building the Perfect Beast: Strategic Defense Initiative: The Star Wars program routinely falsified research data, "We would lose hundreds of millions of dollars in Congress if we did not perform it successfully, we put a beacon with a certain frequency on the target vehicle, on the interceptor we had a receiver. The hit looked beautiful so Congress did not ask questions." "The very idea of Star Wars, an umbrella that would shield America from Soviet nuclear warheads-was itself a massive deception. No knowledgeable scientist thought for a minute such a shield was feasible. Yet the Pentagon proceeded with this fraud and faked other tests in 1990 and 1991 after the Soviet threat had disappeared." Edward Teller was charged with falsifying test data on "Super Excalibur", a nuclear powered x-ray laser built by Lawrence Livermore Laboratory, the project was canceled in 1992. (Constantine pg38) "All the talk about death rays and charged particle beams has been little more than an elaborate smokescreen designed to hide the fact that the US is developing a directed energy weapon that uses a high-power microwave pulse." (Brodeur)
Livermore has been a central participant in SDI since 1982, when Teller, the labs founder suggested SDI to Reagan. The father of the H-bomb received 40,000 shares of a laser research company that later defrauded investors. Dr. Teller tried to sell Alaska on Project Plowshare, the use of six thermonuclear weapons to excavate a harbor at Cape Thompson, Alaska. In 1987 Teller returned to Alaska to propose the installation of a laser like weapon system on the North Slope of Alaska. The weapon system Teller was trying to sell was classified and not openly discussed, but the presentations indicated this "Star Wars" weapon was HAARP. In 1995 Congress killed funding for "Star Wars", but HAARP continues as the ultimate SDI radio frequency radiation weapon. The Reagan administration intensified the push into EM weapons development under project Sleeping Beauty. A scientist working for the Army's ballistic defense command complained to the House Government operations Committee that as much as half the entire SDI budget had disappeared into classified projects. When Ronald Reagan spoke to the UN about Star Wars he promised that the weapons system would be shared with all of humanity and that, "should we be invaded by aliens it would be used to defend the earth."
High Frequency Active Auroral Research Project (H.A.A.R.P.)
HAARP is the world's largest electromagnetic broadcasting station, and may represent an escalation in the WWIV electromagnetic war. The project is a creation of US Air Force and Naval Research, publicly it is for ionospheric research, but can be used to control weather and do electromagnetic sweeps that can be used for mind control of large populations.
HAARP, 30 miles from Fairbanks Alaska, is the real focus of anti-missile defense that SDI purported to be, and much more.
The public patent was titled, "A Method and Apparatus for Altering a Region of the Earth's Atmosphere, Ionosphere and Magnetosphere". Dr. Bernard Eastland, a physicist who holds a patent for the fusion torch also holds about a dozen others related to HAARP that were eventually purchased by E-Systems and Raytheon. Patent #4,686,605 claims the following uses: cause total disruption of (all forms) of communications over a very large portions of the earth¦ missile or aircraft destruction, deflection or confusion¦ weather modification by altering solar absorption, also altering composition of the atmosphere. This patent was classified by the Navy under a National Security Order in 1987, but other patents exist for purposes of, Power Beaming Systems, Artificial Ionospheric Mirror Composed of a Plasma Layer, Creation of Artificial Ionizing Clouds Above the Earth, Defense System for Discriminating Between Objects in Space, Nuclear-Sized Explosions Without Radiation.
HAARP is described as a research instrument for studying the Ionosphere, an Ionospheric Heater (IRI), of which many exist, but HAARP is special. The ability to focus energy and the unprecedented amount, in gigawatts (billion watts), makes it literally millions of times more effective at heating the region about 120 miles high. The atmosphere has most of its density below 30 miles altitude, the ionosphere is the very thin layer above that absorbs dangerous ultraviolet radiation and makes life possible on earth. There is little mixing normally between the two layers, but disturbances in the Ionosphere translate to changes in weather, such as normally occurring sunspots and the solar wind.
The main idea behind HAARP is the ability to direct electrons along the naturally occurring magnetic field lines of the earth and accelerate them to near the speed of light to form a protective shell of highly excited particles that not only block communications worldwide, but destroy missiles in their trajectory as they descend from space. The effects can be localized by punching a hole through the Ionosphere to super heat an area of 30 Km in diameter into a plasma shield. Any missile or aircraft would be destroyed that tried to fly through the plasma, which is the fourth state of matter. A hole in the Ionosphere over an enemy country could kill by allowing solar radiation to strike the surface unhindered. Weather modification could also be used as an instrument of warfare by manipulating the electrojet and the jet streams that dictate climate. The publicly stated aim is C3, or communications, the margin of victory in war is to block or intercept enemy communications and to secure your own. The signals in the ELF range can be generated by HAARP and heard anywhere in the world, and are used for earth-penetrating tomography, basically finding enemy submarines or underground bases. Volcanoes and earthquakes cause electromagnetic disturbances and it is theorized that EM disturbances might of themselves trigger earthquakes and volcanoes. Dr. Richard Williams says the high-energy experiments will generate the equivalent of the output of 10-100 large power generating stations and that Tests of these kinds could cause irreversible damage.
David Yarrow states, Earthâs axial spin means that a burst lasting more than a few minutes will slice through the ionosphere like microwave knifes, producing not a hole but a long tear- an incision.
And H.A.A.R.P. claims to simply be a benign "Research Facility." Yeah, right.
Building the Perfect Beast: Strategic Defense Initiative: The Star Wars program routinely falsified research data, "We would lose hundreds of millions of dollars in Congress if we did not perform it successfully, we put a beacon with a certain frequency on the target vehicle, on the interceptor we had a receiver. The hit looked beautiful so Congress did not ask questions." To hear the full story and learn more about H.A.A.R.P Technology, watch this video (article continues, below).
Building the Perfect Beast: Strategic Defense Initiative: The Star Wars program routinely falsified research data, "We would lose hundreds of millions of dollars in Congress if we did not perform it successfully, we put a beacon with a certain frequency on the target vehicle, on the interceptor we had a receiver. The hit looked beautiful so Congress did not ask questions." "The very idea of Star Wars, an umbrella that would shield America from Soviet nuclear warheads-was itself a massive deception. No knowledgeable scientist thought for a minute such a shield was feasible. Yet the Pentagon proceeded with this fraud and faked other tests in 1990 and 1991 after the Soviet threat had disappeared." Edward Teller was charged with falsifying test data on "Super Excalibur", a nuclear powered x-ray laser built by Lawrence Livermore Laboratory, the project was canceled in 1992. (Constantine pg38) "All the talk about death rays and charged particle beams has been little more than an elaborate smokescreen designed to hide the fact that the US is developing a directed energy weapon that uses a high-power microwave pulse." (Brodeur)
Livermore has been a central participant in SDI since 1982, when Teller, the labs founder suggested SDI to Reagan. The father of the H-bomb received 40,000 shares of a laser research company that later defrauded investors. Dr. Teller tried to sell Alaska on Project Plowshare, the use of six thermonuclear weapons to excavate a harbor at Cape Thompson, Alaska. In 1987 Teller returned to Alaska to propose the installation of a laser like weapon system on the North Slope of Alaska. The weapon system Teller was trying to sell was classified and not openly discussed, but the presentations indicated this "Star Wars" weapon was HAARP. In 1995 Congress killed funding for "Star Wars", but HAARP continues as the ultimate SDI radio frequency radiation weapon. The Reagan administration intensified the push into EM weapons development under project Sleeping Beauty. A scientist working for the Army's ballistic defense command complained to the House Government operations Committee that as much as half the entire SDI budget had disappeared into classified projects. When Ronald Reagan spoke to the UN about Star Wars he promised that the weapons system would be shared with all of humanity and that, "should we be invaded by aliens it would be used to defend the earth."
High Frequency Active Auroral Research Project (H.A.A.R.P.)
HAARP is the world's largest electromagnetic broadcasting station, and may represent an escalation in the WWIV electromagnetic war. The project is a creation of US Air Force and Naval Research, publicly it is for ionospheric research, but can be used to control weather and do electromagnetic sweeps that can be used for mind control of large populations.
HAARP, 30 miles from Fairbanks Alaska, is the real focus of anti-missile defense that SDI purported to be, and much more.
The public patent was titled, "A Method and Apparatus for Altering a Region of the Earth's Atmosphere, Ionosphere and Magnetosphere". Dr. Bernard Eastland, a physicist who holds a patent for the fusion torch also holds about a dozen others related to HAARP that were eventually purchased by E-Systems and Raytheon. Patent #4,686,605 claims the following uses: cause total disruption of (all forms) of communications over a very large portions of the earth¦ missile or aircraft destruction, deflection or confusion¦ weather modification by altering solar absorption, also altering composition of the atmosphere. This patent was classified by the Navy under a National Security Order in 1987, but other patents exist for purposes of, Power Beaming Systems, Artificial Ionospheric Mirror Composed of a Plasma Layer, Creation of Artificial Ionizing Clouds Above the Earth, Defense System for Discriminating Between Objects in Space, Nuclear-Sized Explosions Without Radiation.
HAARP is described as a research instrument for studying the Ionosphere, an Ionospheric Heater (IRI), of which many exist, but HAARP is special. The ability to focus energy and the unprecedented amount, in gigawatts (billion watts), makes it literally millions of times more effective at heating the region about 120 miles high. The atmosphere has most of its density below 30 miles altitude, the ionosphere is the very thin layer above that absorbs dangerous ultraviolet radiation and makes life possible on earth. There is little mixing normally between the two layers, but disturbances in the Ionosphere translate to changes in weather, such as normally occurring sunspots and the solar wind.
The main idea behind HAARP is the ability to direct electrons along the naturally occurring magnetic field lines of the earth and accelerate them to near the speed of light to form a protective shell of highly excited particles that not only block communications worldwide, but destroy missiles in their trajectory as they descend from space. The effects can be localized by punching a hole through the Ionosphere to super heat an area of 30 Km in diameter into a plasma shield. Any missile or aircraft would be destroyed that tried to fly through the plasma, which is the fourth state of matter. A hole in the Ionosphere over an enemy country could kill by allowing solar radiation to strike the surface unhindered. Weather modification could also be used as an instrument of warfare by manipulating the electrojet and the jet streams that dictate climate. The publicly stated aim is C3, or communications, the margin of victory in war is to block or intercept enemy communications and to secure your own. The signals in the ELF range can be generated by HAARP and heard anywhere in the world, and are used for earth-penetrating tomography, basically finding enemy submarines or underground bases. Volcanoes and earthquakes cause electromagnetic disturbances and it is theorized that EM disturbances might of themselves trigger earthquakes and volcanoes. Dr. Richard Williams says the high-energy experiments will generate the equivalent of the output of 10-100 large power generating stations and that Tests of these kinds could cause irreversible damage.
David Yarrow states, Earthâs axial spin means that a burst lasting more than a few minutes will slice through the ionosphere like microwave knifes, producing not a hole but a long tear- an incision.
And H.A.A.R.P. claims to simply be a benign "Research Facility." Yeah, right.
"YES WE CAN!": H.A.A.R.P., Chemtrails, and The U.S. AIR FORCE Working To "Own The Weather" - See This 1996 AIR FORCE 'Study' About Using Weather Modification As A Direct Energy Weapon!
TITLE: Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025
Excerpt: From enhancing friendly operations or disrupting those of the enemy via small-scale tailoring of natural weather patterns to complete dominance of global communications and counterspace control, weather-modification offers the war fighter a wide-range of possible options to defeat or coerce an adversary.
NOTE TO READER:To view entire United States Air Force Study, go here:
A friend alerted me to the following study. Timely, given that in the United States our rural, farm communities are currently getting slaughtered by "extraordinarily powerful" tornadoes (124 dead in Joplin, MO alone). The weather forecasters don't know what to make of it. But some of us do. And H.A.A.R.P. is a piece in the puzzle.
Why might our country's, and possibly the world's, farmlands be targeted by direct energy weapons like HAARP? Read this article written by Dr. Richard Lee, entitled 'Food As A Weapon', to learn more about why this might be going on. Later I will dedicate an entire post to this very subject.
In the below 1996 Air Force Study on the feasibility of Weather Weaponry, you will get to read things like the following: >A high-risk, high-reward endeavor, weather-modification offers a dilemma not unlike the splitting of the atom.
You will also learn about the technology, and you will discover that Weather Weaponry is indeed possible. Obviously, our government has been working toward it (as have other countries) for quite some time. And H.A.A.R.P. is a key player in these technological advances. If you become educated about H.A.A.R.P., you will begin to understand what H.A.A.R.P.'s fields of Arrays can do. Here is another excerpt from the Study:
Technology advancements in five major areas are necessary for an integrated weather-modification capability: (1) advanced nonlinear modeling techniques, (2) computational capability, (3) information gathering and transmission, (4) a global sensor array, and (5) weather intervention techniques. Some intervention tools exist today and others may be developed and refined in the future.
If that got your attention, I encourage you to read on!
Research Paper Presented To Air Force 2025 by Col Tamzy J. House Lt Col James B. Near, al
Disclaimer 2025 is a study designed to comply with a directive from the chief of staff of the Air Force to examine the concepts, capabilities, and technologies the United States will require to remain the dominant air and space force in the future. Presented on 17 June 1996, this report was produced in the Department of Defense school environment of academic freedom and in the interest of advancing concepts related to nationaldefense. The views expressed in this report are those of the authors and do not reflect the official policy or position of the United States Air Force, Department of Defense, or the United States government. This report contains fictional representations of future situations/scenarios. Any similarities to real people or events, other than those specifically cited, are unintentional and are for purposes of illustration only. This publication has been reviewed by security and policy review authorities, is unclassified, and is cleared for public release.
Executive Summary
In 2025, US aerospace forces can “own the weather” by capitalizing on emerging technologiesand focusing development of those technologies to war-fighting applications.Such a capability offers the war fighter tools to shape the battlespace in ways never before possible.It provides opportunities to impact operations across the full spectrum of conflict and is pertinent to all possible futures.
The purpose of this paper is to outline a strategy for the use of a future weather-modification system to achieve military objectives rather than to provide a detailed technical road map. A high-risk, high-reward endeavor, weather-modification offers a dilemma not unlike the splitting of the atom.While some segments of society will always be reluctant to examine controversial issues such as weather-modification, the tremendous military capabilities that could result from this field are ignored at our own peril.
From enhancing friendly operations or disrupting those of the enemy via small-scale tailoring of natural weather patterns to complete dominance of global communications and counterspace control, weather-modification offers the war fighter a wide-range of possible options to defeat or coerce an adversary.
Some of the potential capabilities a weather-modification system could provide to a war-fighting commander in chief(CINC) are listed in table 1. Technology advancements in five major areas are necessary for an integrated weather-modification capability: (1) advanced nonlinear modeling techniques, (2) computational capability, (3) information gathering and transmission, (4) a global sensor array, and (5) weather intervention techniques.Some intervention tools exist today and others may be developed and refined in the future.
Just look at the Table of Contents - Wow! This is most intriguing. And kind of creepy!!!
Remember, to view ENTIRE document, go here:
Contents Chapter Page Disclaimer..........................................................................................................................................ii Illustrations........................................................................................................................................iv Tables................................................................................................................................................iv Acknowledgments............................................................................................................................... v Executive 1 Introduction.........................................................................................................................................1 2 Required Capability............................................................................................................................ 3 Why Would We Want to Mess with the Weather?........................................................................ 3 What Do We Mean by “Weather-modification”?.......................................................................... 4 3 System Description............................................................................................................................. 8 The Global Weather Network....................................................................................................... 8 Applying Weather-modification to Military Operations............................................................. 10 4 Concept of Operations...................................................................................................................... 13 Precipitation............................................................................................................................... 13 Fog.............................................................................................................................................. 16 Storms......................................................................................................................................... 18 Exploitation of “NearSpace” for Space Control......................................................................... 20 Opportunities Afforded by Space Weather-modification............................................................ 20 Communications Dominance via Ionospheric Modification........................................................ 21 Artificial Weather....................................................................................................................... 27 Concept of Operations Summary................................................................................................. 28 5 Investigation Recommendations........................................................................................................31 How Do We Get There From Here?........................................................................................... 31 Conclusions................................................................................................................................ 34 Appendix Page AWhy Is the Ionosphere Important?..................................................................................................... 36 BResearch to Better Understand and Predict Ionospheric Effects........................................................ 39 CAcronyms and Definitions................................................................................................................. 41 Bibliography..................................................................................................................................... 42
iv Illustrations Figure Page 3-1. Global Weather Network.................................................................................................................... 9 3-2. The Military System for Weather-Modification Operations............................................................. 11 4-1. Crossed-Beam Approach for Generating an Artificial Ionospheric Mirror...................................... 23 4-2. Artificial Ionospheric Mirrors Point-to-Point Communications....................................................... 24 4-3. Artificial Ionospheric Mirror Over-the-Horizon Surveillance Concept........................................... 25 4-4. Scenarios for Telecommunications Degradation.............................................................................. 26 5-1. A Core Competency Road Map to Weather Modification in 2025................................................... 32 5-2. A Systems Development Road Map to Weather Modification in 2025............................................. 34 Tables Table Page 1 Operational Capabilities
Excerpt: From enhancing friendly operations or disrupting those of the enemy via small-scale tailoring of natural weather patterns to complete dominance of global communications and counterspace control, weather-modification offers the war fighter a wide-range of possible options to defeat or coerce an adversary.
NOTE TO READER:To view entire United States Air Force Study, go here:
A friend alerted me to the following study. Timely, given that in the United States our rural, farm communities are currently getting slaughtered by "extraordinarily powerful" tornadoes (124 dead in Joplin, MO alone). The weather forecasters don't know what to make of it. But some of us do. And H.A.A.R.P. is a piece in the puzzle.
Why might our country's, and possibly the world's, farmlands be targeted by direct energy weapons like HAARP? Read this article written by Dr. Richard Lee, entitled 'Food As A Weapon', to learn more about why this might be going on. Later I will dedicate an entire post to this very subject.
In the below 1996 Air Force Study on the feasibility of Weather Weaponry, you will get to read things like the following: >A high-risk, high-reward endeavor, weather-modification offers a dilemma not unlike the splitting of the atom.
You will also learn about the technology, and you will discover that Weather Weaponry is indeed possible. Obviously, our government has been working toward it (as have other countries) for quite some time. And H.A.A.R.P. is a key player in these technological advances. If you become educated about H.A.A.R.P., you will begin to understand what H.A.A.R.P.'s fields of Arrays can do. Here is another excerpt from the Study:
Technology advancements in five major areas are necessary for an integrated weather-modification capability: (1) advanced nonlinear modeling techniques, (2) computational capability, (3) information gathering and transmission, (4) a global sensor array, and (5) weather intervention techniques. Some intervention tools exist today and others may be developed and refined in the future.
If that got your attention, I encourage you to read on!
Research Paper Presented To Air Force 2025 by Col Tamzy J. House Lt Col James B. Near, al
Disclaimer 2025 is a study designed to comply with a directive from the chief of staff of the Air Force to examine the concepts, capabilities, and technologies the United States will require to remain the dominant air and space force in the future. Presented on 17 June 1996, this report was produced in the Department of Defense school environment of academic freedom and in the interest of advancing concepts related to nationaldefense. The views expressed in this report are those of the authors and do not reflect the official policy or position of the United States Air Force, Department of Defense, or the United States government. This report contains fictional representations of future situations/scenarios. Any similarities to real people or events, other than those specifically cited, are unintentional and are for purposes of illustration only. This publication has been reviewed by security and policy review authorities, is unclassified, and is cleared for public release.
Executive Summary
In 2025, US aerospace forces can “own the weather” by capitalizing on emerging technologiesand focusing development of those technologies to war-fighting applications.Such a capability offers the war fighter tools to shape the battlespace in ways never before possible.It provides opportunities to impact operations across the full spectrum of conflict and is pertinent to all possible futures.
The purpose of this paper is to outline a strategy for the use of a future weather-modification system to achieve military objectives rather than to provide a detailed technical road map. A high-risk, high-reward endeavor, weather-modification offers a dilemma not unlike the splitting of the atom.While some segments of society will always be reluctant to examine controversial issues such as weather-modification, the tremendous military capabilities that could result from this field are ignored at our own peril.
From enhancing friendly operations or disrupting those of the enemy via small-scale tailoring of natural weather patterns to complete dominance of global communications and counterspace control, weather-modification offers the war fighter a wide-range of possible options to defeat or coerce an adversary.
Some of the potential capabilities a weather-modification system could provide to a war-fighting commander in chief(CINC) are listed in table 1. Technology advancements in five major areas are necessary for an integrated weather-modification capability: (1) advanced nonlinear modeling techniques, (2) computational capability, (3) information gathering and transmission, (4) a global sensor array, and (5) weather intervention techniques.Some intervention tools exist today and others may be developed and refined in the future.
Just look at the Table of Contents - Wow! This is most intriguing. And kind of creepy!!!
Remember, to view ENTIRE document, go here:
Contents Chapter Page Disclaimer..........................................................................................................................................ii Illustrations........................................................................................................................................iv Tables................................................................................................................................................iv Acknowledgments............................................................................................................................... v Executive 1 Introduction.........................................................................................................................................1 2 Required Capability............................................................................................................................ 3 Why Would We Want to Mess with the Weather?........................................................................ 3 What Do We Mean by “Weather-modification”?.......................................................................... 4 3 System Description............................................................................................................................. 8 The Global Weather Network....................................................................................................... 8 Applying Weather-modification to Military Operations............................................................. 10 4 Concept of Operations...................................................................................................................... 13 Precipitation............................................................................................................................... 13 Fog.............................................................................................................................................. 16 Storms......................................................................................................................................... 18 Exploitation of “NearSpace” for Space Control......................................................................... 20 Opportunities Afforded by Space Weather-modification............................................................ 20 Communications Dominance via Ionospheric Modification........................................................ 21 Artificial Weather....................................................................................................................... 27 Concept of Operations Summary................................................................................................. 28 5 Investigation Recommendations........................................................................................................31 How Do We Get There From Here?........................................................................................... 31 Conclusions................................................................................................................................ 34 Appendix Page AWhy Is the Ionosphere Important?..................................................................................................... 36 BResearch to Better Understand and Predict Ionospheric Effects........................................................ 39 CAcronyms and Definitions................................................................................................................. 41 Bibliography..................................................................................................................................... 42
iv Illustrations Figure Page 3-1. Global Weather Network.................................................................................................................... 9 3-2. The Military System for Weather-Modification Operations............................................................. 11 4-1. Crossed-Beam Approach for Generating an Artificial Ionospheric Mirror...................................... 23 4-2. Artificial Ionospheric Mirrors Point-to-Point Communications....................................................... 24 4-3. Artificial Ionospheric Mirror Over-the-Horizon Surveillance Concept........................................... 25 4-4. Scenarios for Telecommunications Degradation.............................................................................. 26 5-1. A Core Competency Road Map to Weather Modification in 2025................................................... 32 5-2. A Systems Development Road Map to Weather Modification in 2025............................................. 34 Tables Table Page 1 Operational Capabilities
Air Force,
May 2011,
severe weather,
Weather 2025,
Weather As A Weapon,
Weather Modification,
Weather Weaponry
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
"IT'S A BEAM"! - MUST-READ ARTICLE About The BLUE SPIRAL OVER NORWAY - VERACIOUS DATA Presented For New-Agers, the Science-Minded, and Skeptics Alike!!!
To visit this blog's homepage, go to:
"IT'S A BEAM!!!" - And This Article (link below) Provides Veracious Evidence That Suggests The Blue Spiral Over Norway Was Indeed An EISCAT (HAARP-TYPE) BLACK OPS TEST - As I Have Been Previously Reporting On This Blog. This Spiral, and others like it around the world, are NOT "Evidence" Of The DNA-AWAKENED "NEW AGE" that is to come in 2012 - Let me repeat: These Spiral Sky Anomalies serve as evidence that ADVANCED TESLA TECHNOLOGY TESTING is going on all around the world - We Need To Wake Up To The Truth - And FAST!
A "Nobel Torsion Message" Over Norway? (Part 3)
I would like to thank the FB Friend who alerted me to this amazing expose on the Blue Spiral Over Norway. This is also a must-read for all you science-minded types. Skeptics also encouraged to take a look. I encourage you to consider the evidence presented with an open mind.
(Excerpts from article, below. Again, I encourage you to read the article in its entirety via the link posted above):
In the extended pre-dawn darkeness over Norway last December, as we have recounted in Parts I and II of this Report ... "something" truly amazing happened--
And reaction immediately divided into two totally opposing views:
Those who "bought" the official media story ... that "it was only another failed Russian missile test ..."--
And then ... those who thought "it just might be something else this time ...."
As we have shown previously, there can be little doubt at this point that a Russian rocket was involved.
The conclusion that everyone has jumped to -- with the striking exception of the Russians themselves -- that, somehow, the Russians caused The Spiral--
Well, that's a "leap too far" ....
We can now report, based on analysis of the extensive imaging evidence reported via the Norwegian press, that The Norway Spiral was NOT primarily caused by "a failed Russian missile test ...."
The failed Russian rocket could, in fact, have been caused by whatever forces "created the Norway Spiral ...." The scientific evidence behind this growing set of suspicions -- that the Spiral somehow caused the Russian missile to fail -- lies in the extraordinary geometric structure that Enterprise has discovered within the too-perfect, too-concentric "shell-like rings" ... making up the Spiral (below)--
This section of our on-going analysis will describe precisely "how."
Chladni Figures (or the more modern term "Cymatic Patterns" - above) are two-dimensional geometric shapes, produced (in a laboratory setting) by acoustic vibration of "fine material spread on a thin substrate" (the violin bow "drawn across the edge of the metal plate with sand on it ..." - above left); the figures appear initially as highly-ordered, basic symmetry patterns ... starting with circular, concentric structures (below) ....
"Chladni Figures" are not limited to sound ....
These fantastic, vibrational, geometric symmetries can ALSO be produced by electromagnetic excitation of "a standing-wave pattern in an electrified medium -- i.e. a plasma" ... like the Earth's ionosphere ... some ~50 miles up.
Or ... like a standing-wave pattern externally imposed upon a cloud of dispersed aerosols ... just like those that would be vented into space--
From "a spinning, failing rocket!"
Blue Spiral Over Norway Sky Anomaly, December 09, 2009 - Compare With Above Image...
In all the Norway Spiral images and eyewitness accounts, all the observers seem to have been universally awed by the Spiral itself ... yet, most completely ignored the blatantly visible "scattering envelope" (below) surrounding this precision geometric figure ... in which the Spiral geometry itself actually "appeared" ....
It is this obvious "surrounding medium" in which TWO "fluid spiral-wave patterns" were created--
The first:
By the simple hydrodynamic process of "a rapidly spinning, jetting fluid container ..." -- spraying its contents in an expanding circle ... into the hard vacuum existing above ~50 miles ....
Our "... leaking third-stage Russian missile 'bus!'"
Producing this amazing Norway image:
This face-on "spiral geometry" has, in fact (as the sceptics correctly insist ...), been seen before--
In the failures of other upper rocket stages, during some of their launches (below). Our first example (below - left) shows a 1989 Chinese missile fiasco "at altitude" -- that immediately created a dramatic "spinning pinwheel ...."
In the second example (above - right), the 2009 Norway Spiral itself appears in its "initial moments ..." -- looking, and acting, EXACTLY like its Chinese rocket counterpart from '89.
Reinforcing our analysis in Part II -- that, at this early phase in "the unfolding Norway phenomenon," the normal fluid disintegration of "a failing rocket" would create EXACTLY what was seen.
It abruptly turned to this (below)--

And, no, the dramatic difference is NOT caused by "differing photographic time-exposures" (as William C. Treurniet elegantly has comfirmed in his independent video analysis ... kindly called to my attention by Peter Gersten).
These two very different vibrational "modes," strikingly demonstrated in two comparison images (below) ... are due directly to "two distinct Spiral energy sources" ... arriving separately ... abruptly changing the original Archimedean spiral pattern of leaking fuel (below - left)--
This, of course, is one of the scenarios we directly outlined in Part I -- that, somehow, the Norwegian HAARP facility near Tromso called EISCAT (European Incoherent SCATter Facility ...) was, indeed, "involved" in the creation of The Spiral ....
Now we had direct evidence from within the Spiral itself, strongly indicating that some kind of "external energy-field" had, indeed, been exerted on the Russian's "bus'" escaping fuel; that, this "field-imprinting" had then immediately created a radically different, concentric, highly-ordered radial pattern ... compared to the previous fluid spiral--
An obvious, "resonant EM standing-wave ... strongly interacting with the fuel/plasma being released from the runaway Russian rocket ... creating a striking Chladni geometric pattern."
But, is there any direct evidence -- from the Norwegian HAARP itself -- that it could have been, indeed, involved in the generation of The Spiral ...?
A couple days after Part I was posted, I received an e-mail from David Wilcock; David had been working independently on his own extensive analysis of the Spiral (which eventually turned into an E-book -- which I have deliberately not read, so that our efforts and our conclusions are truly independent ...).
In the e-mail, David shared the fact that one of his "informants" had just located the daily "power-level logs" of the Tromso EISCAT facility (below).
Could I use the info?
Was he kidding?!
And, indeed, according to the published logs (above), the EISCAT facility was, indeed, radiating both VHF and UHF EM radiation ... THROUGHOUT this critical 7:45 AM Spiral "window" on December 9th ....
In fact, EISCAT was specifically scheduled to carry out a high-power ionosphere dual-frequency experiment ... at dawn ....
An experiment called, provocatively, "Tequila Sunrise."
From multiple sets of images, taken from multiple locations in northern Norway (below), Spell ultimately calculated his "best convergence estimate" of the Spiral's geographic location when it first appeared--
Over the eastern end of Russia's Kola Peninsula -- just north of the White Sea (below)--
As a cross check, repeated, independent sets of "location measurements" have been carried out over the past several weeks by Enterprise Associate, Greg Ahrens (with the invaluable assistence of Mike Blackburn, who supplied some of the key images and crucial information direct from Norway); again, within the errors inherent in these images, Ahrens' alignments nicely converge on the same Spiral locations (plus or minus ...) as Spell's measurements (below).
When perspective is rotated ~90 degrees, and these "best-estimate" locations over the Peninsula are plotted against time--
Another "impossible" fact about this entire baffling phenomenon is resoundingly confirmed:
Eyewitness reports that--
"The Spiral stood still!"
At the height of the events -- between 06:45 UTC and 06:50 UTC (below) -- according to these combined, independent measurements, the Spiral only moved laterally north (right to left) by ~20 miles!--
Essentially motionless ... exactly as reported by the witnesses!
Which, of course, is impossible--
For "a simple, malfunctioning third-stage rocket ... supposedly traveling ~9,000 miles per hour" at that point in its projected flight!
Our most dramatic evidence yet that "something," indeed -- a bona fide torsion weapons technology -- somehow"reached out" and literally grabbed the Russian rocket test that morning ... brought it (in seconds!) to a virtual halt ... in mid-flight ... and then forced it to literally "turn cartwheels in the sky, as seen from northern Norway ...."
Similar sets of quantative image measurements were what allowed Spell -- again, independently -- to carefully calculate just "how large" various elements of the Spiral were, as this amazing phenomenon unfolded ....
In Spell's own words:
"... we now account for the effects of the Earth's curvature, which becomes very significant over these large distances of sight. Projecting the line-of-site values downrange over an imaginary flat 2D surface, as was described above, the altitudes are taken perpendicular to the Earth's surface resulting in values A through E of 79, 107, 146, 160, and 166 miles (127, 172, 235, 257, and 267 km). Note that the typical orbit for the Space Shuttles is generally in the range from 186 to 242 miles (300 to 390 km) above the Earth, with the top of the dissipating spiral and void clearly into this range. These results [below] combined with the 2D path [above], thus defines the 3D trajectory of the center of the spiral ...."
HOW DOES H.A.A.R.P. Tie Into All Of This?
According to Spell's straightforward calculations, the Norway Spiral was somewhat less than 100 miles across ... when it first appeared (above). As it "died," it expanded rapidly to almost 400 miles across (above) ... the size of several major States!
Spell's own comparison is perhaps even more appropriatet:
" ... so in a sense this spiral can be likened to a hurricane ... projected vertically on its side [emphasis added] ...."
A vast, spiraling "hurricane" of--
Propagating torsion ....
On the official United States Naval Research Laboratory "HAARP site," computer simulations are presented for the electrical and magnetic interactions that HAARP's ionospheric heating pattern creates above Alaska -- in the electrified, ionospheric "plasma" above ~50 miles -- heating powered by the "megawatts of interfering RF beams" being radiated skyward from this type of HAARP antenna array (below)--
Which, if you examine it carefully (above - right) is also -- in direct contradiction to the widely-publicized "expert" opinion, that the Spiral was visible only because of pre-dawn sunlight -- in fact, this astonishing ~100-mile-wide apparition was obviously NOT being solely illuminated by the Sun!
The Spiral was also self-illuminated ... from the center outward (note the decreasing brightness ... and outwardly-facing shadows of successive "rings" ...): another confirmation of the high-energy "artificial optical emissions" created specifically by HAARP ... interacting with the escaping, sunlit fuel-turned-to-plasma from the disintegrating Russian missile ....
In a sense, then, BOTH "instant audience viewpoints" on this astonishing phenomenon -- that "it was only a Russian missile"; and that "it was a top-secret energy weapons test of HAARP" -- would seem to have been simultaneously correct!
It WAS the Russian missile, after all ...
With some "extraordinary help" from the Scandinavian "High Altitude Auroral Reseach Project" ....
Once you know what to look for, the evidence that HAARP -- for some reason ... and somehow (more on this below ...) -- "took control" of this Russian missile-test that December 9th pre-dawn ... is everywhere--
Like ... in the divergence angles of the puzzling "blue corkscrew" that emmenated from the face-on Spiral's Center; as can be measured in this Spiral image (below), the angular-increase-with-distance of this blue "corkscrew" corresponds exactly with the famed "inverse square law" of standard 3-space EM radiation -- providing additional support that "some kind of beaming technology" was, indeed, being applied to the "leaking and rotating Bulava third-stage fuel residue"--
Thus -- creating the precise, resonant Chaldni Pattern seen in the final phases of this spectacular "Event" (below) ....
NOTE TO READERS: To View Rest Of This Article, Please Access It Via The Following Link:
"IT'S A BEAM!!!" - And This Article (link below) Provides Veracious Evidence That Suggests The Blue Spiral Over Norway Was Indeed An EISCAT (HAARP-TYPE) BLACK OPS TEST - As I Have Been Previously Reporting On This Blog. This Spiral, and others like it around the world, are NOT "Evidence" Of The DNA-AWAKENED "NEW AGE" that is to come in 2012 - Let me repeat: These Spiral Sky Anomalies serve as evidence that ADVANCED TESLA TECHNOLOGY TESTING is going on all around the world - We Need To Wake Up To The Truth - And FAST!
A "Nobel Torsion Message" Over Norway? (Part 3)
I would like to thank the FB Friend who alerted me to this amazing expose on the Blue Spiral Over Norway. This is also a must-read for all you science-minded types. Skeptics also encouraged to take a look. I encourage you to consider the evidence presented with an open mind.
(Excerpts from article, below. Again, I encourage you to read the article in its entirety via the link posted above):
In the extended pre-dawn darkeness over Norway last December, as we have recounted in Parts I and II of this Report ... "something" truly amazing happened--
And reaction immediately divided into two totally opposing views:
Those who "bought" the official media story ... that "it was only another failed Russian missile test ..."--
And then ... those who thought "it just might be something else this time ...."
As we have shown previously, there can be little doubt at this point that a Russian rocket was involved.
The conclusion that everyone has jumped to -- with the striking exception of the Russians themselves -- that, somehow, the Russians caused The Spiral--
Well, that's a "leap too far" ....
We can now report, based on analysis of the extensive imaging evidence reported via the Norwegian press, that The Norway Spiral was NOT primarily caused by "a failed Russian missile test ...."
The failed Russian rocket could, in fact, have been caused by whatever forces "created the Norway Spiral ...." The scientific evidence behind this growing set of suspicions -- that the Spiral somehow caused the Russian missile to fail -- lies in the extraordinary geometric structure that Enterprise has discovered within the too-perfect, too-concentric "shell-like rings" ... making up the Spiral (below)--
This section of our on-going analysis will describe precisely "how."
Chladni Figures (or the more modern term "Cymatic Patterns" - above) are two-dimensional geometric shapes, produced (in a laboratory setting) by acoustic vibration of "fine material spread on a thin substrate" (the violin bow "drawn across the edge of the metal plate with sand on it ..." - above left); the figures appear initially as highly-ordered, basic symmetry patterns ... starting with circular, concentric structures (below) ....
"Chladni Figures" are not limited to sound ....
These fantastic, vibrational, geometric symmetries can ALSO be produced by electromagnetic excitation of "a standing-wave pattern in an electrified medium -- i.e. a plasma" ... like the Earth's ionosphere ... some ~50 miles up.
Or ... like a standing-wave pattern externally imposed upon a cloud of dispersed aerosols ... just like those that would be vented into space--
From "a spinning, failing rocket!"
Blue Spiral Over Norway Sky Anomaly, December 09, 2009 - Compare With Above Image...
In all the Norway Spiral images and eyewitness accounts, all the observers seem to have been universally awed by the Spiral itself ... yet, most completely ignored the blatantly visible "scattering envelope" (below) surrounding this precision geometric figure ... in which the Spiral geometry itself actually "appeared" ....
It is this obvious "surrounding medium" in which TWO "fluid spiral-wave patterns" were created--
The first:
By the simple hydrodynamic process of "a rapidly spinning, jetting fluid container ..." -- spraying its contents in an expanding circle ... into the hard vacuum existing above ~50 miles ....
Our "... leaking third-stage Russian missile 'bus!'"
Producing this amazing Norway image:
This face-on "spiral geometry" has, in fact (as the sceptics correctly insist ...), been seen before--
In the failures of other upper rocket stages, during some of their launches (below). Our first example (below - left) shows a 1989 Chinese missile fiasco "at altitude" -- that immediately created a dramatic "spinning pinwheel ...."
In the second example (above - right), the 2009 Norway Spiral itself appears in its "initial moments ..." -- looking, and acting, EXACTLY like its Chinese rocket counterpart from '89.
Reinforcing our analysis in Part II -- that, at this early phase in "the unfolding Norway phenomenon," the normal fluid disintegration of "a failing rocket" would create EXACTLY what was seen.
It abruptly turned to this (below)--
And, no, the dramatic difference is NOT caused by "differing photographic time-exposures" (as William C. Treurniet elegantly has comfirmed in his independent video analysis ... kindly called to my attention by Peter Gersten).
These two very different vibrational "modes," strikingly demonstrated in two comparison images (below) ... are due directly to "two distinct Spiral energy sources" ... arriving separately ... abruptly changing the original Archimedean spiral pattern of leaking fuel (below - left)--
This, of course, is one of the scenarios we directly outlined in Part I -- that, somehow, the Norwegian HAARP facility near Tromso called EISCAT (European Incoherent SCATter Facility ...) was, indeed, "involved" in the creation of The Spiral ....
Now we had direct evidence from within the Spiral itself, strongly indicating that some kind of "external energy-field" had, indeed, been exerted on the Russian's "bus'" escaping fuel; that, this "field-imprinting" had then immediately created a radically different, concentric, highly-ordered radial pattern ... compared to the previous fluid spiral--
An obvious, "resonant EM standing-wave ... strongly interacting with the fuel/plasma being released from the runaway Russian rocket ... creating a striking Chladni geometric pattern."
But, is there any direct evidence -- from the Norwegian HAARP itself -- that it could have been, indeed, involved in the generation of The Spiral ...?
A couple days after Part I was posted, I received an e-mail from David Wilcock; David had been working independently on his own extensive analysis of the Spiral (which eventually turned into an E-book -- which I have deliberately not read, so that our efforts and our conclusions are truly independent ...).
In the e-mail, David shared the fact that one of his "informants" had just located the daily "power-level logs" of the Tromso EISCAT facility (below).
Could I use the info?
Was he kidding?!
And, indeed, according to the published logs (above), the EISCAT facility was, indeed, radiating both VHF and UHF EM radiation ... THROUGHOUT this critical 7:45 AM Spiral "window" on December 9th ....
In fact, EISCAT was specifically scheduled to carry out a high-power ionosphere dual-frequency experiment ... at dawn ....
An experiment called, provocatively, "Tequila Sunrise."
From multiple sets of images, taken from multiple locations in northern Norway (below), Spell ultimately calculated his "best convergence estimate" of the Spiral's geographic location when it first appeared--
Over the eastern end of Russia's Kola Peninsula -- just north of the White Sea (below)--
As a cross check, repeated, independent sets of "location measurements" have been carried out over the past several weeks by Enterprise Associate, Greg Ahrens (with the invaluable assistence of Mike Blackburn, who supplied some of the key images and crucial information direct from Norway); again, within the errors inherent in these images, Ahrens' alignments nicely converge on the same Spiral locations (plus or minus ...) as Spell's measurements (below).
When perspective is rotated ~90 degrees, and these "best-estimate" locations over the Peninsula are plotted against time--
Another "impossible" fact about this entire baffling phenomenon is resoundingly confirmed:
Eyewitness reports that--
"The Spiral stood still!"
At the height of the events -- between 06:45 UTC and 06:50 UTC (below) -- according to these combined, independent measurements, the Spiral only moved laterally north (right to left) by ~20 miles!--
Essentially motionless ... exactly as reported by the witnesses!
Which, of course, is impossible--
For "a simple, malfunctioning third-stage rocket ... supposedly traveling ~9,000 miles per hour" at that point in its projected flight!
Our most dramatic evidence yet that "something," indeed -- a bona fide torsion weapons technology -- somehow"reached out" and literally grabbed the Russian rocket test that morning ... brought it (in seconds!) to a virtual halt ... in mid-flight ... and then forced it to literally "turn cartwheels in the sky, as seen from northern Norway ...."
Similar sets of quantative image measurements were what allowed Spell -- again, independently -- to carefully calculate just "how large" various elements of the Spiral were, as this amazing phenomenon unfolded ....
In Spell's own words:
"... we now account for the effects of the Earth's curvature, which becomes very significant over these large distances of sight. Projecting the line-of-site values downrange over an imaginary flat 2D surface, as was described above, the altitudes are taken perpendicular to the Earth's surface resulting in values A through E of 79, 107, 146, 160, and 166 miles (127, 172, 235, 257, and 267 km). Note that the typical orbit for the Space Shuttles is generally in the range from 186 to 242 miles (300 to 390 km) above the Earth, with the top of the dissipating spiral and void clearly into this range. These results [below] combined with the 2D path [above], thus defines the 3D trajectory of the center of the spiral ...."
HOW DOES H.A.A.R.P. Tie Into All Of This?
According to Spell's straightforward calculations, the Norway Spiral was somewhat less than 100 miles across ... when it first appeared (above). As it "died," it expanded rapidly to almost 400 miles across (above) ... the size of several major States!
Spell's own comparison is perhaps even more appropriatet:
" ... so in a sense this spiral can be likened to a hurricane ... projected vertically on its side [emphasis added] ...."
A vast, spiraling "hurricane" of--
Propagating torsion ....
On the official United States Naval Research Laboratory "HAARP site," computer simulations are presented for the electrical and magnetic interactions that HAARP's ionospheric heating pattern creates above Alaska -- in the electrified, ionospheric "plasma" above ~50 miles -- heating powered by the "megawatts of interfering RF beams" being radiated skyward from this type of HAARP antenna array (below)--
Which, if you examine it carefully (above - right) is also -- in direct contradiction to the widely-publicized "expert" opinion, that the Spiral was visible only because of pre-dawn sunlight -- in fact, this astonishing ~100-mile-wide apparition was obviously NOT being solely illuminated by the Sun!
The Spiral was also self-illuminated ... from the center outward (note the decreasing brightness ... and outwardly-facing shadows of successive "rings" ...): another confirmation of the high-energy "artificial optical emissions" created specifically by HAARP ... interacting with the escaping, sunlit fuel-turned-to-plasma from the disintegrating Russian missile ....
In a sense, then, BOTH "instant audience viewpoints" on this astonishing phenomenon -- that "it was only a Russian missile"; and that "it was a top-secret energy weapons test of HAARP" -- would seem to have been simultaneously correct!
It WAS the Russian missile, after all ...
With some "extraordinary help" from the Scandinavian "High Altitude Auroral Reseach Project" ....
Once you know what to look for, the evidence that HAARP -- for some reason ... and somehow (more on this below ...) -- "took control" of this Russian missile-test that December 9th pre-dawn ... is everywhere--
Like ... in the divergence angles of the puzzling "blue corkscrew" that emmenated from the face-on Spiral's Center; as can be measured in this Spiral image (below), the angular-increase-with-distance of this blue "corkscrew" corresponds exactly with the famed "inverse square law" of standard 3-space EM radiation -- providing additional support that "some kind of beaming technology" was, indeed, being applied to the "leaking and rotating Bulava third-stage fuel residue"--
Thus -- creating the precise, resonant Chaldni Pattern seen in the final phases of this spectacular "Event" (below) ....
NOTE TO READERS: To View Rest Of This Article, Please Access It Via The Following Link:
Black Ops,
Blue Spiral Over Norway,
December 2009,
Norway Spiral,
Russian Missle,
Tequila Sunrise,
Tesla Technology,
Monday, May 23, 2011
To visit this blog's homepage, go to:
NEW LINK ADDED May 26, 2011:
The article below has been expanded - I encourage you to go check it out when you can:
For you science-minded and rightfully skeptic types: I have added this link which offers veracious data confirming my postulation that the Blue Spiral Over Norway was an EISCAT (Norway) black ops test. This "test" also apparently resulted in a Russian Missile interception, resulting in the "too perfect" Blue Spiral seen in Norway December 09, 2009. What most intrigues me is that Russia KNEW that Norway EISCAT downed their missile - but they did not acknowledge this. WHY NOT? This makes me wonder if Norway and Russia were engaged in a cooperative "friendly" test - Perhaps with the silent approval of other Nations "in the know"; or, perhaps with the approval of "shadowy government". I will soon be devoting an entire post to the fascinating data presented via the following link, and I plan to further research Russia's mysterious silence about Norway EISCAT's intercepting their missile as well, as I find this simply baffling:
Or, go here:
If you agree with me, then I suggest you go to the first link, below, to read about the kind of secret, shadowy "black ops" testing going on all around the world, resulting in Sky Anomalies of various kinds (See "Sky Anomaly" Page to the left of this blog). This link covers the December 09, 2009 Sky Anomaly, the "Blue Spiral Over Norway". It seems that at the exact same time that this spiral was witnessed by hundreds, even thousands, the Norway EISCAT facility was conducting a test which they called "Tequila Sunrise." This information was made available on the Norway EISCAT's own website. Yet I could find not ONE reporter or news person or media outlet revealing this test to the public at that time. What I DID hear a lot of people discuss within New Age circles was the possibility that this blue spiral, and others like it seen recently around the world, were signs of the 5th Dimension that is supposedly to manifest in 2012, ushering us into a shiny new world that glows with the reflections of our awakened DNA. I heard this from people like David Sereda and other public figures who identify with his 2012 End Time Prophecy. Sadly, when it comes to these mysterious spirals, those New Age people are dangerously wrong.
See for yourself - The documentation from Norway's EISCAT website is presented on the first video of the link:
The time has come for us ALL to wake up to the truth that is unfolding all around us. The truth of Advanced Tesla Technology, and the presence of HAARP/EISCAT-type facilities all around the world, which you can see clearly for yourself in the two videos posted on this link.
Educate Yourself on Advanced Tesla Technology with this FREE VIDEO: "Holes In Heaven" - Narrated by Actor Martin Sheen
NEW LINK ADDED May 26, 2011:
The article below has been expanded - I encourage you to go check it out when you can:
For you science-minded and rightfully skeptic types: I have added this link which offers veracious data confirming my postulation that the Blue Spiral Over Norway was an EISCAT (Norway) black ops test. This "test" also apparently resulted in a Russian Missile interception, resulting in the "too perfect" Blue Spiral seen in Norway December 09, 2009. What most intrigues me is that Russia KNEW that Norway EISCAT downed their missile - but they did not acknowledge this. WHY NOT? This makes me wonder if Norway and Russia were engaged in a cooperative "friendly" test - Perhaps with the silent approval of other Nations "in the know"; or, perhaps with the approval of "shadowy government". I will soon be devoting an entire post to the fascinating data presented via the following link, and I plan to further research Russia's mysterious silence about Norway EISCAT's intercepting their missile as well, as I find this simply baffling:
Or, go here:
If you agree with me, then I suggest you go to the first link, below, to read about the kind of secret, shadowy "black ops" testing going on all around the world, resulting in Sky Anomalies of various kinds (See "Sky Anomaly" Page to the left of this blog). This link covers the December 09, 2009 Sky Anomaly, the "Blue Spiral Over Norway". It seems that at the exact same time that this spiral was witnessed by hundreds, even thousands, the Norway EISCAT facility was conducting a test which they called "Tequila Sunrise." This information was made available on the Norway EISCAT's own website. Yet I could find not ONE reporter or news person or media outlet revealing this test to the public at that time. What I DID hear a lot of people discuss within New Age circles was the possibility that this blue spiral, and others like it seen recently around the world, were signs of the 5th Dimension that is supposedly to manifest in 2012, ushering us into a shiny new world that glows with the reflections of our awakened DNA. I heard this from people like David Sereda and other public figures who identify with his 2012 End Time Prophecy. Sadly, when it comes to these mysterious spirals, those New Age people are dangerously wrong.
See for yourself - The documentation from Norway's EISCAT website is presented on the first video of the link:
The time has come for us ALL to wake up to the truth that is unfolding all around us. The truth of Advanced Tesla Technology, and the presence of HAARP/EISCAT-type facilities all around the world, which you can see clearly for yourself in the two videos posted on this link.
Educate Yourself on Advanced Tesla Technology with this FREE VIDEO: "Holes In Heaven" - Narrated by Actor Martin Sheen
Sunday, May 22, 2011
AMERICA's CORN BELT UNDER ATTACK - Dutchsinse CORRECT AGAIN With His SEVERE WEATHER Predictions Using HAARP RINGS: And Now Many People In Joplin, MO Are Dead!
Some of you may be asking, "What is HAARP? How could it control and manipulate the weather and cause tornadoes and hurricanes? I encourage you to watch this short video to learn about H.A.A.R.P. technology and what it is capable of to get your questions answered. Then share it with everyone you know. We all need to wake up to the deadly reality of H.A.A.R.P. And we need to wake up NOW. Before it is too late.
NOTE TO READERS: No, Dutchsinse did NOT remove his videos. He is being CENSORED by Youtube once again. I guess the fact that he accurately predicted Severe Weather 24 hours BEFORE it occurred, this time in regard to the devastating tornado in Joplin, MO, where at least 116 people have died, was just a bit too threatening for whoever is really controlling our information centers - including online.
For those of you who want to understand the technology that creates "HAARP Rings", please watch this short video by Dutchsinse - He references a Geophysical Research Letter that helps to explain the technology. Also, it is important to note that Navy Radar Stations, Airport Radar, and other Radar facilities all may be "co-opted" in conjunction with HAARP waves - Something that HAARP-Ring debunkers refuse to realize, acknowledge, or accept, despite the evidence offered suggesting this:
Could HAARP be using weather weaponry to destroy our land? And our rural, farming communities in particular? I myself am beginning to think this may be the case. And Dutchsinse's stunning predictive capabilities (he had 100% accuracy in April 2011, for example) only further supports my growing sense that something truly terrible is going on in America, and possibly around the world, at this time.
Why might our country's, and possibly the world's, farmlands be targeted by direct energy weapons like HAARP? Read this article written by Dr. Richard Lee, entitled 'Food As A Weapon', to learn more about why this might be going on. Later I will dedicate an entire post to this very subject.
Go to this first link to see an article which suggests that the storm warnings from weather professionals in the media "paled" in comparison to the actual devastating impact of the twister that hit. Well, Dutchsinse DID try to accurately warn people of what was to come. Just as he has been doing for months - Lately, with 100% accuracy! He could see the HAARP rings and he knew that the weather patterns were AGAIN being intentionally manipulated by HAARP. But "they" don't want you to know about that. See for yourself, here:
As you just read, forecasters were able to give a "20 minute warning" prior to the tornado hitting. Dutchsinse gave the same warning 24 HOURS in advance, using HAARP Ring indicators. So, although the first Youtube link below from Dutchsinse confirming his accurate prediction regarding Joplin, MO, worked last night, it does not work now. The second Youtube video, below, regarding a past prediction Dutchsinse accurately made in April does still work - And I recommend that you watch that quickly, while you can. I also strongly encourage you all to go to his website (via these first two links, below) to learn how you can access the following links, and to understand his ability to predict severe weather using HAARP Rings visible on the United States Intellicast Radar System:
Dutchsinse and Severe Weather Predictions: PROOF He Is Horrifyingly Accurate Using HAARP RIngs on Intellicast
1) May 22, 2011: 116 people now confirmed dead - Dutchsinse used HAARP Rings to predict that the town of Joplin, MO, and MANY other towns would be hit by severe weather - AND THEY WERE.
2) Dutchsinse is again blazingly accurate with his April predictions - Truly Scary Stuff:
Now, watch the CNN report - The towns indeed got hit (scroll down to last link on the page)!!!
NEW LINK ADDED: "Owning The Weather in 2025": You all might be interested in reading this Air Force Document (link above) entitled "Owning The Weather in 2025". This is a 1996 study designed to comply with a directive from the chief of staff of the Air Force to examine the concepts, capabilities, and technologies the United States will require to remain the dominant air and space force in the future. Presented on 17 June 1996, this report was produced in the Department of Defense school environment of academic freedom and in the interest of advancing concepts related to national defense. The views expressed in this report are those of the authors and do not reflect the official policy or position of the United States Air Force, Department of Defense, or the United States government. This report contains fictional representations of future situations/scenarios. Any similarities to real people or events, other than those specifically cited, are unintentional and are for purposes of illustration only. This publication has been reviewed by security and policy review authorities, is unclassified, and is cleared for public release. (I will dedicate an entire post to this document soon - RM)
NOTE TO READERS: No, Dutchsinse did NOT remove his videos. He is being CENSORED by Youtube once again. I guess the fact that he accurately predicted Severe Weather 24 hours BEFORE it occurred, this time in regard to the devastating tornado in Joplin, MO, where at least 116 people have died, was just a bit too threatening for whoever is really controlling our information centers - including online.
For those of you who want to understand the technology that creates "HAARP Rings", please watch this short video by Dutchsinse - He references a Geophysical Research Letter that helps to explain the technology. Also, it is important to note that Navy Radar Stations, Airport Radar, and other Radar facilities all may be "co-opted" in conjunction with HAARP waves - Something that HAARP-Ring debunkers refuse to realize, acknowledge, or accept, despite the evidence offered suggesting this:
Could HAARP be using weather weaponry to destroy our land? And our rural, farming communities in particular? I myself am beginning to think this may be the case. And Dutchsinse's stunning predictive capabilities (he had 100% accuracy in April 2011, for example) only further supports my growing sense that something truly terrible is going on in America, and possibly around the world, at this time.
Why might our country's, and possibly the world's, farmlands be targeted by direct energy weapons like HAARP? Read this article written by Dr. Richard Lee, entitled 'Food As A Weapon', to learn more about why this might be going on. Later I will dedicate an entire post to this very subject.
Go to this first link to see an article which suggests that the storm warnings from weather professionals in the media "paled" in comparison to the actual devastating impact of the twister that hit. Well, Dutchsinse DID try to accurately warn people of what was to come. Just as he has been doing for months - Lately, with 100% accuracy! He could see the HAARP rings and he knew that the weather patterns were AGAIN being intentionally manipulated by HAARP. But "they" don't want you to know about that. See for yourself, here:
As you just read, forecasters were able to give a "20 minute warning" prior to the tornado hitting. Dutchsinse gave the same warning 24 HOURS in advance, using HAARP Ring indicators. So, although the first Youtube link below from Dutchsinse confirming his accurate prediction regarding Joplin, MO, worked last night, it does not work now. The second Youtube video, below, regarding a past prediction Dutchsinse accurately made in April does still work - And I recommend that you watch that quickly, while you can. I also strongly encourage you all to go to his website (via these first two links, below) to learn how you can access the following links, and to understand his ability to predict severe weather using HAARP Rings visible on the United States Intellicast Radar System:
Dutchsinse and Severe Weather Predictions: PROOF He Is Horrifyingly Accurate Using HAARP RIngs on Intellicast
1) May 22, 2011: 116 people now confirmed dead - Dutchsinse used HAARP Rings to predict that the town of Joplin, MO, and MANY other towns would be hit by severe weather - AND THEY WERE.
2) Dutchsinse is again blazingly accurate with his April predictions - Truly Scary Stuff:
Now, watch the CNN report - The towns indeed got hit (scroll down to last link on the page)!!!
NEW LINK ADDED: "Owning The Weather in 2025": You all might be interested in reading this Air Force Document (link above) entitled "Owning The Weather in 2025". This is a 1996 study designed to comply with a directive from the chief of staff of the Air Force to examine the concepts, capabilities, and technologies the United States will require to remain the dominant air and space force in the future. Presented on 17 June 1996, this report was produced in the Department of Defense school environment of academic freedom and in the interest of advancing concepts related to national defense. The views expressed in this report are those of the authors and do not reflect the official policy or position of the United States Air Force, Department of Defense, or the United States government. This report contains fictional representations of future situations/scenarios. Any similarities to real people or events, other than those specifically cited, are unintentional and are for purposes of illustration only. This publication has been reviewed by security and policy review authorities, is unclassified, and is cleared for public release. (I will dedicate an entire post to this document soon - RM)
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